To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles, please see this how-to page. [372] It was also the world's first country to develop civilian nuclear power, and to construct the world's first nuclear power plant. .) [443][444] According to the United Nations, Russia's immigrant population is the world's third-largest, numbering over 11.6 million;[445] most of which are from post-Soviet states, mainly Ukrainians. [citation needed], In addition to the modern Russian alphabet, Unicode (and thus UTF-8) encodes the Early Cyrillic alphabet (which is very similar to the Greek alphabet), and all other Slavic and non-Slavic but Cyrillic-based alphabets. Russian is written using a Cyrillic alphabet. Ultimately, by the end of the 16th century, Russia expanded east of the Ural Mountains. BBC. Rus' ultimately disintegrated, with the Grand Duchy of Moscow growing to become the Tsardom of Russia. [142] However, at the expense of a large sacrifice, the Soviet Union emerged as a global superpower. [citation needed], Dialectal differentiation accelerated after the breakup of Kievan Rus' in approximately 1100. [429], Russia is one of the world's most sparsely populated and urbanised countries,[7] with the vast majority of its population concentrated within its western part. State-run Channel One and Russia-1 are the leading news channels, while RT is the flagship of Russia's international media operations. The vocabulary (mainly abstract and literary words), principles of word formations, and, to some extent, inflections and literary style of Russian have been also influenced by Church Slavonic, a developed and partly Russified form of the South Slavic Old Church Slavonic language used by the Russian Orthodox Church. Winter precipitation in most parts of the country usually falls as snow. [237] Russia had a Forest Landscape Integrity Index mean score of 9.02 in 2019, ranking 10th out of 172 countries; and the first ranked major nation globally. [67] In 1572, an invading army of Crimean Tatars were thoroughly defeated in the crucial Battle of Molodi. 2010 . [81] Catherine's successor, her son Paul, was unstable and focused predominantly on domestic issues. Ivan Goncharov is remembered mainly for his novel Oblomov. A large part of the population, especially the older generations, can speak Russian as a foreign language. [30] Russian is one of two official languages aboard the International Space Station,[31] as well as one of the six official languages of the United Nations.[32]. As Russia's invasion of Ukraine enters its 11th month, US and Ukrainian officials tell CNN that Russia's artillery fire is down dramatically from its wartime high, in some places by as much as 75%. [f][211] Russia lies between latitudes 41 and 82 N, and longitudes 19 E and 169 W, extending some 9,000km (5,600mi) east to west, and 2,500 to 4,000km (1,600 to 2,500mi) north to south. Constitution of the Russian Federation", "Article 17. [529][530] The Russian avant-garde flourished from approximately 1890 to 1930; and globally influential artists from this era were El Lissitzky,[531] Kazimir Malevich, Natalia Goncharova, Wassily Kandinsky, and Marc Chagall. BBC. Can Russians from different locations of the country understand each other? [497][498] The Russians have also greatly influenced classical music,[499] ballet,[500] sport,[501] painting,[502] and cinema. In a statement, the military said the soldiers "went together to Hell" after they were struck by missiles. [85] In 18031806, the first Russian circumnavigation was made. [138] The Soviet Union, along with the United States, the United Kingdom and China were considered the Big Four of Allied powers in World War II, and later became the Four Policemen, which was the foundation of the United Nations Security Council. The Russian perspective. [396] Vladimir Vernadsky is considered one of the founders of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and radiogeology. Bread, of many varieties,[594] is very popular across Russia. [132] Subsequently, the Germans were dealt major defeats first at the Battle of Stalingrad in the winter of 19421943,[133] and then in the Battle of Kursk in the summer of 1943. [567] Romanticism permitted a flowering of poetic talent: Vasily Zhukovsky and later his protg Alexander Pushkin came to the fore. [354] Russia's inland waterways are the world's longest, and total 102,000km (63,380mi). [482] The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation oversees the Russian public healthcare system, and the sector employs more than two million people. [61], In Moldova, Russian is considered to be the language of inter-ethnic communication under a Soviet-era law. [276][277] Relations between Russia and China have significantly strengthened bilaterally and economically; due to shared political interests. Its population of about 141.7 million includes well over 100 ethnic groups, though the majority are ethnic Russians. "We also have to understand that it's extraordinarily threatening to Russia to have such a big military alliance that's armed to the teeth so close to the Russian border [editor's note: if NATO were to expand]." Earlier, Crump illustrated the Russian perspective on the radio show Nieuwsweekend (5 February). [501] Russia is the leading nation in rhythmic gymnastics; and Russian synchronised swimming is considered to be the world's best. WebRussian ( s) refers to anything related to Russia, including: Russians ( , russkiye ), an ethnic group of the East Slavic peoples, primarily living in Russia and neighboring countries. However, the East Slavic forms have tended to be used exclusively in the various dialects that are experiencing a rapid decline. Also, the second palatalization of velars did not occur there, so the so-called (from the Proto-Slavic diphthong *ai) did not cause /k, , x/ to shift to /ts, dz, s/; therefore, where Standard Russian has ('chain'), the form [kep] is attested in earlier texts. Also, Russian has notable lexical similarities with Bulgarian due to a common Church Slavonic influence on both languages, but because of later interaction in the 19th and 20th centuries, Bulgarian grammar differs markedly from Russian. [223] The Volga in western Russia, widely regarded as Russia's national river, is the longest river in Europe; and forms the Volga Delta, the largest river delta in the continent. [47] After them came the Pechenegs who created a large confederacy, which was subsequently taken over by the Cumans and the Kipchaks. [44] Galicia-Volhynia in the southwest would inherit the territory of Kiev and be absorbed by Lithuania and Poland in the mid-fourteenth century, the Novgorod Republic prospered in the north, and on the northeastern periphery Vladimir-Suzdal established traditions under Mongol vassalage that would form the autocratic Russian state. [166] Many of the newly rich moved billions in cash and assets outside of the country in an enormous capital flight. So, (tsaplya, 'heron') has been recorded as (chaplya). [137], The 19411945 period of World WarII is known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War. Ukraine sent more than 100 Russian soldiers 'to Hell' in a coordinated strike on the frontlines in the battle for the control of Soledar, its military has claimed.. [497] It can be traced to the Middle Ages, when epics and chronicles in Old East Slavic were composed. Its population of about 141.7 million includes well over 100 ethnic groups, though the majority are ethnic Russians. [citation needed]. The French invasion of Russia at the height of Napoleon's power in 1812 reached Moscow, but eventually failed miserably as the obstinate resistance in combination with the bitterly cold Russian winter led to a disastrous defeat of invaders, in which the pan-European Grande Arme faced utter destruction. [50], In Belarus, Russian is a second state language alongside Belarusian per the Constitution of Belarus. Among the best known are violinists David Oistrakh and Gidon Kremer,[550][551] cellist Mstislav Rostropovich,[552] pianists Vladimir Horowitz,[553] Sviatoslav Richter,[554] and Emil Gilels,[555] and vocalist Galina Vishnevskaya. Depends who you ask", "The Decembrists: Russia's First Revolutionaries", Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, "Triple Alliance and Triple Entente, 19021914", "From Tsar to U.S.S.R.: Russia's Chaotic Year of Revolution", "How the Red Terror set a macabre course for the Soviet Union", "Russian Civil War Casualties and consequences of the war", American Academy of Political and Social Science, "Famine in Russia: the hidden horrors of 1921", "Socialism in One Country: A Study of Pragmatism and Ideology in the Soviet 1920s", "The Soviet victory in the Battle of Berlin finished Nazi Germany", "Russia's Monumental Tributes To The 'Great Patriotic War', "The Soviet Union after 1945: Economic Recovery and Political Repression", "Potsdam and the Origins of the Cold War", "To the Brink: Turkish and Cuban Missiles during the Height of the Cold War", "Yuri Gagarin: the spaceman who came in from the cold", "Nationalism and the Collapse of Soviet Communism", "Independence for Baltic States: Freedom: Moscow formally recognizes Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, ending half a century of control. [385] Since 1904, Nobel Prize were awarded to 26 Soviets and Russians in physics, chemistry, medicine, economy, literature and peace. [51] Russian is the language of 9% of the population according to the World Factbook. [501] Bandy is Russia's national sport, and it has historically been the highest-achieving country in the sport. [184] High oil prices and a rise in foreign investment saw the Russian economy and living standards improve significantly. O'Brien, New EnglishRussian and RussianEnglish Dictionary (New Orthography), New York, The Language Library 1944, Dover Publications. However, the peasants' speech was never systematically studied, as it was generally regarded by philologists as simply a source of folklore and an object of curiosity. While /ts, k, , x/ do have true palatalized allophones [ts, k, , x], only /k/ might be considered a phoneme, though it is marginal and generally not considered distinctive. With the onset of the Cold War, it competed with the United States for global ideological influence; the Soviet era of the 20th century saw some of the most significant Russian technological achievements, including the first human-made satellite and the first human expedition into outer space. [5], Russia has an adult literacy rate of 100%,[472] and has compulsory education for a duration of 11 years, exclusively for children aged 7 to 1718. .: , 1987. ", "Russian forest sequesters substantially more carbon than previously reported", "Look Inside Russia's Wildest Nature ReservesNow Turning 100", "Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity Supplementary Material", "Asymmetric Federalism in Russia: Cure or Poison? Each is nominally autonomoushome to a specific. [citation needed]. Besides Russia itself, Russian is an official language in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, and is used widely as a lingua franca throughout Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and to some extent in the Baltic states. [37] Remnants of these steppe civilizations were discovered in places such as Ipatovo,[37] Sintashta,[38] Arkaim,[39] and Pazyryk,[40] which bear the earliest known traces of horses in warfare. [98], In 1914, Russia entered World WarI in response to Austria-Hungary's declaration of war on Russia's ally Serbia,[99] and fought across multiple fronts while isolated from its Triple Entente allies. In the 19th, Vladimir Dal compiled the first dictionary that included dialectal vocabulary. According to the United States Census, in 2007 Russian was the primary language spoken in the homes of over 850,000 individuals living in the United States. It arose in the beginning of the 18th century with the modernization reforms of the Russian state under the rule of Peter the Great and developed from the Moscow (Middle or Central Russian) dialect substratum under the influence of some of the previous century's Russian chancery language. [503] The comedies of Eldar Ryazanov and Leonid Gaidai of that time were immensely popular, with many of the catchphrases still in use today. [131]:175186 Although the Wehrmacht had considerable early success, their attack was halted in the Battle of Moscow. [473] Regional authorities regulate education within their jurisdictions within the prevailing framework of federal laws.