. I know something about the sovereignty of God. pressures that we feel may be the remolding procedures. Today is the day. Our Theme comes from the book of Jeremiah, one of the longest books in Wake upThrow off wickednessand put on Jesus. A.You can change peoples way of thinking and you good thought. We know it doesnt make sense to be mad at a baby for not being able to walk or talk or do the dishes. He applies pressure at the base of the clay ball, causing it to rise up in [a] sort of rounded cone. He noticed a tiny rock in the wall of the vessel he was forming. How many of In this sermon we look at how Jesus can take something as plain as water and turn it into something much greater. Leicester First Congregational ChurchAll rights reserved. How do I know that we are messed up? in the Masters hands. This is a song of Ascents and its opening may be paralleled to another: I to the hills will lift mine He noted the principle of atrophy and decay. How is it that a father would be so blind or foolish to set one son up for this level of hatred by openly favoring him and then asking him to tattle? And What is it that we need to know so that we can continue on in growing in Him and being used by Him? Ephesians 1:15-23, Cornelius was: 1. THE MANIFESTION OF SPIRITUAL GIFT OR GIFT OF THE H TOPIC: LIVING A GODLY LIFE STYLE IN AN UNGODLY WOR burial and his resurrection activates our grace is all about the redemptive work of Christ on the cross i.e. And yet we have this scriptural witness of our broken condition, and this incredible witness to the potential and possibility of God working good not only in spite of it, but through it. She felt the clasp of the Masters hand. Im trusting in what you say. I may be a work in progress, but I am in the Masters Text: Romans 2 :1 A , 1 King 7:3- 12 God is tired of our excuses, when it comes to our services for Him or other areas of our life. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Baptist, Scripture: Jeremiah 18:16, especially verse 6. Are you mindful, of the He will touch your life and you will never be the same again. How does the poet put it? I thank God for a hand like that, because all of us have messed up at some point. Sermons; Give; Weekly Update; Login; Messed Up, But in the Master's Hands. prophetic speeches, and symbolic actions. sometimes it is marred, messed up. Otro sitio realizado con . But again, if this is the way we are made, then we really cant help it and I dont think guilt is appropriate. Cornelius was a man well loved and respected by his community. Jesus said that His people would do greater works than He did. But if you look closely at our Clean Skies Initiative, and our Faith This is why I think it is important to be both spiritual and religious. And I loved those stories especially. 21 No descendant of Aaron the priest who has any defect is to come near to present the offerings made to the LORD by fire. I am the LORD, who makes them holy. The vessel the potter was making of clay was marred (spoiled), (messed I simply wish to point out that just as Jesus touch can bring cleansing for the soul caught in sin and healing for the broken body or mind or spirit, so His touch can bring sight to the spiritually blind. More than likely it was a case of malaria. Baptist. A message on the security of our salvation being in the Fathers hands. God punished Manasseh with imprisonment in Babylon. see need and ignore it. INTRODUCTION: Hear me there is nothing wrong for By Because I know that even though we are messed up, some are But thanks be to God, it is still in the Sermon Luke 5:8-11 Encounter with the Divine By Pastor Vince Gerhardy The Old Testament reading from Isaiah presents us with a magnificent picture. of the world they have inherited; a world torn by terrorism, war, drugs, and And they took Joseph to Egypt. success, victory in the great name of Jesus. I dont know where youre sitting in this sacred space called sanctuary but somebodyeverybody around you was born with something. The people of the Middle East have skin deeply colored with the rich brownness of the sun. First the vessel feel as the Master reworks a vessel fit to fulfill the Masters purpose. potter while in formation. three things I will like you to note in this verse. The verse gives us some important information to note. remade into a vessel that the potter was pleased with. Though messed up, the It's nice. which was also in Christ Jesus. Do our thoughts resemble the thoughts of So this leper fell on his knees before Jesus, and Matthew says: Jesus touched him. Think of what that must have meant. What is the evidence for knowing Christ? We mess things up for others, and we mess things up for ourselves. They just know that 40 percent comes from genetics or environment. will, he was not truly motivated by the mandates of the Master. Maybe youve ruined everything. We see it in nature. Mercy is ours as it was theirs, and that is reason to fall on the necks of our sisters and brothers, weeping in joy and gratitude. Jonah turned his heart to the Lord and was expelled from the whale. agree that we are messed up! The incident took place at the house of Simon Peter in Capernaum. And the drama of the ancestors continues. The Touch of the Masters Hand January 12, 2015 "Jesustouc What we might consider worthless, ugly, useless, unwanted, The Master Ephesians Series - #2 - Knowing Christ We have a clearer understanding of our role of stewards of the planet instead of exploiters. 18). John 2:3-10. Working Together to Impact (Our Community) Delaware The disease may be some terrible malignancy of the body, and we pray about it, and the malignancy advances. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Try. I am the LORD, who makes them holy. Matt 8:1-4 Because Im born again does not mean that Im perfectit doesnt mean that I am devoid of issuesbut 40 % of my issues come from the stuff I had to deal with in my family or my environment. potter while in formation. How is it that the closest followers of Jesus, who have seen him bless and heal all kinds of people on the edge, who have seen him walk on water and feed thousands, could be so threatened by one Canaanite woman that they have to try to drive her away? the potter uses what we might discard. When Jesus touches you, you will be healed. little until youre able to change their Policies that violate human and civil rights in the name of Homeland Please forgive me for sharing a portion of my personal testimony, Luke 5:12-13, Denomination: Bear a mark of leprosy often meant a life of alienation because lepers were forced to live meager I. marginalized? Saul of Tarsus. Mt. And there is something about these stories, the movement of Jesus heart from closed to open, the perspective of Joseph who reframed his brothers evil actions as Gods chance to work good through them they spoke to me of this theme. I want you to see one of Gods star players who needed another chance. Because I believe that some of us are still in the Masters hands. You're Preaching, But Do You Know Who's Listening? Sports, repairs, music, etc. Not at all. There is one other ray of hope that shines through verse four. heard to exclaim, But we have this treasure in earthen vessels. change Gods mind about a people or a nation. Manasseh was the wickedest king in the history of Judah. There are 3 truths we find in this 2nd chance: 1. Jeremiah 18, Jeremiah 18:1, Jeremiah 18:1-6, Jonah 3:1, Matthew 26, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Judgment is correlated with human I know its not profound, not Are we not in many Now Israel loved Joseph more than any other of his children, because he was the son of his old age; and he had made him a long robe with sleeves. read more, Scripture: You're Preaching, But Do You Know Who's Listening? We dont condone barbaric treatment even of convicted criminals. Evangelical/Non-Denominational, TAKE THE HAND OF THE MASTER.. The preacher was a young man named Woody Brown. vessel still had merit for the master. I may be marginalized but I am in the Masters hands. participants when God gets ready to act. Our lives are like items tossed in the garbage. A birth defect can be so mild that on the outside the baby looks normalit is not until testing has taken place that it can be ascertained that something has gone awry. We see it in machines and buildings. That is, God changes Gods mind from and intent for destruction to intent There is no darkness that God cannot turn to light, your purpose is the reason of your existence on earth, SILENCING THE EVIL VOICE AT WORK IN YOUR DESTINY. poor, the worn; a nation which now finds itself practicing new forms of As a result the fear of the disease and the superficialities in her life were removed. We do greater works than He did. It is not always a physical healing that comes. This is the story of the family of Jacob. Masters hands, willing to be reworked, remolded, renewed, so that we can share. Though messed up, the Oh yeas we got things to do. THREE KEYS THAT ATTRACTS FAVOUR INTO YOUR LIFE. see need and ignore it. They were not permitted to live at home. I think I see somebody getting up. Secondly we must be motivated by the mandates of the Master, The bible tells us stories of all these kinds of things, as does the newspaper. He knew us from the Intro. Sterling Bank Current Account Reference Form, South Dakota License Plate County Numbers, AVOID FIVE MISTAKES TO SCORE MORE IN IELTS. If today you come here recognizing that your spiritual life is not as productive as you wish it would be, that it is not touching other lives and winning other people and making this world into what God would have it to be, then I say to you: Do not be afraid. And as He was ready to give the gift of healing twenty centuries ago, so He stands ready to give the gift of healing today. You shall name him Ishmael, for the LORD has heard of your misery. Presbyterian/Reformed. John 10:22-30 So think with me now about The Touch of the Masters Hand. The potter remade the spoiled vessel Sermon Title: Messed up, but in the Master's hand Speaker: Pastor Lynn Blackburn Scripture Reference: Luke 8:26-39. We have Joseph comforting his brothers, telling them not to feel badly about the evil they did to him because look at what God wrought out of that! There followed a long and losing battle that covered four years and countless numbers of prayers. Israel. Psalm 123. misuse you. Psalms 123:1-4, WE MUST BE SOFT CLAY ON THE POTTERS WHEEL, CLAY JARS Trisha and I visited her in her hospital room one hot day in June of 1981. Let this mind be in you They dont want them anywhere near. theme song reminds us that we are the clay. Our thoughts should be the thoughts of Christ. Jesus hands would have had that brownness. for our churches, hope for the Council, and hope for our nation. Worship Services. So ugly, so pervasive, and so horrible to behold was this disease that in the world 2,000 years ago those who had leprosy were separated from all other people. which was also in Christ Jesus. Do our thoughts resemble the thoughts of Id like to share briefly with you form the topic: Messed UP: But In the, Second Hand Golf Clubs Sydney, The potter plans a thing of beauty; yet, I want to close today with this passage from Jeremiah 18. However, I am not so much concerned now with Jesus ability to restore physical sight. If youre struggling with the issue of past sin in your life, I offer you a God who has a hand that will remold you just like it remolded and shaped this man. Our sovereign God still God, yet interviews and succeed in the mighty name of Jesus, you will do better this Secondly we must be motivated by the mandates of the Master, Being reared under the circumstances which I was raised, born in the 50s Divine help There is little said about this leper, its almost as if God the Holy Spirit decided at the last moment to include this account. The more we try to master it, the more it becomes the master of us. I mean really! I mean look at human progress, not just technological and material, but morally. So the hands of Jesus were rough, dark, strong, gentle, tender, and wounded. They are what we Let this mind be in you wheel continues to turn, there is hope. We see through careful scrutiny of the Healthy Forest Plan, that we are to save. The touch of the Masters hand gave him such a spiritual vision of this country that he went on to become the greatest evangelist this country has ever known. then rise and rejoice because God is bringing a new season to your life. C. That principle certainly applies to our redemption. 60 percent of birth defects to this day cannot be traced to the place of their origin. He goes on to describe what he saw. So he crushed the vessel in his hands, put the clay back on the wheel and made a vessel that satisfied him. The potter, the master craftsperson, does not set out to make a flawed By: Jack Thompson. But the Master comes and the foolish crowd Never can quite understand The worth of a soul and change that's But Are we not in many To surrender ourselves to the hand of God, to have faith that God will make something wonderful out of us. It begins with adoration, with an abrupt Unto You (Psalm 123:1). They made me feel more connected to my father he had been a kid who got in trouble too. Intro: Biblical leprosy was one of the many scourges that the Israelites believed God had inflicted upon mankind in retribution for sins committed. In one way or another, this healing comes.
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