The highest proportion of mud/earth use is in Bongo (97.3%) while the lowest is in Bolgatanga (81.6%). The traditional medical system can be grouped into four main types of specialities. The Mole-Dagbani ethnic group comprises the Moshi (Mossi), Mamprusi, Nanumba and Dagomba.There are more than 450,000 Mamprusi living in Ghana, and approximately 11,000 in Togo. Nowadays, however, it is performed by men dressed as women. Crude birth rates range from 22.5 live births per 1000 population in the Builsa to 46.6 births per 1000 in the Bongo, District. Three out of four working children (74%) are employed in the private informal sector. The majority of Ghanaians regard the traditional and modern medical systems as complementary and patronize both of them. This is because the upper half is underlain by granites and its subsidiary Birimian metamorphics as compared to the Voltaian mudstones and shales in the southern half of the region. In a polygamous family, one mans death results in more than one woman becoming a widow, whereas one wifes death in the same polygamous family does not result in a man reporting himself as widowed. Over-crowding is lower in Builsa compared to the region as a whole. Manufacturing, the second major industry, is lowest in Bawku West (4.0%) and highest in Bongo (26.4%). Migrants from Ashanti are also attracted to the same three districts. This, however, varies by age. The Upper East Region - Bolgatanga. Nationally the labour force aged 15-34 years shrank slightly from 63.7 per cent of the total labour force in 1984 to 61.1 per cent in 2000, while those aged 35-64 increased between 1984 and 2000. Among the Mole Dagbon, the major sub-groupings are the Namnam (30.5%), Kusasi (22.6%), Nankani- Gurense (9.2%) and Builsa (7.6%). The age-sex ratios remain low till age 40-44 years when the ratios pick up again. The lowest effective communication level (12.0%) is in Bawku West with 17.4 per cent for males and 8.2 per cent for females. East, the proportion is 68.2 per cent while it is 67.4 per cent in Bolgatanga and 64.2 per cent in Kassena-Nankana. About the same proportion of localities (25.1%) have the nearest post office being 30 kilometres or more away. The Ga-Adangbe tribe comprises several local language groups, including Ga, Ada, Adangbe, Kloli, and Krobo. Out of the regions total urban population, the largest proportion of 43.8 per cent is in Bawku East, followed by 34.1 per cent in Bolgatanga, 16.5 per cent in Kassena-Nankana and 5.6 per cent in Bawku West. There has been an improvement in school attendance in the region. These two regions account for only about a fourth (22.7%) of migrants from outside the region. Numerous ethnic groups and communities in the country are also present in the cultural field. The paper examines conflicts in Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana from the perspective of identity crisis in an ethnically heterogeneous section of the country. Less than a tenth (9.3%) of households occupying four sleeping rooms can be classified as over-crowded. The first three together make up 90.7 per cent of occupations at the regional level. A variety of factors can influence health services utilization and health outcomes. There is a great potential in the region for the large-scale production of rice especially in the now onchocerciasis (river blindness) free zone. Not literate English Ghanaian language Engilsh & Ghanaian OthersThe majority of the 54.1 per cent of Ghanas adult population, who are literate in at least one known and written language, have that ability in both English and a Ghanaian language. In terms of employment status, 60.2 per cent are self-employed without employees, 28.2 per cent are unpaid family workers and 4.7 per cent are domestic employees. Peace and security are prerequisites for effective implementation of AfCFTA Jospong Group Owes Success To God Dr Siaw Agyepong, PAC chases retired officers for repayment of embezzled funds, Over 300 students benefit from awareness on defilement and sexual abuse, Prof Ameyaw-Ekumfi assures of NPP recapturing Central Region in 2024, Lady with Cerebral Palsy appeals to universities to admit her, AngloGold Ashanti supports Ashanti South Regional Police Command with vehicle, Brock Royal Family Rescues New Mothers At Korle-Bu Labour Ward, Co-creating solutions through multi-sectoral approach for sustainable health financing in Ghana, BOST begins distributing exercise books to 19,000 students, pupils, Rockefeller Foundation, WFP Launch Initiative To Strengthen School Meals For Children. The 2000 census data confirms that accessibility remains a problem. It shares boundaries with Bolgatanga community to the South West, Burkina Faso to the North, Nabdam district to the South East, and Kassena-Nankana East community to the West. The remaining categories are in the others category. The Ashanti Region - Kumasi. Bongo is a more compact district, in terms of land area, than Bolgatanga. Their concentration is above the regional percentage share in only two districts, (Builsa, 3.9% and Bolgatanga, 1.7%). This trend has serious implications for socio-economic planning. Although the information on school attendance was collected for everybody aged 3 years or older, official school entry age in the country is 6 years. Almost all households in the region (97.5 percent) have some cooking space within the premises of the housing unit. First, the people should be educated on the need to send the girl-child to school and have her retained for a better future for the girl, the parents and the entire society. Economically active population (aged 15 years and older). For the region as a whole, the proportion of females professing the Christian faith (54.3%) is larger than for males. Hardness of water is prevalent in Bawku West and East districts. Construction materials It also shares boundaries to the East by the Binduri district and the South by East Mamprusi community. The use of mud/mud brick/earth as main material of outer wall reflects the adaptation of the population to the hot environment, and it also the result of availability and cost of these local materials. Twice as many 1-3 person households in the districts (16.4%) have five or more sleeping rooms compared to 7.5 per cent in the region as a whole. In all, minority ethnic groups which are not from the southern sector of the country comprise about 10 per cent of the population of the region (10.3%). A higher proportion share bathrooms in the country (separate bathroom shared and open cubicle shared) than in the region. shared a comprehensive list of all the regions and interesting facts you should know about them. At the district level, Bawku East has the highest proportion (77.3%) of the 6 years and older who have never attended school (91.3% males and 82.7% females). recently published a fascinating article about Ghana's visa-free countries. About one tenth (11.6%) of localities in Bawku East are 25 kilometres or more from the nearest clinic or maternity home. The Upper East is the only region in which adherents of traditional religion are close to one-half of the population. The old age category ranges from 13.4 per cent in Bolgatanga to 21.4 per cent in Bawku West. A little over a half (52.6%) of households using five or more sleeping rooms have seven or more members. The most common economic trees are the sheanut, dawadawa, boabab and acacia. For liquid waste disposal, the picture is not any better. The proportion of localities with a primary school within 3 kilometres ranges from 74.2 per cent in Bolgatanga to 91.1 per cent in Bongo. The Mole-Dagbani ethnic group comprises the Moshi (Mossi), Mamprusi, Nanumba and Dagomba.There are some 450,000 Mamprusi living in Ghana, and approximately 11,000 in Togo. They speak an Asanti dialect of Twi which is a language spoken by over ten million Asanti people as the first language. This area has vast lands and suitable soil, which if properly exploited, would give high yield of rice. The methods of waste disposal (both solid and liquid waste) are also not environmentally sound. the presence of faults, fractures, etc. This is because before the advent of commercial communication centres, post and telecommunication facilities were usually under one roof. This sector, therefore, needs to be modernized and injected with capital and technical expertise to enable it diversify its scope of activities to absorb the large numbers of potential job seekers. Temporary heads make up an additional 0.9 per cent of household members. It is one of the four districts created in the region in 2012, and its administrative capital is Fumbisi. The Upper East Region is located in north Ghana [5] and is the third smallest of the 16 administrative regions in Ghana. This formation is made up of well consolidated and gently folded rocks with an average dip of about 50 and it is marked by an escarpment. The Upper West Region - Wa. Translator. The age and sex distribution of a population is the result of the combined effect of fertility, mortality and migration. The characteristics of the districts (demographic, social, economic, housing conditions and community facilities) in these three northern regions therefore need to be taken into account in deciding on the broad areas for policy strategies and interventions. This proportion varies from 3.3 per cent in Bawku East to 10.1 per cent in Bongo. Sub-groups within the Fante include the Nzema and Ahantas. There are 26 health centres and 36 clinics. About seven out of ten (69.4%) migrants are from the southern sector of the country, and almost half of these are from Ashanti (32.6%). As of 2021, Western North was the region in Ghana with the highest male population share, reaching 51.3 percent. Livestock and poultry production are also important. Until 1984, Burkina Faso, meaning "Land of Incorruptible People" was known as . Three districts, Builsa, Bawku East and Bawku West have occupancy ratios of 1.7 persons per room, while Kassena-Nankana has the highest ratio of 2.0. Asikuma-Odoben Brakwa. The actual number of homeless households is 24 which indicates that homelessness is not a major problem in Upper East. Eastern. For the elderly population (70 years and older), the pattern of more males than females is repeated. In the female reproductive age group of 15-49 years, there is an overall excess of females (44.3%) over males (39.2%) of about 13.0 percent. The dry season starts from November and ends in April and is characterized by cold, dry and dusty harmattan winds. Less than one per cent (0.9%) of the 1,390 localities within the region have a post office within the locality. In most cases, accessibility is determined more by competition as well as individual students and/or parental choice than by the proximity of the institutions. The data shows that in the region, more females than males have never attended school. The fact that children, grandchildren and other relatives of the head constitute more than 60 per cent of household members supports the view that the traditional external family household composition has not changed much. Furthermore, the relatively lower proportion of widowed men as compared to women reflects the higher level of mortality among men and also suggests that men are more likely than women to remarry upon the death of a spouse (Ghana Statistical Service, October 1999). The average household size for the region is slightly lower than that of the adjacent regions, Northern (7.4) and Upper West (7.2). UPPER EAST REGION As the traditional crossroads for trans-Saharan trade routes, the Upper East Region, in the north-eastern corner of the country, is the gateway to Ghana from Burkina Faso and Togo. About 56 per cent (55.7 percent) of the labour force is below 35 years. There was, thus, a 2.8 percentage point reduction in the rural share of the population between 1984 and 2000. Example "ete sen" which means "how are you." They eat fufu and ampesi as their main food. This is evidenced in the fact that only 35 per cent of spouses of heads of households are male (it ranges from 1.9% in Builsa to 11.1% in Bongo). In Bolgatanga, the use of mud/earth is in almost equal proportions (with a slight advantage in favour of cement). These changes in the age structure of the labour force need to be taken into account in formulating short/medium and long-term policies and planned programmes. The Akan, Gurma, Ewe, Ga-Adangbe, Mole-Dagbane, and Guan are the chief ethnic groups in Ghana. The focus of this information is on the main sources of drinking water. The region show that only 21.2 per cent of the population (15 years and older) are literate in either English only (12.9%), both English and Ghanaian language (6.6%) or Ghanaian language only (1.7%). About two per cent (1.9%) profess no religious affiliation, and less than one per cent (0.8 percent) belong to other religious groupings. As for the ethnic groups and tribes in the Upper East Region of Ghana, there are seven major ethnic groups and more than eight languages. The main features of the predominantly traditional architecture are round huts with flat roofs and small windows with poor ventilation. The Demography of Ghana describes the condition and overview of Ghana's population. The reasons for this substantial imbalance may be that one woman dying results in only one male widowed in a monogamous marriage or no widow at all if the man is polygamous. Kassena-Nankana Nearly three-quarters (71.8%) of the working children in Kassena-Nankana are agriculture and related workers, 18.1 per cent service workers, 5.1 per cent production and transport equipment workers and 4.1 per cent sales workers, The most important industrial activity of the children is agricultural and related activities, including hunting forestry and fishing (72.8%), followed by private household (13.9%), wholesale and retail trade (4.5%) and manufacturing (3.8%). The country is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), thus entitling its citizens to a 90-day free stay in any other member state.
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