They covered the bodies of the fallen British soldiers with their waterproof ponchos until they could be evacuated back along the lines. Argentina invaded the Falklands capital, Port Stanley, early on Friday, April 2. Coreth, now a sculptor based in Wiltshire, had been on a reconnaissance mission with a Scots Guards officer the previous day and knew the road was heavily mined and the area well defended. Sign up below. Launched some 24 miles from the presumed target, the Exocet quickly left the jets behind. Tamang, who now works as a security officer in Carlisle where he lives with his wife, says they had been planning to advance on Mount William the previous night but were delayed by heavy artillery bombardments (which caused eight casualties including two seriously injured) and the discovery of a minefield. Now crews unwrapped them and flew the GR.3s to Hermes, and the Sea Harriers to the 800 and 801 Squadrons on both carriers. This time, the Supers flew well north to meet a tanker, then turned south to stalk the British fleet. The weapons support company has six 81mm mortars, eight L7 machine guns, and a section manning Milan anti-tank wire-guided missiles. Originally published in the March 2015 issue of Armchair General. 22 SAS in Sensing an Argentine pincer movement, the Royal Navy ordered the sub to strike. Since the first Exocet attack, the RAF had developed a ruse: Four Lynx helicopters with electronic decoys would position themselves to lure the Exocet toward an imaginary target. Six men were killed in the subsequent shelling as they dug in. And a Sea Harrier crashed on takeoff from Hermes, killing Lieutenant Commander Gordon Batt. We were told Youre going up on Monday to learn air-to-air refueling, recalls Martin Withers, then a flight lieutenant. These bodies were later moved to the Argentine cemetery in Darwin. This is the conflicts Grassy Knoll, a source of never-ending conspiracy theory. He and his men were to lead a diversionary attack, alongside a platoon of Scots Guards, to drive down a road in the direction of Port Stanley where the Argentinians had originally expected the British to advance. Cookie Policy Manage My Data And there they stayed -- cold and hungry -- waiting for something to happen. My job was to keep the line and evacuate any casualties., About eight-and-a-half hours into the battle, nearing the top of the mountain, the Argentines broke ranks and, as dawn rose, started to run not towards them but away from them. And they flew in every kind of weather, day or night. This is a bittersweet anniversary for people like Patrick Watts, who lived in an occupied Stanley during the conflict and has spent many years trying to make sense of what happened on these little islands. For three days British soldiers overcame mines, artillery and hand-to-hand combat to claim Mount Longdon MV Norland repatriating troops at the end of hostilities. It sank later that day. Your mission is to attack and defeat Argentine forces occupying Mount Longdon, dominant terrain whose possession by the enemy blocks any further British advance eastward to recapture Stanley. The British forces quickly set about consolidating the beachhead area and bringing in more troops and equipment. The U.S.-built Shrike missile, which homes on radars, would be employed to take out the Port Stanley radars. EDITORS NOTE: For further reading about the May 28-29, 1982, Battle of Goose Green, see You Command, January 2007 ACG. I had asked for a tour of Mt. The Argentines never cracked it wide open, but not for lack of trying. WebThe Parachute Regiment in the Falklands Campaign, 1982. We cut up all the ventilator things, measured the flight deck. Various bright areas of paintwork (mostly white areas) were covered with grey paint, as were the ships boats, and the satcom radomes were painted black. These are the stories of some of the men who fought in those final battles, the memories of which 40 years on remain seared into their minds haunting and filling them with pride in equal measure. Thats not to say there werent problems, Squire says. The Israeli-built Mirage V, also called the Dagger, was fast and well maintained but had no aerial refueling system, electronic countermeasures, or inertial navigation system. Troops were assembling at Fitzroy, not 20 miles southwest of Port Stanley. Despite the presence of enemy mines, Coreth instructed the driver of his Scorpion to turn off the road to try and navigate a huge shell hole. What will I do? Up we went, climbing the side of a hill and parking on Wireless Ridge. On the early afternoon of May 30 this odd flock took off from Rio Grande. Gentlemen, you announce, thank you for your candid assessments of my three courses of action. The Yompers: With 45 Commando in the Falklands War, Ian Gardiner, p. 161, Pen & Sword, 2012 WebFalklands War remarkable of wars will learn more from reading this classic account. The ships launched chaff and turned to bring their weaponry to bear on the Exocets. But positioning the carriers out of range would sacrifice air superiority. She had a 92-foot beam. Gonzalez was in a flight of four, at very low level: I was the leader. During the pre-dawn hours of April 2, 1982, Argentina set in motion Operation ROSARIOthe invasion of the Falkland Islands. You therefore summon your company commanders to your headquarters tent to brief them on three courses of action you are considering. After occupying the Argentinian defensive positions, enemy artillery fire from Port Stanley about three miles away started to rain down on them. The next day brought further losses of Argentine aircraft but little damage to the ships, as the bombs were still not arming. Longdon, a mountain within view of the capital city and the site of the bloodiest battle of the Falklands War. As it would so often in this war, low fuel ended the dance. Andrew H. Hershey holds a doctorate in medieval history from the University of London. Major General Horacio Mir Gonzalez, then a captain, says they flew from bases in the south. The Royal Navy Despite losing the tank, he describes it as an extraordinarily successful diversionary attack and one it was a miracle they survived. - some ww2 ship The map is in such scale cause its the biggest I can make in in-game map editor. Despite their precarious position, being on the summit of Mount Longdon gave Manfred and his fellow troops a ringside seat the following evening for the assault on nearby Wireless Ridge by their sister battalion, 2 Para; a successful operation that came at a bloody cost of three killed and 11 wounded. In April 1982, an undeclared war broke out in one of the worlds most unlikely places the remote, windswept Falkland Islands in the South I remember very clearly thinking early on if I die here at least I am dying for a cause I believe in, says Coreth, who later received a mention in despatches in recognition of his role in the war. Crew of Argentine Air Force Boeing 707 (TC-92) after surviving an encounter with Sea Dart missiles from HMS Cardiff. It hit the cruiser with two torpedoes, and two hours later Belgrano went down, along with 321 souls and all hope that war could be averted. It not only allows us to avoid the strongest defenses on the mountains western slope but also lets our attack proceed in a sector that cannot be hit by flanking fire from Wireless Ridge due to the intervening high ground of Mount Longdon., Major Argue, however, is not convinced. Additionally, the battalion can call on the 105mm artillery fire of 79 Battery, 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, and the 4.5-inch naval gunfire of the Royal Navy frigate HMS Avenger steaming offshore. Now, please return to your companies and prepare them for tonights attack. They werent surrendering. MV Queen Elizabeth 2 shortly after her return from service in the Falklands. WebFrom my understanding, hand to hand combat training was done fairly regularly, as the soldiers enjoyed it, it was cheap and free and required little in the way of fancy We headed to the next hill -- Mt. A nation mad enough to fly 4,000 miles to hole a runway might send Vulcans to bomb Buenos Aires. Our lords and masters had designated an airfield in northern Brazil, says McDougall. The four newcomers rushed toward the smoke billowing up from Fitzroy Bay and toward a small landing craft that was being watched by two Sea Harriers on CAP. Although Argentine army officers and noncommissioned officers primarily are long-serving professional soldiers, the enemy ranks are mostly manned by conscripts many of them only 17 or 18 years old.While you are convinced that the conscripts will be no match for your men in combat,you must remember that they fought well at the Battle of Goose Green. The surviving Chinookcall sign Bravo Novembercarried troops and howitzers and tons of everything else in impossible wintry weather. But British forces train with a rigor exemplified by high scores against superior aircraft in competitions. You stress that since this will be a night attack, you will be unable to call in airstrikes unless the combat lasts into the daylight hours of June 12 and even then, airstrikes are possible only if the weather cooperates. Incredibly, all three men in the vehicle survived, although it was left wrecked. Their faces streaked with camouflage paint and bodies laden down with grenades, anti-tank rockets and ammunition, the men moved like shadows at the foothills of the mountain, a 525ft curtain of rock overlooking the Falkland Islands capital of Port Stanley. For the next two hours the men were pinned down, unable to move due to the sheer weight of enemy fire coming down the mountain towards them. A rigorous selection process and incredibly demanding training has produced tough, skilled and highly motivated paratroopers in whose combat abilities and fighting spirit you have the utmost confidence. Later, Captain Hugo Palavers Skyhawk was killed at long range by a Sea Dart. Colonel, he explains, maneuvering two forces onto the objective from opposite directions severely complicates the coordination of our various fire support systems. Scottish independence A Westland Sea King HAS.4 helicopter with the aircraft carrier HMS Hermes in the background. The Daggers went after HMS Plymouth, hit her with four bombs, none of which exploded, then ran for home. After a long and difficult cross-country march over barren terrain in miserable weather, 3 Commando Brigade was prepared to launch what British commanders hoped would be the final, war-winning attack. Around 11pm, Coreth recalls, the whole sky around them lit up with enemy star shells to reveal their position and 155 and 105mm shells launched by howitzers started to rain down. They would not arrive until April 30. I will issue my orders forthwith. But when they ran the Exocet attacks, they had something like 110 hours with the Super and they were ready.. Everything remained quiet until they were only about 300 metres from the summit. It's like being in pre-Beatles Britain: People don't lock their doors and everyone here flies the island's flag from their cars and lapels. The navy had the formidable combination of the Dassault Super Etendard and the Exocet sea-skimming anti-ship missile, though they had only a handful of the latter, which were then embargoed by France. WebFought hundreds of miles from the nearest mainland, the war was decided in the air, and 20 years later, the pilots still remember every violent minute. Coventry missed with a Sea Dart; then, as she maneuvered to present a smaller target, she blanked out Broadswords radar. The first of the flights code-named Black Buck, this deployment was also the first time Vulcans had been used in anger in 25 years of service and, at the time, the longest bombing mission ever attempted. Stunned by these losses, the battle group moved farther offshore and contemplated the days result. The most comprehensive and authoritative history site on the Internet. While the destroyer burned, Hermes launched three Sea Harriers against a landing strip at Goose Green, where some Argentine aircraft were parked. Within minutes, the destroyer, swarming with rescue boats and helicopters, capsized. Because of air refueling, Rinke continues, we could fly in low levels 70 miles from the target, then 10 to 15 miles, about 10 to 20 minutes, at 30 to 60 feet. Two Super Etendards, one armed and one unarmed, would stalk the fleet, accompanied by four air force A-4C Skyhawks. contains daily features, photo galleries and over 25,000 articles originally published in our nine magazines. Argentinean A-4 Skyhawk on an attack run towards HMS Glasgow, taken from the flight deck of HMS Brilliant. It was one of three engagements in a Brigade-size operation that night, along with the Battle of Mount Harriet and the Battle of Two Sisters. As he approached Rio Gallegos, Rinke says, We saw other planes were taking off. But before night had fallen on occupied Port Stanley, Operation Corporate, the British counterthrust, was under way. RFA Tidepool in the Total Exclusion Zone. The five kept low and the formation split to go after the landing ships. And then there was the Vulcan. France faces questions about whether it refused to share secrets about the Exocet missiles that could have saved British lives, MPs call for inquiry into claims secrets about anti-ship missiles that killed 46 servicemen in Falklands were deliberately withheld, It would be good if accolades could be given to the scientists who worked to outwit the enemy and counteract our own lack of preparedness, They exist because the Treasury, under Labour and the Conservatives, has calculated that they bring in more tax than if they did not, Forty years on from the war, a majority of people in Argentina haven't given up hope of reclaiming the islands through diplomatic means, With roots dating back to the islands earliest settlers, the recent history is never far from our minds, Much has changed in the 40 years since Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, but penguins, tough shepherds and the smoko remain, Captain Rex Cooper, dedicated merchant seaman who helped reform the Royal Fleet Auxiliary at the time of the Falklands War obituary, Falklands veterans return to the battleground 40 years on and so do the painful memories, Charles Laurence, Telegraph journalist who yomped with the Commandos all the way to Port Stanley obituary, RAF drew up plans to bomb Argentina during Falklands War, Falklands war 'Boy Wonder' dies in light aircraft crash, Sir Robert Walmsley, MoD procurement chief who deftly handled the cutting-edge Joint Strike Fighter programme obituary, Margaret Thatcher blocked US from re-arming Argentina after the Falklands War, Command by Lawrence Freedman review: when generals get drunk on power, Films and TV dramas should portray PTSD in a more positive light, Help for Heroes says, Falklands War remembered: We thought we would go there, show the flag and be home in no time, Now is the time to recommit to the Falklands, The Falklands 40 years on by the veterans who survived it, Falklands War commemorated 40 years on with view to the future, The 72-hour battle that won the Falklands War, Boris Johnson jokes he might visit Falklands now things are a bit quieter, Im unashamedly proud of H Jones, my grandfather, and what he did in the Falklands, Colonel Richard Sidwell, Royal Marine who warned of a Falkland invasion five years before it happened obituary, Friday morning UK news briefing: Tories lose Wandsworth and Westminster in symbolic local election defeats, Vladimir Putin faces huge cost if he threatens other countries, warns Navy chief, France didnt tell Britain about secret kill switch in Falklands Exocets, admits official, Thursday morning news briefing: Judgment day for Tory councils, Falklands veterans call for answers over Exocet missiles that killed crewmates, Questions over France's role in the Falklands should shape our approach going forward, Wednesday morning news briefing: France 'withheld Falklands missile secrets', Questions over Frances role in the Falklands conflict. As in COA One, the weapons support company will establish a base of fire support opposite the west slope of Mount Longdon, and artillery and naval gunfire support will be on call to strike targets on the mountain and Wireless Ridge., Major Collett enthusiastically declares, This is an excellent plan! The Falklands was a conventional conflict, comparable with 1918, British soldiers versus Argentinan soldiers, all dressed in battle uniform. C Company will be held in reserve, prepared to reinforce the other two companies and, on order, extend our attack to target the enemy position on Wireless Ridge. Neill Thomas says that because they could land vertically, Harriers didnt need much fuel in reserve. We were a big lurching thing to go in and drop conventional bombs on a sophisticated enemy, Withers says. No one thought this was the beginning of a war. While the Falklands are over 8,000 miles from Britain, they are only about 300 miles from the coast of Argentina and thus well within range of Argentine air bases. The Vulcan released 21 bombs on a line that angled southwesterly across the Port Stanley runway; the first bomb cratered the runway almost in the center; the rest missed. By staying low, the Argentine pilots gambled nearly half their Exocet arsenal on a small destroyer. He was our squadron leader and a very respectful person, Carlos Rinke says. It took the enemys eye off the ball and enabled the Scots Guards to get in among the company position on Mount Tumbledown, he says. As we walked up the mountain, Patrick took me through the battle, blow by blow. The sinking of HMS Sheffield: Did the French protect their arms industry, regardless of the cost to an ally? A mixture of hand-to-hand fighti They need the protection and mobility of Challenger 2, Disadvantaged students need aspiration, not quotas, Ulez has nothing to do with air quality - it's a naked money grab from those who can't afford it, Reform UKs support in Blue Wall has doubled since Rishi Sunak became PM, several members of the platoon have suffered PTSD, the Royal British Legion Act of Remembrance service. Sign up below, Lord Tebbit backs sailors demand for inquiry into whether France withheld secrets about weapon that sank HMS Sheffield. Her unofficial nickname was "The Crazy Y". It was a very hard, sharp and dangerous night. A Wessex helicopter can be seen on her bow landing pad. As the Skyhawks swept in, Sea Darts from Exeter destroyed two of them. With only four operational Skyhawks left, the Argentine navy would fly one more mission before leaving Bomb Alley to the air force. B Company,meanwhile, will be positioned in our center opposite Mount Longdons western slope to support both flank attacks with fire and to reinforce either company if necessary. Landing craft from HMS Fearless and HMS Intrepid. As our forces converge, the risk of friendly-fire casualties from the infantry companies small arms and my artillery, machine guns, mortars and naval supporting weapons greatly increases. The 4.5-inch Mark 8 naval gun on HMS Cardiff, along with spent shell casings after a nighttime naval gunfire support mission. Colonel, he complains, I think this plan wastes too much time, as it will take us several hours to get all three companies into their attack positions on the north flank. Aboard Hermes, the RAF detachment encountered little of the Fleet Air Arms rivalrynone of the UFOs are real; its the RAF thats an illusion kind of thing. The element of surprise will give us an additional edge over the conscript soldiers, who are likely hunkered down just trying to stay warm., Major Collett, A Companys commander, urges caution. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Good luck!. Two Westland Lynx and a Westland Wasp are visible. Weather permitting, you can also request airstrikes to be delivered by Royal Marine aircraft. Argentine Air Force Douglas A-4C Skyhawk at El Plumerillo Military Air Base. The British had lost Jeff Glovers GR.3 and two helicopters to ground fire. They knew the Gurkhas were coming for them and this was the final place to capture and they ran away scared., By now the news of the Argentine surrender was spreading through the ranks and the surrounding British troops were starting to stream towards Port Stanley. HMS Invincible returns to Portsmouth following the end of hostilities. A Company will target the objective called Wing Forward and B Company will take Fly Half and then move across the top of Mount Longdon to seize Full Back. Even today, the perception of a lot of effort producing little result gets a rise out of Wing Commander Neil McDougall, the senior Vulcan pilot at the time. It was an odd mission for a Vulcan. Therefore, I strongly recommend against using this course of action. General Belgrano was eastbound 30 miles south of the combat zone, trailed by the British nuclear submarine Conqueror. One squadron might report excellent results with the radar and navigation systems, while another found them unreliable. Your battalion is composed of a headquarters element of 15 men; three 80- man parachute infantry companies, each divided into three platoons; and a weapons support company. Subscribed. Posey died on February 9, 2018. He says many of the men involved in those final 72 hours have struggled with the trauma of what they experienced and several members of the platoon have suffered PTSD. Falklands War Then and Now. Still the Argentines kept coming. Galahad's Maps. I was 10 to 15ft behind. The other hit Sheffield amidships. Then Bomb Alley went quiet for 24 hours as the adversaries, like knife-wielding combatants in a room gone suddenly dark, briefly pulled back. Sign up below, In his first interview as First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Ben Key says it is imperative Nato works to contain invasion of Ukraine, French built defeat device into missiles but would not share it with an arms trade rival, says former Paris defence official, Also from this AM's Front Page newsletter: Falklands veterans call for Exocet answers & what your face shape says about you. Near the end of May, with only one Exocet left, the Argentine military devised a final gambit to sink a British carrier. Wreckage of Sea Harrier XZ450, piloted by Lt. Nick Taylor, destroyed by AA fire. We were going down as attrition replacements, he adds. The combination of inhospitable weather and difficult terrain makes for miserable conditions for everyone involved in the war. Now all of Argentinas aircraft would have to fight from the mainland. WebFrom my understanding, hand to hand combat training was done fairly regularly, as the soldiers enjoyed it, it was cheap and free and required little in the way of fancy equipment or planning, it was good physical exercise, raised morale and fighting spirit. Wherever the Gurkhas fought, the kukri went with them and there wasnt a single battle where the kukri was not used. Artillery and naval gunfire support will be called in as necessary to strike targets on the mountain and Wireless Ridge., Major Argue, commander of B Company, voices his approval. But the GR.3s were now considered reinforcements, and their maintenance fell to an already overextended naval staff. One former Grupo 4 Skyhawk pilot, Guillermo A. Martinez, now a lieutenant colonel, had studied the matter: When does Invincible return home? Well have to send them on a wide swing to the north to avoid detection by Argentine ground surveillance radar and any enemy patrols or outposts. The battle for Two Sisters was spearheaded by the Royal Marines of 45 Commando and on the morning of the attack, Phil Hill, then a 25-year-old section commander with Yankee Company, 45 Commando, was sitting in the shadow of the mountain sharing a final meal of ration pack chicken supreme and tinned fruit with a fellow Marine of Ukrainian descent called Michael Blue Nowak. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. HMS Broadsword alongside HMS Hermes on the 1st of April 1982. Crosses were placed where each British soldier fell in battle, many with red-poppy wreaths and messages. Resembling the Scottish Highlands, the Falklands treeless terrain is generally hilly and rocky with sparse vegetation consisting of short grasses and small bushes. By first light on June 14 the Gurkhas were spoiling for a fight and advanced in full view of enemy artillery. Rinke and his leader made their run. No equipment. The two survivors continued the run, each missing with two 500-pound bombs, then sped away to meet a Hercules tanker. Waiting for the aircraft were HMS Avenger and Exeter, one of them almost certainly the big target the Super Etendard pilot had seen. Falklands War Battle, 1982: You Take Command by Andrew H. Hershey 2/8/2017 As Lieutenant Colonel Hew Pike, YOU must lead British paratroopers to seize a key position held by Argentine defenders. At night, Sidewinder missiles were dried out in the bread oven. Thus, the troops must make exhausting, long-distance foot marches over difficult terrain while carrying all of their weapons, ammunition and equipment. Rivers of stone ran down the side of the mountain, the leftovers of a previous ice age. Its suitably "Call for Fire is a first-hand account of fighting in the Falklands and the Gulf campaigns by the only British senior officer who commanded in both of these major wars." HMS Endurance at Mar Del Plata Naval Base in Argentina, just weeks prior to the start of hostilities. In addition, an Argentine special forces platoon atop nearby high ground known as Wireless Ridge has heavy machine guns, mortars and recoilless rifles that are within firing range of any British force attacking along the southern slopes of Mount Longdon. A Company will lead off and seize Wing Forward, and then B Company will pass through A Company and take Fly Half. On May 9, a flight of two Skyhawks from Grupo 4 flew into a mountain shrouded in cloud. One of them was later marked with a ship silhouette labeled Invincible. Despite compelling evidence that no British shipcertainly not a carrierwas hit by anything that day, no one in Argentina believes the attack failed. A Skyhawk dropped two bombs, which skipped over a frigate and into the sea. At that clash,690 British paratroopers of 2d Battalion,the Parachute Regiment (2 Para), attacked about 1,000 Argentine troops, and the defenders killed 2 Paras commander, Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Jones, and inflicted over 80 casualties (killed and wounded). You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You could argue in todays modern world those casualties would be unacceptable and they would have battered the mountain with artillery, rockets and drones instead. They saw a white block: the destroyer HMS Sheffield. A Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King can be seen on the background. Contrary to expectations, the Sea Harriers and GR.3s proved effective and durable. The next plan I am considering, you continue, is a flank attack against the north side of Mount Longdon conducted by all three infantry companies. Fused to provide enough time for the airplane to get clear before they exploded, the bombs had no time to arm at the low altitudes where the Argentines were flying. That was quite upsetting.. The wind had picked up and when I opened the door of the SUV it nearly blew off. Manny Manfred remembers that B company had fought their way about a third of the way up the mountain before sustaining such heavy losses that he and the men of A Company were ordered to move up through their position and continue the assault. The Argentine Naval Aviation Lockheed SP-2H Neptune which tracked the British destroyer HMS Sheffield. Rather than advancing as expected on lower ground, the plan was instead to surprise the enemy by attacking a ring of mountains that surrounded Port Stanley, which had been occupied by the Argentinians for 10 weeks and turned into formidable defensive strongholds. One was completed and both were scheduled to enter service the next day. But at that stage it had to be to go forward and take the positions physically by force.. Sea Harriers and GR.3s had boarded the ship a fortnight earlier at Ascension Island, landing on the narrow deck and parking in an improvised revetment of containers. At Mullet Creek south of We put the throttles to maximum but the plane probably flew 450 knots, 480 knots, in low level. In addition to small arms and hand grenades, each of your infantry platoons has three 84 mm recoilless rifles and three 7.62 mm L7 general-purpose machine guns. Expecting trouble, Admiral John Woodward moved his battle group closer, barely 60 miles east of Port Stanley, to give the Sea Harriers more time on station, and put Broadsword and Coventry on guard north of Pebble Island. I thought Mellish's death scene in SPR, though dramatic, was actually well done. The Argentine pilots fired from about 12 miles out, then banked sharply for home. At mid-morning on May 1 at Wideawake, the U.S. air base on Ascension Island, 11 Victor tankers took off a minute apart, followed by a pair of fully armed Vulcans. Three Daggers strafed Brilliant but were picked off by 801 Squadrons Ward and Steven Thomas. Vulcan bomber making an approach to land at Ascension Island. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. Three Argentine Navy Skyhawks attacked the crippled Ardent, this time with vane-retarded Snake Eye 500-pounders, most of which struck the ship and exploded. Meanwhile it was clear the enemy resolve was beginning to collapse. We said it was a very easy target. McDougall, whod been flying Vulcans for 20 years, put the huge delta-wing bomber into a steep spiral, emerging on the glide slope a mile and a half from the threshold but still making 300 knots. When it ended there was just a huge feeling of relief. Numerous low mountains rise up to 2,000 feet and are surrounded by lower ground cut by small streams and gullies.
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