January 13, 2023. Every living thing on the planet is currently being colonized by these artificial life forms, to what end is not known. I laid it sticky side skyward and left it outside overnight. I set up another testing station 300 miles away which yielded the same results. The True Story of the Dead Ladybugs In 2009, in an age-old ladybug colony, all of the ladybugs suddenly died after 3 days of intense chemtrail spraying. He said indeed the spraying was quite toxic and he had been present at a confrontation by I believe the Navaho nation and the EPA The EPA contended everything was ok until the Navahos presented their evidence to the contrary which was quite compelling. I kid. How do we stop something that they continue to deny is even exists. I felt I owed him an explanation as to why I was going to turn him down and move so I showed him the extent of my research. Sometimes we disperse too much Dihydrogen Monoxide Agent and people get a slight overdose. I soon left for Idaho and the first three days there the visibility was good, and a small sheen around the sun meant I might have found a safer haven for my family to move. No one wants to be seen so far out. Without a solution in thecoming decades, our forests may all be at risk of dying. I saw a neighbor who cuts a lot of lawns in the neighborhood the other day and asked if he'd seen any this year. Ive been trying to figure out how the clouds could appear so fibrous at times, and understand now this process is likely to be a function of nano-tech polymers self assembly technique (see clouds connecting in the Lakeside aerosol photos). Guess what, trees die, and trees grow too. The first 8 photos are of Chemtrails taken at Lonsdale, South Australia. A new source for morg fibers was found in an old paper wick inside our humidifier. This has yielded new synthetic model organisms different from the rest. It was said these fibers could grow on their own and created a myriad of symptoms from skin lesions to brain fog and memory loss.rense.com has interviews with Morgellons patients and some doctors who are treating them). correspond with the installation of all the microwave antennae on this mountain!!! Regardless of the true reasons for weather modification, the technology of chemical aerosol spraying ( chemtrails) is killing the planet. It is +10,000. These unfortunate victims usually present with the following symptoms: Read Next: One Man Tricked The Chemtrails Conspiracy Crowd! Well, now that you mention it, that does sound very governmental. Chemtrails are a literal vaccination from the sky. Whats it now? Reproduction of this work is encouraged, for non-profit, educational purposes only. Wouldnt it be safer to fly at higher altitudes? Field workers are all getting this odd nose tickle (many with mustaches). How this is possible I dont know but its neither a delusion nor illusion as I still have and observe them frequently. dioxide and make oxygen. I have trees dying in my front yard and back yard. Educate yourself on this issue and learn how to protect yourself. Near bottom of the industrial nations. When you cross two strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies. I mentioned this observation to a co-worker and he told me his wife, an accountant for years, said she all of a sudden was having trouble with normal math during that same period and said he too had forgotten things more than usual. I showed him the extent of the chemical poisoning we were living in and the consistency of that poisoning from week to week (a dozen jars at least). I began spending hours every night and every weekend on the microscope looking at these bizarre growths. This has been witnessed by many people in many areas." "Poisons have been and are used widely, as pesticides. What youre seeing are perfectly planned and executed chemtrails. This indicates the abnormal presence of barium salts. Elite bankers use chemtrails to destroy the soil and manipulate the weather. Trees, bugs, These ionospheric heaters can also operate as an over-the-horizon or under-the-ocean communications system. For the next month everyone in the office, store clerks, etc. In the last year however Ive observed and photographed an extraordinary sheen around the sun, which indicates a saturation level has been achieved, and the spraying now is infrequent by comparison I.E. The EPA then closed up its books and left without another word. 1331 Michael of Cesena,c. The Mind of James Donahue. Makes about as much sense as the war on terror while the borders remain wide open. HAARP -generated microwave pulses are continually used to heat and agitate the ionosphere. Measuring almost a quarter mile in length, the twisting, winding mound built in the form of a massive snake swallowing an egg, is believed . Your email address will not be published. The only way to dump fuel in that jet is through the back end with fire). In this article, you discovered how the world's tree population is struggling with rising global temperatures, drought, aggressive diseases, insect infestations, and wildfire. In 1950 what rating was given to our education system? More effective than say, just putting it in the water? Its loaded with them and other things. The Chemtrail Crisis An Overview and Update Source, by Amy Worthington, Idaho Observer. The chemicals have been dropping from the sky by evil men in unmarked planes for some time already. These crossed-energies can be used to cause a persons physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electro-shock. One Man Tricked The Chemtrails Conspiracy Crowd! Two metals are consistently discovered worldwide in chemtrail analyses: barium and aluminum. Trees harvested during thinning may be sold as logs if they are still in good condition, or used for firewood. And it certainly confirms widespread suspicion that government officials are lying whenever they move their mouths. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. . It (3d morg) started off looking like a Fred thing but had an odd looking black seed-like thing with odd small spikes sticking out. Laboratory tests on that sample reportedly confirmed that the effluent contained both aluminum and barium. Again, people bring these problems to the table, demanding we need to something to stop it, but provide no viable suggestions to resolve them. The apple trees are not the only trees with this chemical burn look. The old visibility standard of 40 miles has been reduced to 10 miles. The point is these toxins may be toxic waste, or the US government with the help of the US Air Force is playing God at our expense. Exotic weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite. Most of the insects are GONE and trees DEAD everywhere ! Do it for the puppies. Since the skin constantly sheds from the inside outward, and the skin completely regenerates itself every seven years, my guess is that it took about ten years to surface as photographed. But in the spring, I started to notice problems and now it is not doing well at all (dying and curled, brown/black leaves). +20,000. Ive been actively photographing the aerosol spraying above the White mountains. All a part of the eugenics program and the fascist empire. Geoengineering involves large aircraft constantly spraying tiny particles of aluminum and barium, amongst many other harmful toxins, into the air/atmosphere. I ask on the home page when you last took a good look at the sky and the substances in it. This confirmation was quite the shock cause I knew then all of us in the White Mountains at least were all being infected with this bizarre nano affliction, infestation, infection. The din from the bees could be heard inside. Just using a strong flashlight pointed upward at night and looking into the focused beam of light prove that we are living in a virtual bath of what research by others suggests is an exotic form of barium, aluminum and God knows what else, but I cannot afford complete testing myself (see carnicom.com barium test confirmed). A visit to Hinze Dam which is situated on the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia showed something quite unusual. Are the trees dying of . I have read that chemtrails make the atmosphere conductive which allows them to use their HAARP technologies with greater effectiveness. It remains an idea that this thing may only be defeated with resonant frequencies, tuned to destroy the Quorum sensing capacity of this technology, rife technology. This picture was Chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus clouds, among many other terms. This research was initiated in an attempt to explain physical and neurological symptoms observed by me for quite some time and in just about everyone, including myself. Also recently, an FAA official confirmed in a taped interview with freelance radio reporter S. T. Brendt that he was told on four occasions in March to re-route commercial air traffic to accommodate a huge military aerial operation over the northeastern seaboard. Sign Into Brighteon.Social. comes down with the rain and the trees drink it up. I proved this in myself with only a pretty good digital volt meter. The state and feds have all said those are normal contrails and not to worry, see my photos, are those clouds or chemicals? By all appearances, plant life is purposely being slowly killed by way of blocking the sun, depriving them of Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you . The Temporal Power of the Pope is obvious, Cardinal Egan sitting before his two puppet Candidates. Whether you call it stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering, weather modification, or chemtrails, the poison that is raining down on our soil, air, and water is killing our trees. The twist is theyll mine us to pay for medical stuff as we die anyway. Do you still believe them? By killing all plant life, all life on earth dies. This article was edited by Bridget Conroy and Mike Caraway. One morning I woke up and couldnt remember the day, what time I was to go to work, etc. Project Cloverleaf The Science Behind it It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. ?\" THEY WILL BE BREATHING THIS FOREIGN CRAP IN!! One of my neighbours saw them. With robust designs and vintage classic style, discover the heritage of military timepieces today! Some say chemtrails and EMF are meant to block an evolutionary leap wherein all of mankind will wake up and stop taking the bullying of the 1% any longer. A few days later I got what I was sure was poison ivy on my calves, though I had seen none where I was fishing, it lasted however for about a month, when usually it goes away in a week. 10-16 at least. Not much out there on net, almost nothing to be exact. Asswipe. The U.S. Forest Service said fir trees are dying at a higher rate than normal because of prolonged drought conditions and bark beetles. Since they were such a pain, I figure most folks haven't missed them yet--if this situation is not just a local (East TN) thing. 70. One year of sodium fluoride destroys this gland almost forever. Last month, the Italian government announced a taskforce to. Moist, humid weather allows the fungus to thrive and turns leaves a blotchy brown. To my amazement the chlorella washed violently over the miracle grow then stopped. Plastic is in a constant state of degradation and hence vaporization. All of them (still gets FDA approval, youll eat some tonight probably), How many days did it take to notice changes in the rats? Think of those firefighters out there, maybe trying to save your house, your property and your surrounds. What was the autism rate in 1940? My insight to this disease comes from almost dying due to the neurological problems caused by MD. The first time I looked at my blood it took me weeks to get over it and look again. You can see some more pictures I was afraid I had a stroke. He thought about it for a while and, looking puzzled, said, "No." They cause psychological symptoms(Alzheimers), cancer and weakened immune systems respectively. I only record what I can duplicate first. You may remember the fires a couple years ago and also very recently, in Russia and Spain, these fires were enormous, with EXTREME, FEROCIOUS, UNCONTROLLABLE FIRES, now the thing that has not been mentioned on mainstream media, is what was found in the bark of these trees, especially in the Californian fires. The DARK ACT is Back. The Aspens also are being attacked by bugs, mites, and they have a disease or two, can't think of the names off hand, That crap from the chemtrails is every where. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. Its imperative that you reproduce any of these observations, should you care or dare to see how bad the air really is, but few if any seem to give a shit about anything anymore, another neurological observation of real real concern. They are also one of thebiggest carbon sinkson the planet, along with our oceans. They are dangerous to our health and environment. -. Approx. Children in particular, those who should have a strong memory, seem affected also. They also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that are loaded with toxic chemicals, including but not limited to: barium, strontium 90, aluminum, cadmium, zinc, viruses and "chaff.". The trees and animals are also dying. He says that the trees he sees are not suffering from SOD, or sudden death syndrome. It has to be extremely cold (-40 C), so the altitude that cons happen can change from day to day based on weather patterns. He seemed concerned and vowed to investigate, then left. And Nothing About It Was Pagan! In 1991, Hughes Aircraft Company obtained patent US5003186, a method for seeding the greenhouse gas layer with tiny particles which include oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide. The patent states that one proposed solution to global warming was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.. The 1996 Air Force document titled Weather as a Force Multiplier, declares, In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Ive been to houses which have ventilation hoods and where the people dont smoke, yet even in those houses sunlight can be seen streaking in through the blinds and is written off as just dust particles. Whole ecosystems are collapsing all over the globe and our rapidly dying trees are the most visible harbinger of what is unfolding. In the morning I let it dry in a closed area then placed a 1212 piece of thin glass on the tape to seal in my overnight collection of fallout from the sky. Both of these are important in the formation of contrails. The chlorella either won or lost I dont know which. This implies undeniable intelligence and or pre-programming or control of some kind!!! Also we would get small fly-like insects growing on the moisture on the windows. Spoofer sprays. or artificial intelligence, but to what extent is unknown. The chemical primarily attacks the central nervous system and can cause everything from disturbed sleep, nervousness, memory loss, headaches and emotional instability. I showed him Fred, the thing that grew along with a smaller one of the same. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. I then tried acupuncture and chlorella detox but had to stop as I could taste my fillings thanks to the mercury in them. Are the trees dying of some known disease? increased number of tanker jets and they fly lower than usual every time we have rainclouds. WHO DOES THE POPE CLAIM TO BE? The starfish looking things of multiple leg design remain a current fascination. It would appear man has out-smarted himself, or this is the wrath we deserve for our apathy, or this is the start of the promised 80% population reduction recommended in U.N. documents with a twist. I have read highly classified briefings that give the reasoning behind chemtrails. Its the beginning of the monsoon season here and Im quite certain judging now at how often sunlight can be seen streaking to the ground like sunlight through a window in a smoke filled room, that living here is much worse than in Phoenix in that all the pollution from below rises up here to form rain clouds. I placed videos about this 5+ years ago on You Tube, SOD Sudden Oak Death, Phytophthora ramorum has now entered global food supplies as Phytophthora infestans, it killed 1/6th of the world back in 1850s. Congressman Louis T. McFadden 10 June 1932. How many lab rats developed severe organ damage eating GM potatoes? I have to admit, though, were not always perfect. I just took photos of the trees in Nottingham UK 15-aug 2017 all diseased and dying, it seems like the city council are going to tun a blind eye. This brings to mind the movie the Matrix and I wonder if and/or how they knew. The truth is the side effects of chemtrails on our ecosystem are becoming more prominent and the dire warnings are all around us. By the third day however a large spraying operation could be seen to the east and I started looking in spider webs and on the oozing sap on trees and on the new sap on my car. More of Blues photos can be seen in the Gallery This link will take you toArizona Skywatch go to their gallery for many more photos of chemtrails and Morgellons specimens. Chemtrails suspect once again. The first one I noticed was a small tapeworm looking thing I interestingly called Fred. Your email address will not be published. enhance and carry their signals. No visible biology as we know it whatsoever. If so youre in trouble as we all are. Small trees and slash (tops and branches) are typically piled and burned, scattered to decompose (applicable on moist sites), chipped or ground (masticated) onsite, or sold for biomass fuel. 165 Justin Martyr,c. Remove and dunk in some distilled water and place on a microscope slide. The truth of the matter is that toxins are being sprayed that may or not be killing our trees. You said they settle to the ground. Crinsox de Bionens,1727 Sir Isaac Newton,1720 Charles Daubux,1712 Heinrich Horch,1706 William Whiston,1703 Daniel Whitby,1701 Robert Fleming, Jr.,1701 Johannes Cocceius,1700 William Lowth-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of Rome-Book of Revelation Chapter 17 Harlot,Babylon - Roman Catholic Church-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Papacy-Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Beast from the sea - Rome,EmpireBefore the Reformation, this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichristc. I made a wood frame 1313 in and took ultra clear packing tape and covered it completely stretching it across the opening. 100 Josephus,c. Ive already said too much. Where is the proof? 7. All photographs are from the exact same GPS location. Woot! and microwaves work in conjunction with the chemtrails. And I love dogs. The growth of mold structures in my bugers ( and most likely yours) is a real real concern, the most probable suspect is a weaponized fusarium fungus. This metallic sheen is preventing close observations of the extent of the translucent fiber infestation which most are probably not fine hair as we know and understand them. We need to stop the spraying now if we want to save our planet! All species of trees are being affected. You can find out more by emailing [emailprotected] or [emailprotected]. A covert op has cover stories and false trails. RecPak is a meal replacement for the outdoors that saves you weight, space and time in the most challenging environments, just add water. Pinhead size skin eruptions which develop quite quickly then take weeks to heal have been found and photographed. All Rights Reserved. Only 4,and they are among the only group of 12 kids who got all their vaccinations (read educate before you vaccinate). What can be done you ask, anything? To top it off, our current realities often feel darker and stranger than . The tree has brown and.
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