a. c. Quantization a) N/2 D) All i, ii and iii18. b. Does Domain Authority Still Consider a Ranking Factor in 2023? 1 bit/ symbol What should be the SWR into a dummy antenna? b. 2). 0.76 Hz -0.76 Hz 0.85 Hz -0.85 Hz 05 A 100 MVA alternator operating at full load at 50 Hz. d. None of the above, ANSWER: (a) If R > C, the error probability increases towards Unity, 83)For M equally likely messages, M>>1, if the rate of information R C, the probability of error is, a. Arbitrarily small d. None of the above, ANSWER: (a) 1 is transmitted by a positive pulse and 0 is transmitted by negative pulse, a. What physical length corresponds to 0.25wavekerh at 500 MHz for cable with a propagation velocity of 0.68C? Therefore, one of the golden rules in traffic engineering is : Design your system so that the traffic intensity is no greater than 1. All rights reserved. If standing waves are desirable on a transmitting antenna, why are they undesirable on a feedline? Which of the following is not a microwave vacuum tube? Propagation delay depends on ___________ a) True b) False View Answer 2. d. None of the above, 41)In DPSK technique, the technique used to encode bits is, a. AMI b. The step size remains same. d. None of the above, 23)The number of voice channels that can be accommodated for transmission in T1 carrier system is, 24)The maximum data transmission rate in T1 carrier system is, a. C) Cross talk16. c) 40Mbps If the size of the queue is large, the queuing delay will be huge. c. Adaptive delta modulation a) 20Mbps b. d. All of the above, ANSWER:(a) Width of eye opening of eye pattern, 90)For a noise to be white Gaussian noise, the optimum filter is known as, a. d. All of the above, ANSWER: (a) Removing long strings of 1s and 0s, 33)In polar RZ format for coding, symbol 0 is represented by, a. b. b. 72. 4 MULTICAST ROUTING d. All of the above, 92)The number of bits of data transmitted per second is called, a. b. Bipolar NRZ format ElectronicsPost.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and we get a commission on purchases made through our links. View Answer. This delay depends on multiple factors, including the following: Number of active sessions: The physical layer processes the packets in the FIFO order. b) Queuing delay Transmission delay is tightly related to the length of the whole message and the bitrate of the link; which is also affected by the type of the physical medium. Prevents build-up of DC d) 320 c. Resembles the shape of human eye Propagation delay is tightly related to the physical medium that the signal is sent from. b. Where difference between successive samples of the analog signals are encoded into n-bit data streams 87. Full size image What must be the ratio of outer conductor diameter to center conductor diameter, for a 75- Teflon coaxial transmission line? b. a) dnodal = dproc dqueue + dtrans + dprop Ans: d. 1000 megabits per second a) Packet length c. Adaptive delta modulation Packet Format For any particular transmission link, bandwidth and transmission speed are always constant. a) Propagation delay Let's define delay as the duration since a packet enters a queue of a . For matched condition, what is the relationship of load and characteristic impedance? Given the following that has the least delay in propagation? b. 58. a) La/R In . propagation delay: 1) Propagation delay, symbolized t pd , is the time required for a digital signal to travel from the input(s) of a logic gate to the output. This set of Wireless & Mobile Communications Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on "Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)". 59. b. Lightening strikes C) Attenuation distortion5. }, Computer Networking Transport Layer MCQs, Computer Networking Data-Link Layer Wired Networks MCQs, Computer Networking Application Layer MCQs, Computer Networking Wireless Networks and Mobile IP MCQs, Computer Networking Physical Layer and Transmission Media MCQs, Computer Networking Multimedia and Quality of Service MCQs, Computer Networking Network Management MCQs, Computer Networking Network Security MCQs, Computer Networking Socket Programming In Java MCQs, We Are Engineering Graduate ,Tutor and Technology lover, Our Primary Main Area of interest is Computer Science And Electronics & Communication Technology. d. M number of bits, depending upon the requireme. Lower The transmission delay is the amount of time required for the router to push out the packet; it is a function of the packet's length and the transmission rate of the link, but has nothing to do with the distance between the two routers. Eliminating noise c. B tl/2 7). Calculated using noise and inter symbol interference All the coded bits used for sampling are transmitted C = 2B(1+S/N) bits/s Network propagation delay is measured in nanoseconds (nS). 120)The data rate of QPSK is ___________ of BPSK. 42. b) 10Mbps 1) If 'n' number of users are present in a network with point-to-point links, then how many links will be required in the network? For example, if the distance between the two points is and the propagation speed is in a cable then the propagation delay will be: 3. Same This delay is proportional to the packet's length in bits. b. Bt = w(1 + ) 2 errors The imperfection causes signal impairment. Transmission Delay: The time taken to transmit a packet from the host to the transmission medium is called Transmission delay. 91. we also have provided the depth knowledge of some topics which really require more words to explain. Determine the dB gain of a receiving antenna which delivers a microvolt signal to a transmission line over that of an antenna that delivers a 2 microvolt signal under identical circumstances. c. Pulse is transmitted for half the duration d. Digital modulation techniques, 45)Code rate r, k information bits and n as total bits, is defined as, a. r = k/n 2022 TechnologyAdvice. (i) He can pay off sundry creditors. a) True b) False View Answer 2. 61. c. The integrated product of two same code words is zero An electronic equipment used to measure standing wave ratio. The mode at which a waveguide operates is determined by the: b) method used to couple the signal into the waveguide. This is relevant to networks based on packet switching, in which messages are divided into packets before they are sent. c. Image frequency interference 64. C) Both of the above7. Transmission lines when connected to antenna have, a) resistive load whose resistance is less than characteristic impedance, c) resistive load at the resonant frequency, d) resistive load whose resistance is greater than the characteristic impedance of the line. c. Binary frequency shift keying Accountant wants to maintain it at 2 1. c. C = B(1+S/N) bits/s d. PCM, 22)In Adaptive Delta Modulation, the slope error reduces and, a. Quantization error decreases RS232C. b. In TDM, the transmission rate of a multiplexed path is always the sum of the transmission rates of the signal sources. limited error control, but no flow control. Breakeven distance changes from 500 to 900 km in overhead transmission lines. Information in a signal Sequential logic with long delay in propagation leads to _________. This is relevant to networks based on packet switching, in which messages are divided into packets before they are sent. For PCM voice transmission d. I = k log21/P2, 53)The expected information contained in a message is called, a. Entropy The channel capacity becomes infinite with infinite bandwidth This can be due to an anatomical or functional impairment in . The total nodal delay is given by ____________ IPv6 Addressing 1) If a group of trunk is offered 1200 calls during the busy hour & 20 calls are lost along with the average call duration of about 7 min, then what would be the total duration of congestion period? d. Manchester format, 42)The channel capacity according to Shannons equation is, a. 23. a. n (n - 1) b. n (n - 1) / 2 c. n (n - 1) / 4 d. n (n - 1) / 8 ANSWER: (b) n (n - 1) / 2 2) Which among the following is/are adopted by cross bar systems with hard wired control subsystem? An open circuit line greater than wavelength/4 but less than wavelength/2 in length will exhibit _____ reactance. occurs due to velocity of propagation the frequency varies. d. BW 1/2 vfm, a. c. Convolutional code b. PCM Average number of bits of information per second c) R/La What is the value of secondary voltage if the turn ratio is 10? d. Discrete in nature, 4)The modulation techniques used to convert analog signal into digital signal are, a. Pulse code modulation Transmission delay (Tt) = Packet size / Bandwidth = L bits / 4 Kbps Calculating Value Of 'a'- a = Tp/ Tt a = 20 msec / ( L bits / 4 Kbps) a = (20 msec x 4 Kbps) / L bits Condition For Efficiency To Be At least 50%- For efficiency to be at least 50%, we must have- 1 / 1+2a >= 1/2 a <= 1/2 Substituting the value of 'a', we get- Transmission delay. Both queuing delay and processing delay are dependent on the state of the system. 96. b. Granular noise 2. d. 8 errors, a. Referred to as a ferrite device that can be used in lieu of a duplexer to isolate a microwave transmitter and receiver when both are connected to the same antenna. It requires large bandwidth Same as the bandwidth of baseband signal Webopedia resources cover technology definitions, educational guides, and software reviews that are accessible to all researchers regardless of technical background. d. All of the above, a. It depends on the speed of the processor. d. None of the above, 112)The BPSK signal has +V volts and -V volts respectively to represent, a. c. Filters are not available The units used for this are baud or bits/s. b. 22. d. All of the above, 60)Synchronization of signals is done using, a. b. b. H = log2M Which bit is in error d. Quantizer, a. Transmission delay does not depend on; If there are N routers from source to destination, total end to end delay in sending packet P(L->number of bits in the packet R-> transmission . a. Coding for error protection b. Decoding of input data c. Electrical to optical conversion d. Recoding to match output standard ANSWER: (d) Recoding to match output standard The modulation techniques employed in for telephone modems is ? c. 10 and 01 logic levels The total nodal delay is given by ____________, Delay of the resource allocated during setup phase during data transfer is ________, Delay of the resource allocated on demand during data transfer is ________, Software Testing and Quality Assurance (STQA), Information systems and engineering economics. Two 2-mm-diameter wires held 6 cm apart center-to-center has a characteristic impedance of _____. d. Both b and c are correct, 82)The negative statement for Shannons theorem states that, a. 6.Power loss due to increased effective resistance of a conductor at microwave frequencies due to skin effect. c. 1 H(P)2 b. Sampler d. None of the above, 118)The maximum bandwidth is occupied by, a. c. Coded signal Transmission delay Length / Size of data packet, Propagation delay Distance between sender and receiver, Propagation delay 1 / transmission speed. For an ideal transmission line, the best possible conductor to use is _____. d. All of the above, a. After practicing these tricky Ratio and Proportion multiple choice questions, you will be exam ready to deal with any objective type questions. c. Uni polar RZ format The transmission bandwidth of spread spectrum techniques is equal to the minimum required signal bandwidth. In data communication is how fast we can send data, in bits per second, over a channel.A) data rateB) data flowC) data speedD) baud rate, 17. 27. b. 50. House holder transformation What refers to Propagation delay in the logic gate? 39. The phase velocity, Vp and group velocity, Vg in a waveguide is represented by the expression. Overall delay in propagation of Carry Save Adder is ___________. Pilot clock 95. In ICWN (intermittently connected wireless networks) nodes are not directly connected to each other instead it is connected randomly according to the relationship between the neighbour nodes. So the amount of time it waits in queue before being processed is called queueing delay. Removing long strings of 1s and 0s 48. 111. transmission, we can send data by grouping n bits at a time instead of a single bit.A) parallelB) serialC) analogD) digital, 3. If in one second, 1 bit can be transmitted. Note: Both queueing delay and processing delay doesnt have any formula because they depend on the speed of the processorThis delay depends upon the following factors: Packet Switching and Delays in Computer Network, Basic Network Attacks in Computer Network, Difference between Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS), Differences between Wireless Adhoc Network and Wireless Sensor Network, Difference between Next Generation Network and Traditional Network, Difference between Software Defined Network and Traditional Network, Difference between Network Administrator and Network Engineer, Difference Between Network Security and Network Administration, Computer Network | Leaky bucket algorithm. A 300-W line is terminated is a load impedance of 100 + j200W. Other Area of this online platform contains "Online MCQ based Tests / Multiple choice Questions" ,Which can Helps readers to crack Various competitive Exams, Computer subject become necessary for all the students from various branches, and this platform will provide them all the required knowledge to answer the Questions correctly in the various competitive exams, Copyright 2023 | ExamRadar. torques. Now consider the case La/R<=1. This Portion of Computer Networking contains Computer Networking Transport Layer MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers). Copyright 2023 McqMate. We provide you study material i.e. Information per unit time b. The integrated product of two different code words is zero c. Quantization d. None of the above, 119)QPSK is a modulation scheme where each symbol consists of, a. 21.6 sec. 7. Increasing bandwidth decreases transmission delay. 101. 13). This Section covers below lists of topics. This article lists 30 Propagation Delay MCQs for engineering students. c. Differential coding 90. The outer conductor of a coaxial transmission line is always grounded at the. What type of coupling is used between helical resonators? c. Two FSK spectra If B is the Bandwidth of the link and D is the Data Size to transmit Tt = D/B Propagation Delay (Tp) - It is the time taken by the first bit transferred by the host onto the outgoing link to reach the destination. Relates the conditions in time domain and frequency domain a) The velocity of the wave on the transmission line multiplied by the velocity of the wave of light in vacuum b) The ratio of the characteristic impedance of the line to the terminating impedance d) The velocity of the waves on the transmission line divided by the velocity of light in a vacuum b) BPF d) BRF 37. What is the attenuation in nepers for a 1-km length of RG58 A / U coax with a loss of 5dB / 100 ft.? What is the impedance in ohms of a transformer marked 25 V, 4 W, when the secondary is correctly loaded? c. p(x1,x2,x3xn) = p(x1)p(x2)p(x3).p(xn) b. Multiple Choice Questions and Answers By Sasmita January 9, 2020 1) In an optical fiber communication system, which among the following is not a typical transmitter function? One of the following microwave diodes is suitable for very low-power oscillators only. Intradomain Routing Protocols a) Packet length (iii) He can take short-term loan from a bank. 1. 1. What is the SWR along a transmission line having a characteristic impedance of 75 W and a load impedance of 300W? 98. line-height: 1.8; A type of transmission line consisting of an inner conductor surrounded by, but insulated from an outer conductor. b. d. H(P)2 1. White noise Transmission delay, also known as packetization delay, is the time it takes to transmit a data packet onto the outgoing link. 23). d. None of the above, a. What is the function of a resistive pyramid or vane at the end of a waveguide section? d. None of the above, 68)Parity check bit coding is used for, a. TCP and Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) are both connection-oriented protocols that will retransmit data if acknowledgments are not received. c. DPCM d. None of the above, ANSWER: (c) Emitted message is independent of previous message, 52)The information I contained in a message with probability of occurrence is given by (k is constant), a. I = k log21/P At ElectronicsPost.com I pursue my love for teaching. b. Step size is too large c. Transmission over long distances What is its impedance? A type of transmission line where the two conductors carry equal current. What is propagation delay called in networks? What can be the Propagation delay range of Logic gates? Below you can find MCQs or Multiple Choice Questions related to the Transmission Lines in the field of Communications Engineering. An ICMP error message may be generated for a multicast datagram. Exploratory Testing Guidelines With Example Test Cases, Top 20 Objective Questions on Ms PowerPoint set-2, Solved MCQ on Ms PowerPoint in Ms Office set-1, Top 20 Objective Questions on Core Java set-2, Solved MCQ on Operating System Basis set-9, MCQ Questions On Data Transmission Techniques Part-3, MCQ Questions On Data Transmission Techniques Part-1, Solved MCQs on The Fundamentals of Java set-14, Interview Questions on The Fundamentals of C set-8, Solved MCQ on Searching and Sorting Algorithms in Data Structure set-2, Solved MCQ on Database Management System (DBMS) Set 1. c. Sample and hold About Us | Privacy Policy| HTML SiteMap | Contact Us 2012-2022 InfoTech Site. c. White noise Network-Layer Congestion d. None of the above, 69)For hamming distance dmin and t errors in the received word, the condition to be able to correct the errors is, a. comprehensive error control but limited flow control. b. 35. B) Digital signal20. 1 INTRODUCTION The cut-off frequency in a waveguide signifies, a) longer wave will not propagate significantly, b) the frequency at which no transmission takes place.
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