And in Montevideo I really like to walk down a street called Calle Tristn Narvaja, which is a street that is full of secondhand bookstores. Consuelo: What the loss of this book meant to the country. Camila: lvaro took the book to Colombia and it ended up being part of that exhibit I mentioned before, at the Book Fair, along with 31 other books from his private collection. Learn more about Radio Ambulante and this story by visiting our website: Im an investigator with SIJINs anti-theft group. The rest of the Radio Ambulante team includes Luis Trelles, Fe Martnez, Elsa Liliana Ulloa, Barbara Sawhill, and Caro Rolando. It was an expression like I dont understand whats happening.. I made calls almost every week. The DIJIN and the SIJIN is very confusing even for us. Not a computer or a telephone or a photo. So the supervisor starts going by all the book stands in the area and says to the vendors: Supervisor: Listen, brother, a book got stolen around here. A thief entered Macondo and cast a dark shadow over the most successful of all of the Bogot Book Fairs. Camila: There were women who said Im no thief! During this period almost six years he wrote only one short story. Thanks to la Productora Snica, Sandra Acero and Jos Luis Pearedonda. Everything was very strange. But I think many of us were left with a lot of questions. It was around eight at night by the time he went to Macondo to get his books. Edit. Those who stole the work can suffer penalties ranging from 6 to 20 years, as well as those who commit the crime of handling stolen goods, meaning, buying this stolen good, could get 4 to 12 years in jail. The original title of the novel had been Este Pueblo de Mrida (The Town of Dung). No. Dont tell me theres another one. Garca Mrquez says that he again began writing, "straight off without a break, and afterwards made a great many corrections on the manuscript, made copies, and corrected it again." But they didnt, When David found out that the story was already all over the media, he got fair security on the phone, a retired colonel. Because that creates insecurity. . The thing is, they found the book but not the thief. Did they close the case? He wrote film scripts, some in collaboration with Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes; several of these scripts became movies. No, he donated several other things. Their number? I dont know, those guys came to sell the book but they are asking for a lot.. We know they were going to sell it for more than 120 million pesos. But at the time no one thought it was a shoddy lock. All he managed to think was, I dont want more books from the collection to get stolen. So he asked Luca to remove all of lvaros books and store them in a safe place. I hope you find the book. And I started to cry. The day-to-day life of the colonel, which doesn't amount to much, is handled with the precise detail of a painter. And it lasted for about half an hour until. Four in Cuba, two in Colombia and this one in Uruguay. Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want to study with Radio Ambulante's stories.More info at Im calling David. This is what he told me: No, the investigation is still ongoing. But before he left he asked to use their restroom. In other words, she didnt follow Davids instructions? What a country. Damaso is a night prowler who frequents the local bar and pool hall. Were talking about a lot of money. Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want to study with Radio Ambulantes stories. At other times he worked as an editor and once did publicity for the J. Walter Thompson office in Mexico City. But instead he was very controlled. Like saying that lvaro had stolen it himself, which seemed like the meanest possible thing to me. David: I said, lvaro, youre not going to believe it but I think Im happier than you are.. When we check the box, the first thing we do is see whats inside. It involves a poor, unlicensed dentist, Aurelio Escovar, who is called upon by the village mayor to remove an infected tooth. lvaro: So, do you want to see the book? The first question they asked him was, how do you feel now? And lvaro answered: lvaro: Right now I feel different because I realized that this didnt just happen to me, it happened to all of Colombia. And later he said no, librovejero as in ropavejero [book peddler, as in junk peddler]. And when David told him that, lvaro. Before the break, Camila was telling us about the robbery of a signed first edition of. Weve got a recommended case here. He was at his own bookstore, almost on the other side of the city, in the middle of an event with a writer. Neither Rouge or It does, however, bring to our attention the author's grasp on subtlety, on. Like the idea that there was something weird about this version of the story. Acesta este unul dintre putinele filme Fox care continua produsul sub proprietatea Disney. Camila: They said they had found out that someone had the book and that this person had set up a meeting with a possible buyer. David: I mean, its just not right. Not even me. Camila: He told me that every Monday morning, the nearly 1,300 men in the SIJIN gather in a square downtown and do what he calls a developments check, in other words, they are updated on that weeks investigations. Edgar: I got there to see what was going on. Eight police officers went. Easy Street by There Are No Thieves In This Town, released 18 August 2022 He took out six dollars and paid the shopkeeper. So I started to feel really really bad. Camila: Of course, but the book hadnt been appraised, it didnt have a price. But on Friday, six days after the robbery, lvaro was in his bookstore, working, when a friend called him and said: lvaro: Brother, so the book turned up?, lvaro: Its just that my dad heard it did. According to the supervisor, they didnt catch them. But on the other hand, he was certain he didnt want lvaro to find out from someone else. To open their bags. Like saying that lvaro had stolen it himself, which seemed like the meanest possible thing to me. I could tell that it was deeply painful for him because his eyes were watering and his mouth was trembling. And it makes me very sad because the book was stolen, but it also gives me peace, tranquility and pride knowing that there are people who can feel another persons minor misfortune, compared to the many misfortunes in life and in the country, as if it were their own. So the case with the book was clearly recommended. This book belongs to my country and Im going to donate it to the Colombian National Library because from the moment that most Colombians showed their scorn for this act, it became part of everyones heritage. His prize was a first edition book from 1967. When I saw the hole, it took less than a second to look over the books and realize it was that book: it was. As soon as he got off the phone with the police, he called David. Daniel: But the chief of police gave a different figure. rotund (adjective) (of a person) plump; having a full rounded shape. pockmarked (adjective) covered or disfigured with pitted scars or marks on the skin left by pustules or pimples. Camila: And, Daniel, I cant tell you how difficult it was to find someone in the police department who would agree to talk to me or who was able to. Directed by. And I dont want to tell him, but I have to. They looked like something out of the last century: there were two panes of glass one was sliding and they were held shut by a little lock, a keyhole with a saw-toothed shaped plate. Story Summary: "There Are No Thieves in This Town" Damaso, a 20-year-old man returns at dawn to the small room he shares with his wife, Ana, who is six months pregnant. The SIJIN is right in the middle of downtown Bogot. "The first line almost knocked me off the bed," Garcia Marquez said in a 1981 interview with The Paris Review. The perspective shows irony because the story implies the town is full of thieves. And he opened the box and there was the book. Camila: Today it is in the collections section, along with the other more valuable books in the National Library. And well, the fair ended on Monday and.. Camila: Everything was going back to normal. Camila: lvaro still didnt tell anyone anything. They said they had found out that someone had the book and that this person had set up a meeting with a possible buyer. Camila: The police started questioning everyone. Juan Vicente Valbuena: As well as anyone who acquires it. All he managed to think was, I dont want more books from the collection to get stolen. So he asked Luca to remove all of lvaros books and store them in a safe place. Then I opened it to the page with the inscription and said, yes, this is my book, and I started to cry. The crime that Damaso commits is blamed on what is referred to as the "blackman". Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Exactly. There are some details that certainly, for now. One of his stories, "There are No Thieves in This Town," was filmed by an experimental group for presentation at the 1965 Locarno Film Festival. 82. and any corresponding bookmarks? Presenter: It seems like yet another typical event in the unusual and magical country of Macondo, but it is real. Interviews with cultural icons like Rita Moreno and Carlos Santana as well as contemporary vanguards like Calle 13 or author Junot Diaz. And you would think that a thief is ready for something, dont you think?. Camila: How did you feel after that call? Camila: It was like if delivering the book was matter of life or death. Camila: Edgar said something similar to me: Edgar: The fact that the culprit was never found gives me the feeling that things were done a little like the whole thing wasnt so transparent. lvaro: I think that was the only time I showed any anger. He remembers it well. Camila: In other words, he wasnt just worried about how he was going to pay for the book, but also about what would become of the association. Yes, it is massive. On a day like today, my master William Faulkner said 'I decline to accept the end of man.' They said that the file on the robbery had been placed in whats called a provisional file. He asked Is this your book?. There are no ghosts, no gypsies. Its a decrepit building. And that General Palomino wanted to deliver it to him in person. lvaro: This book doesnt belong to me anymore. For us those are recommended cases. Neither floods nor plagues, nor famines nor cataclysms, nor even the eternal wars of century upon century have been able to subdue the persistent advantage of life over death. David hung up with Luca and it took him about 10 minutes to call lvaro. The people have compassion for him and do everything they can to offer dignity to the dead. And if you hear about it or they come by to try to sell it, youd better give us a call.. So everyone who went into the pavilion would see the bookstore. The officer asked us not to use his name. alternative approach to traditional music. He told me that every Monday morning, the nearly 1,300 men in the SIJIN gather in a square downtown and do what he calls a developments check, in other words, they are updated on that weeks investigations. Aurelio says to tell . You won't find any mention of levitation or flying carpets or crocodile children. I would feel unworthy of standing in this place that was his if I were not fully aware that the colossal tragedy he refused to recognize thirty-two years ago is now, for the first time since the beginning of humanity, nothing more than a simple scientific possibility. While Edgar was searching people, Luca knew that she had to call someone, but she thought: I cant tell lvaro myself. . Edgar: He tells me, the police are coming now so you can file a report. Camila: And of course, the business owners dont want their clients to get robbed. Quote for turning point 2 - "There were 200 pesos" said Rouge "And now there going to take them out of your hide, not so much for being a thief, but for being a fool.". Anyone can come to see it, but always under the supervision of one of the officials in the room. The fact that the culprit was never found gives me the feeling that things were done a little like the whole thing wasnt so transparent. Solid waste management represents a challenge for municipalities, particularly at the collection stage. The ones that have a restricted lane. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Paint is peeling off the walls and sometimes you get the feeling that the building is abandoned. Before the break, Camila was telling us about the robbery of a signed first edition of One Hundred Years of Solitude at the Book Fair in Bogot. Camila: He showed me the inscription and then he showed me something else. Camila: Because he got him old books. That there must have been some boss yelling at someone: this has to be found because its getting found. Then someone did something. I mean, it wasnt all of the first editions because they wouldnt all fit, but it was something representative of his work. And when he got to the stand. Camila: In other words, people who sell things with dubious origins. That was the phrase the supervisor used. Camila: Well, you cant hear it very well, but she thanks lvaro, obviously, and says that this book is the start of a great collection that the library wants to create, and that this book in particular is important not just because of its value as a piece of heritage, but also because of what its theft meant for the country. This story is about a thief named Damaso. 04. They live in a small rented room near the center of town. Heres the book. And the guys? I dont know. 20 years in prison for someone who stole a book by Gabo and eight for someone who committed crimes against humanity. And a boy who was somewhere between 10 and 12 years old comes up to me and says hey, arent you the one they stole the book from?. Their number? I dont know, those guys came to sell the book but they are asking for a lot.. In 1975, the world's most important sorcerers. Collection efficiency is aggravated by poor route planning, narrow road . He looked at me quietly with this terrified look on his face but he didnt talk to me. Gautibonza, the chief of police for Bogot, told him that when they found out about the robbery. It took four or five hours, it was this frustrating thing that wouldnt end. David: There was a very diligent group of police. Supervisor: When they get out to run, they hear gunfire. He comes home at dawn, slips into bed with his sleeping wife and lights a cigarette. lvaro told Edgar that he was going to take the rest of the books and told him to bring a box. I hold the rank of supervisor. And of course, the business owners dont want their clients to get robbed. Supervisor: So I spend a lot of time with them because sometimes theyre victims of the gangs that operate downtown too. In 1982, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. It seems like there was some kind of agreement to turn over the book, and thats that. Which is to say, it would be nice if all of the cases the police handled where recommended cases and they were just as efficient when they deal with the robbery of an average, ordinary citizen. Nobody. Then he confesses that he has robbed the pool hall and taken the billiard balls in hopes of selling them. I would rather have that responsibility and not leave other people in charge of it. And the protocol goes on and on. "There Are No Thieves in This Town" . Camila: Basically what he is saying is what all of us Colombians already know more or less: that the police give priority to cases involving more important people, people with money, famous people. I didnt even open the display case. It was rush hour on a Friday and the traffic was really backed up. Daniel: And where is the book today, Camila? So I went to the SIJN offices. lvaro needed a moment before he could start the interview. Camila: Exactly. Camila: When David found out that the story was already all over the media, he got fair security on the phone, a retired colonel. The first question they asked him was, how do you feel now? And lvaro answered: Right now I feel different because I realized that this didnt just happen to me, it happened to all of Colombia. The weekend went by and lvaro was still getting calls for interviews. And no one has been able to explain where that number came from. He said that the National Police were investigating the case and that he had to make it clear that not only were the individuals who stole the book responsible, but also anyone who bought it. Camila: Not knowing what he was going to do, Edgar put the box in storage and ordered that no one touch it. They put a type of caution tape in front of the display cases, like at a crime scene, and the order was not to move until lvaro arrived. Where did that number come from? He heard the news on La Lucirnaga. I told him, no, if its on La Lucirnaga theyre just messing with people.. He noted signs on the way advising that dogs and Mexicans were prohibited; he thus found himself barred from hotels because of his dark Latin complexion, the bigoted clerks mistaking him for a Mexican. And, well, we already know how that call went. I looked at the display case and the lock was missing. Camila: Good morning. lvaro: He stood there looking at me and he said Had you seen this cover before? And I told him no. So I tossed it in a bag, said thank you and left. Then I opened it to the page with the inscription and said, yes, this is my book, and I started to cry. lvaro: It took four or five hours, it was this frustrating thing that wouldnt end. Camila Segura: It starts with a call from David Roa to lvaro Castillo. I spoke with an appraiser who told me that the book couldnt have sold for more than 10 thousand dollars, 12 thousand at most. She told him that she was going to write the story herself and send it to So he started to call them on the radio. They questioned and doubted everything I said. But we have to close this circle with the capture of those responsible. Thanks for listening. Like shame, disbelief, alarm, fear. Camila: But if they do capture someone, then it will close. Stream ad-free with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. We showed up and they said, listen, there was a guy here who was interested but hes going to go to Preservencia to buy it there because those guys are pissed off and dont want to come over here because they know the book is a touchy subject.. She awakens and he puts a small bundle in her lap while he goes to the bathroom. Synopsis. When they said, hey, come here, sargeant. Whats going on, man? Theyre trying to sell that book. What? Yeah. And who are they? I dont know, theyre some guys from La Perseverancia.. Completely empty. The major calls the press chief and tells her the whole story. One of his stories, "There are No Thieves in This Town," was filmed by an experimental group for presentation at the 1965 Locarno Film Festival. I got there to see what was going on. Then the guy abandoned the book and they retrieved it at a store. They were about to close the fair and the police never arrived. 64. They described them as a young olive-skinned man who was about 1.6 meters tall [about 53] and a young blonde woman. About 40 thousand dollars. There was nothing there. Barely a sheet of paper. lvaro: And I added a note to the book which I wrote on the first page. Corral was a thirty-second shootout between lawmen led by Virgil Earp and members of a loosely organized group of outlaws called the Cowboys that occurred at about 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 1881, in Tombstone, Arizona Territory, United States.It is generally regarded as the most famous shootout in the history of the American Old West. How may I help you? Camila: I also asked lvaro what he knew about that. But its really hard to search that many people, isnt it? They hired two security guards who were only tasked with watching the bookstore, and on top of that, they agreed that one person on their staff would be at the cases at all times. He tells me, the police are coming now so you can file a report. Find top songs and albums by There Are No Thieves In This Town including Of the Things I Would Not . And I said yes, I am. And the boy gave me a hug and said, Im so sorry. But the chief of police gave a different figure. And Ill explain a little: David was in charge of the Macondo stall at the Bogot Book Fair. In other words, to a valuable book, to a media scandal. But what caught my attention was that there were slightly different versions of where the book had been found. Edgar: I followed people who walked past me up to the door before they could leave and I asked them to open their bags. And today I want to tell you the story of that book. lvaro: So I went to the restroom, I peed, I took a breath and wiped the sweat off my forehead. So that Saturday afternoon Luca was helping at the cash registers when a friend came to visit her and asked her who had the keys to the display cases. I want to get this over with fast. And I said, jokingly, if this isnt done by Thursday, Im donating it to the National Museum on Friday.. Having found the book in record time was a victory for the police: only six days after the report was filed. That was the first year the invited country was a fictional place: Macondo. An alternative approach to traditional music. And on top of that, the bookstore was going to be at the exit of the Macondo Pavilion, which was clearly the most important one at the fair. to doze (verb) to sleep lightly. Camila: Exactly. It says: I bought this copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude in Montevideo, Uruguay. He remembers it well. The worst possible. So much so that he didnt even ask Luca for many details. They gave it back to me in this little box. at the Book Fair in Bogot. Everything was very melodramatic. Taking out the cards, like they were shit to me, and leaving them on the desk. And he said return my book or pay for it. His desk was called the "Cave of the Mafia"; there, he worked for eight to ten hours a day for eighteen months. "Diary of a Shipwrecked Sailor. And they decided to infiltrate the black market, where this was being discussed. What he did say was that the book had been prepared to be sold when it was discovered. So they started to cause a kind of traffic jam. Damaso is not very good at his profession, for instance, he stole billiard balls instead of anything of value. Camila: He got out and the shopkeeper, before giving him the book. And that proves to us that Colombians, like Garca Mrquez says, are capable of the worst as well as the best. Read the Spanish transcript here.. Read an English translation here. lvaro: But my phone doesnt even have a data plan and the fair didnt have wifi and all that. Not even me. Well, not quite. What the loss of this book meant to the country. That kind of case doesnt close. He said, I cant believe it. He barely slept at all that night. Camila: Edgar was at the other end of the store and he rushed to where Luca was. Presenter 2: A thief entered Macondo and cast a dark shadow over the most successful of all of the Bogot Book Fairs. Juan Vidal is a writer and cultural critic from Miami. I was almost expecting him to start cursing and shouting and get violent. I was laughing at that point. And while it can be easy to focus most of our praise on One Hundred Years of Solitude, undoubtedly his most important novel, let us not forget the stories. Camila: When they left the interrogation it was practically nighttime. Thank you for listening to Radio Ambulante.
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