Later, R2-D2 and his companions traveled to the spaceport of Mos Eisley with the intention of finding passage to Alderaan. Star Wars R2-D2 Kill Count In The Clone Wars, Season One, Artoo had a total of seven kills. Having been offline for much of, , he helped piece together the map that would lead to the first Jedi Temple (and Luke Skywalker). [68], Upon arriving on Moraband, Yoda instructed R2-D2 to wait with his starfighter once again while he went on to continue his Jedi trials. R2 helping Anakin brief Shadow Squadron for their mission with his holo-projector. Soon, C-3PO informed the team via comlink that the old freighter was being dismantled by native scavengers, and as such, the Falcon's autopilot was out of order. Then there's the final battle, which pits RX-78-2 Gundam and the Iron Giant against Mechagodzilla. Total - 2 Total . Skywalker had freed the Chancellor and killed Count Dooku. Orphne told the two droids that a mutual balance had previously existed between the Aleena and the subterranean world. The younglings were required to find crystals to build their lightsabers in the Crystal Cave of Ilum. When the engines hummed to life, Ahsoka thanked the astromech droid. R2-D2 accompanied Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Gungan exile Jar Jar Binks, and Padm, the queen in disguise, to the city of Mos Espa to find a replacement. The indigenous Balnabs captured the two droids and brought them before their leader, who turned out to be a holo-projection created by a group of rogue pit droids. In response, R2-D2 whipped out his electro-shock prod, but did not use it as C-3PO ordered him to apologize. Ahsoka responded that R2-D2 had had a lot of "bad role models." As Grakkus had rendered all blasters useless with a localized E.M.P. Minister Tua wanted to obtain a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles, illicit weapons which had been banned by the Imperial Senate following the brutal pacification of Lasan. After Skywalker was knocked out by a powerful blast, R2-D2 took control of the starfighter. Under orders from R2-D2, C-3PO exposed his position to the Imperials. R2-D2 and his companions celebrating the Rebel victory at Endor. [51], R2 managed to reach the Jedi starfighters, but he was then accosted by the remaining gundark. While Gascon believed that R2-D2 had perished during the struggle, Skywalker refused to believe this was so and sent salvage teams to scour the wreckage. Despite Threepio's objections, R2-D2 escaped one night into the Jundland Wastes. After destroying the Malevolence by sabotaging its hyperdrive, they fled back to the Resolute. Later, Skywalker met the Force spirit of Kenobi who warned him of his final trial with Vader. At a later point in the Clone Wars, the Separatist leader Emir Wat Tambor invaded the Twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth and enslaved its inhabitants. [65], R2-D2 and Skywalker's mission was complicated by the presence of Clovis, the pro-Separatist senator whom Amidala had flirted with during an earlier mission to Cato Neimoidia. The key human performer for R2-D2 was Kenny Baker, who appeared as the astromech in A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, and Attack of the Clones. Anthony Daniels takes the stage at SWCA 2022 | Star Wars Celebration LIVE! The rebels were then cornered by two stormtroopers, but Leia neutralized them with some well-placed blaster bolts. R2-D2 is one of those characters that everyone has heard of, whether theyre fans of the Star Wars franchise or not. It is estimated that R2-D2 has an impressively large kill count of 1,000,253. In The Book of Boba Fett, R2-D2 was operated by actress Christine Galey, making her the first female performer to do so. In the official Star Wars comic (which takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back), R2-D2 sets off by himself to save C-3PO from the Empire. As a result, the Republic was able to conclude a treaty with Jabba.[20]. [78], After landing in the Naboo city of Keren, R2-D2 accompanied Princess Leia and Verlaine when they visited the home of Lord Junn, a wealthy Alderaanian expatriate who provided the group with information about the whereabouts of the Melodic Order. However, Vader was right beneath the walker, using his lightsaber to cut through the back left leg of the AT-AT. R2-D2 and C3-PO were briefly reunited when the two droids accompanied their masters Senator Amidala and General Skywalker on a sensitive mission to Cato Neimoidia. At this point, R2 was focused on the mission and 3-PO was just.standing there. Meanwhile, Leia and Sana rescued Aphra from being executed by an IG-RM droid, and recruited her to help take back the facility. [46], Later, R2-D2 accompanied Generals Skywalker and Kenobi on a sensitive mission to escort the Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze, who was traveling to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant to plead the case for her homeworld's neutrality. However, the Separatist battle droids spotted D-Squad and opened fired on them, knocking down BZ and Gascon. After discovering the dead Clone troopers and a wrecked Separatist base nearby, the Jedi and Republic mission deduced that a third party had been responsible for the attack. However, Kenobi used a Jedi mind trick to convince the stormtroopers to give them free passage through the town. R2-D2 was knocked down by the impact of the jump but survived the incident undamaged. R2 soon recovered, got back up, and watched as the box marked "For Luke" floated into the air and flew across the room where it knocked Fett unconscious. Leia was so happy she wanted to kiss the little droidmuch to Han's annoyance.[83]. But more importantly, it showcases just what R2-D2 is capable of. While Threepio does kill the droid, there are some solid reasons behind it. R2-D2 observed the training from a distance. They then left the desert world. R2-D2 is a major protagonist in Star Wars. R2-D2 played an important role in most of the movies to follow, whether hes saving. Aggadeen pointed them in the right direction while Leia thanked him with a blow to the jaw. While C-3PO became Jabba's new translator, R2-D2 was pressed into service as a waiter aboard Jabba's sail barge Khetanna. When C-3PO failed to dissuade the Ewoks, Skywalker used the Force to cause C-3PO's throne to levitate. The ship was used by Queen Amidala and her entourage in an attempt to pass the blockade and escape the planet. [12] Amidala also cared for R2, viewing him as a hero of Naboo and viewing him as a loyal ally who made her smile. Tons of TV. After Tano agreed to take part in a mission on Raada to investigate the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother, R2-D2 helped Captain Antilles' crew in repairing her damaged freighter. Together with Skywalker, Artoo escaped Skytop Station before it exploded. [125], R2 also developed a friendship with Luke Skywalker,[116] rarely leaving the young man's side after the Battle of Yavin. With R2-D2's help, Gascon and D-Squad managed to convince Gregor that he was a Clone trooper and to get him to help them. (52 BBY - ???) Imperial Engineer - Killed by R2-D2. [71] They traveled to Polis Massa, where Padm gave birth to twin children before dying. Kill Oscar! "It"? R2-D2 was saddened witnessing Leia's dying moments shortly after. Unwilling to endanger his wife, Skywalker, accompanied by R2-D2 and Kenobi, boarded the Malevolence to rescue her. R2-D2 was part of the Republic force led by General Anakin Skywalker and Commander Ahsoka Tano that was sent to relieve Ryloth. During the pursuit, the Tantive IV was crippled by a laser blast from Vader's ship and Imperial stormtroopers boarded the vessel. R2 has a 3rd leg/foot. Therefore, he had his memories of past adventures and missions to give him a personality, unlike any other droid. However, by the time of the Galactic Civil War they had not worked in ages, with their warranty being long expired,[127] having been damaged at some point after the Clone Wars. R-series[6] [38], Learning that the root of the Reeksa plant contained the antidote to the Blue Shadow Virus, R2-D2 along with Skywalker and Kenobi traveled to the planet Iego on the Twilight to obtain the plant. Entering the bar, he explained his case to all the bar patrons. Sometime following the events on Vrogas Vas, R2-D2 alongside C-3PO escorted Leia and Sana Starros aboard the Volt Cobra, as they brought Doctor Aphra to be incarcerated at the highly secret Sunspot Prison, a facility closely orbiting a star. Vader strafed Skywalker's X-wing and damaged R2-D2, who short-circuited as a result of a direct laser hit. When Dreed's subordinate Venk attacked the flotilla, R2-D2 beamed Leia's speech directly to the Alder-Espirion Chief Beon Beonel. At that moment, the Millennium Falcon was captured in the tractor beam of the Death Star. Their mission was led by Meebur Gascon, a diminutive male Zilkin who served as a Colonel in the Grand Army of the Republic. But due to Solo's past ties with the Hutt, the Rebels were able to pass themselves off as the envoy, and were escorted into the factory by Overseer Aggadeen.[25]. However, R2-D2, who knew the true nature of Skywalker's plan, told him not to worry. [55], R2-D2 and C-3PO took the opportunity to escape and resume their search for a replacement power unit for their Y-wing starfighter. "You may not recognize me because of my red arm of bitch slapping.". Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. During the skirmish, Tano ordered Artoo and the younglings Zatt and Ganodi to secure the deck while the droid Huyang and the other younglings hid in the deck. During the Battle of Ryloth, the Republic reinforcements sustained significant casualties including the loss of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Redeemer. He takes an X-Wing and jumps to Threepio's coordinates. On one occasion, R2-D2 was present when Yoda used the Force to levitate Skywalker's X-wing starfighter from the swamp. And the entire time, the Imperial forces have no idea what theyre facing off against, describing R2-D2 as the biggest, nastiest droid theyve ever seen. Even Darth Vader is seemingly unaware that the droid he once owned could pull all of that off. However, this was merely a ruse to free Han Solo. Meanwhile, Imperial stormtroopers attacked the Alderaan Enclave upstairs. [40], R2-D2 later participated in a joint Republic and Jedi operation to hunt down the Separatist-employed bounty hunter Cad Bane, who had stolen a holocron from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. But from a certain point of view, R2-D2 is also one of the deadlier killers that the Republic (and later the Rebellion and the Resistance) has to offerand this is in. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988) KILL COUNT. While Artoo only assisted with some of these kills, the mere fact that he got to this insanely high number makes him an absolute savage. There, he managed to reunite with C-3PO, who had also been captured. Immediately taking effect, Chewbacca roared and launched a successful counterattack against Krrsantan. Leia ordered the wookiee to kill Vader using his bowcaster. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation. R2-D2 serving drinks on Jabba's sail barge. R2 has 6 films and 3 TV series. [95], Making it back to the Millennium Falcon, Han said an antidote for the poison in Chewbacca was on the ship, and Luke instructed R2-D2 to administer it. Following the battle, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordered that the Zillo Beast be brought to Coruscant for further study despite the misgivings of General Windu and General Skywalker. [80], When Covis intercepted transmissions between the singer Tace and her sister, Tula, who was stationed aboard an Imperial cruiser, Jora thought that Leia and her group were Imperial spies and tried to apprehend them. The two droids quarreled on the way, with C-3PO blaming him for his incompetence. She is based in Brooklyn. With their starfighter's power systems damaged, R2-D2 and C-3PO were forced to land on another planet called Balnab. Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. The future of the Rebellion rested in his memory bank as he delivered Leia Organas message to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Death Star plans to the Rebellion so it could find the super weapons weaknesses and destroy it. Please do not leak any information if you are a Patreon member. [128] Despite this fact, R2-D2 was briefly able to get them working again while visiting Endor during the First Order-Resistance war. Imagine telling someone in 2005 that at this moment Official poster for 'The Mandalorian' Season 3. [55], After first meeting R2 during the Naboo crisis,[18] R2 was given to Anakin Skywalker by Padm Amidala as a wedding present. Think about it, if an order was not given to attack, then said individuals would still be alive. [18], As the ship traveled to Tatooine, R2-D2 was taken before Sab, the Queen's decoy in the guise of Amidala, where he was commended for his actions. After an assassination attempt on Amidala took the life of her handmaiden and decoy, Cord, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were assigned to be her Jedi protectors. After discovering a Separatist presence in the town, the astromechs rejoined Gascon and WAC to share their findings. Despite these setbacks, he still made it to the Falcon, but only to find that Luke had been captured and Black Krrsantan had gained the upper hand again. [86], Soon, Luke and R2 set down in the Jundland Wastes, and began the trek through the desert to Kenobi's former home. As D-Squad continued their journey across the wasteland, Gascon assigned R2-D2 with the task of carrying the module. Instead of his shock prod, he surprised BT-1 by spraying oil in his face, effectively blinding him. Affiliation Merrik pulled the Coronet out of hyperspace and contacted the Death Watch's leader Pre Vizsla, who sent B2 super battle droids to board the liner. For her own protection, Padm was sent home to Naboo, with R2-D2 and Skywalker accompanying her. Did you just ungender a droid with masculine programming? [80], A week later, R2-D2 was present when the rebels obtained a shipment of weapons from the Sullustan Nien Nunb. "Kill him," Palpatine tells Anakin, "kill him now." As he commands Anakin to "kill him now" the Chancellor turns his head towards Dooku, looking down at the elderly man who is also his apprentice. Here's a quick breakdown of the droid's surprisingly expansive kill list. Chopper has a wheel instead of a 3rd foot/leg. On the way to the spa, the two droids were separated and C-3PO was kidnapped by Todo 360 and a fellow sentinel droid called HELIOS-3E. Nachkt traveled to Grievous' secret listening post Skytop Station, which lay in the Ruusan system. Unbeknownst to them, the former bounty hunter and clone template Jango Fett's son Boba Fett had sabotaged the vessel and set a trap for the Jedi. Total - 1 TBA 1234 . When Organa mentioned Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka clarified she was referring to the late Senator Amidala. With the highest midi-chlorian count ever known to the Jedi, he was the one who brought an end to Darth Sidious and thus the Sith Order. Kill Counter / stats tracker :: Dead by Daylight General Discussions Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. r2d2 kill count1990 donruss baseball cards errors. What Will Grogu Become? R2-D2 managed to activated his booster rockets and rescue C-3PO. [120] When R2 and C-3P0 were hiding from Imperial forces in Mos Eisley, C-3PO told him to watch his language,[7] and when R2 was reunited with Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, his former master told him to do the same, as they were on a sacred island. While Skywalker confronted Count Dooku, Artoo and Tano continued the journey to Jabba's palace. [105] While R2-D2 was not designed for combat, R2-D2 was still able to hold his own in a fight on several occasions during the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. Dooku's face when Sidious says "kill him now" Photo Credit - Star Wars Episode II: Revenge of the Sith There, R2-D2 was called over by Amidala to help her father Ruwee Naberrie build a greenhouse, only for the astromech droid to instead become enamored by Amidala's newborn niece, Ryoo Naberrie. In order to convince Jora to trust them, Leia allowed Covis to download data from R2-D2's memory banks including the Lord Junn's weapons profile, navigational history, and transmissions. Hux's total death count is listed as 155,572,361,721 kills. R2-D2 was separated from Luke after the latter ascended up a turbolift which led him to a carbon-freezing chamber. While walking through Cloud City, R2-D2 and Luke caught a glimpse of Princess Leia and their companions being taken away by several Imperial stormtroopers. R2-D2, pronounced Artoo-Detoo and often referred to as R2 (Artoo), was an R2-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton with masculine programming. They would crash and be stranded together on one of the moons of Ryloth,[144] where most of the episodes would take place. The dying Yoda affirmed that Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader were the same person, before passing on. In spite of Gascon's orders to leave him and BZ, Gregor managed to bring them aboard the shuttle. Earlier, Skywalker had been visited by a Force spirit of Master Kenobi who told him to visit Dagobah where the Jedi Master Yoda would continue his Jedi training. Over the course of ten Star Wars live-action films, R2-D2 has been portrayed by a mix of costume shells "worn" by a small human performer, by remote-controlled mechanical props, by empty shells puppeteered externally, and by computer graphics. Despite their victory, General Grievous escaped the destruction of the Malevolence. While Tano parried with Vizsla, R2-D2's droid companions kept the remaining Death Watch members busy. However, the arrival of a Separatist droid army under General Grievous forced the Jedi prisoners to work together with their former pirate captors. The astromech droid played his part by helping the Republic forces to locate Separatist bombs planted in Kiros' capital city with his scanners. It is estimated that R2-D2 has an impressively large kill count of 1,000,253. They were pursued by droid forces led by the Separatist warden Osi Sobeck who was intent on recovering his prisoners. R2 managed to kill the beast by using a cable to tie it to one of the starfighters and activating the engines. Baker portrayed R2-D2 for six of the eight Star Wars films, serving as a consultant for the character on The Force Awakens. Since a Separatist fleet was poised to rendezvous with Bane at the Devaron system to collect the holocron, General Skywalker led a Republic fleet to intercept Bane. [14] He often used his holoprojector to relay messages or display other information. Homeworld R2-D2 developed a friendship with Ahsoka Tano. Since he had not received a memory wipe, R2-D2 recognized his old friend and told her that he and the pilots were working for a senator who wanted to meet her. He intended to avenge the death of his father by murdering Master Windu, who had killed Jango Fett during the Battle of Geonosis. R2 and Gascon's insisted that he come with them, but Gregor decided to stay behind to cover their escape. Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca managed to free the Princess, but their cover was blown and they had to hide in a garbage chute. Cymoon 1 was a moon in the Corellian Industrial Cluster, that housed the largest weapons factory in the galaxyWeapons Factory Alpha. None Unknown Bat-Like Creature - Eaten by Jar Jar Binks. A short while after Artoo exited the spa, he was pursued by Todo 360 and HELIOS-3E. The droid's work led to the arrest of Clone Sergeant Slick, who was identified as the traitor. Chopper has working rockets. Organa once joked that R2-D2 was far too independent for an astromech droid but did not give him a memory wipe out of respect. R2-D2 accompanied Luke to Pillio, where the compass was located, but remained with Luke's X-wing while his master found the compass. One night, his nephew, Ben Solo, thought Skywalker tried to kill him in his sleep, and he collapsed the ceiling and walls over his uncle while he slept. The Jedi Master also instructed R2-D2 to return alone to Coruscant if he did not return within three days. The rockrenders turned the tide of the battle by attacking the stormtroopers, feasting on their mineral rich armor. [43] Following their kidnapping and release, Bane and several associates invaded the Senate and kidnapped several Senators in a successful attempt to force the Republic to release Jabba's uncle Ziro.[44]. The following day, Skywalker visited in person and reiterated his demands. R2-D2s real show of force is seen several decades later as he sets off on a rescue mission to save, of all droids, C-3PO. [50], To remove the scales, Palpatine ordered the scientist Sionver Boll to kill the creature with Malastarian fuel. R2-D2 promptly reactivated after years of hibernation, and searched his records and found that he had previously downloaded this map while upon the first Death Star. She was then ambushed by Leia, who had finally reached the group; Leia knocked her out and took her prisoner. The kills were as follows; eighteen Assassin Probes, Gundark, Commando Droid, 120 Vulture Droids (together with Anakin Skywalker), and 1,000,125 Battle Droids (together with Anakin Skywalker). [7], Upon arriving in the settlement, they were stopped by a stormtrooper patrol who were hunting for R2-D2 and Threepio. During his captivity, R2-D2 had managed to broadcast an emergency transmission to Skywalker, who traveled to Skytop Station and rescued him. The ship landed on Tatooine without any further incidents, although the voyage fried the hyperdrive. Heavy rainfall compelled R2-D2 to follow them, but ended up peering through an open window as he likely couldn't fit through the doorway. Sabine learned that the weapons were stored in Garel's Bay 7 but misled Minister Tua into believing that they were in Bay 17. Ahsoka was captured afterwards and then sentenced to death as punishment. Under orders from Skywalker and Kenobi, R2-D2 and several Clone troopers probed the ship for any signs of Death Watch or Separatist activity. Thank you from the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Watch their music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies. Later, as Tatooine's suns rose over the desert, Luke had recovered enough of his sight to open the box and examine its contents: "The Journals of Ben Kenobi." [93], Luke and R2-D2 came out of their crash unscathed, and began making their way back to base; searching for traces of the Jedi would have to wait for another time. Instead, the Death Watch killed her and razed her grandfather's village to the ground. Palpatine by this time only has one kill of plagueis as he's cooking up the clone wars. In The Clone Wars, Season One, Artoo had a total of seven kills. While leaving the bridge, R2-D2 was pursued by Boba Fett's bounty hunter associates including Aurra Sing. Meanwhile R2-D2 and his former enemies, the Jawas, began rewiring the walker's laser cannons to get them operational. ({{. Livestock. As amazing as the little astromech was, he did not top the charts for the highest number of kills in Star Wars. R2-D2 also freed Leia and came to C-3PO's defense, when he was accosted by Jabba's pet Kowakian monkey-lizard Salacious Crumb. The droid's motorized all-terrain treads were, as a result, not impacted by ankle articulator servomotors immediately above. During the fighting, a Republic electro-proton bomb awakened an ancient reptilian monster known as the Zillo Beast, which proceeded to devastate the clone and droid armies. Total - 1 Two Unknown AT-DP Pilots - Blown up when C-3PO, R2-D2, and Sabine Wren pushed a cart of explosives underneath it.
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