When the missile neared the intercept point a command signal was sent to the missile to explode.[36]. the Improved Nike-Hercules radar antennas. This was carried out in a protected area behind a large berm, in order to protect the rest of the site from an accidental explosion during fuelling. HM-69 | In order to simplify the upgrades at Ajax sites, HIPAR did not replace the earlier ACQ radar from Ajax, which was retained and now known as LOPAR. Testing was unexpectedly cancelled before the W-7 could be fired.[21]. PRP | Radio-frequency radiations from radar antennas and associated You did tasks like those of a Department of Energy (DOE) employee that make them a member of the Special Exposure Cohort (See 42 U.S.C. This, in turn, required a much larger booster to loft it, but this was solved by strapping together four of the existing Nike boosters to form a cluster known as the XM-42, with the only modification to the original M5 engine design being the addition of new holes to bolt them together, creating the M5E. WilliamJ.Auell | Watching 2 MIG's fly over the Exclusion Area and buzz the tower, while tailed by 2 Tornado's (Italy). [9]:5758 Nevertheless, when the Army first released information about Ajax to the press in 1953, the Air Force quickly responded by leaking information about BOMARC to Aviation Week,[16] and continued to denigrate Nike in the press over the next few years. R&D, 2d Bn 51st Arty Individual Training Guide, New 2nd Lieutenants trying to get BCO EOD failed to come out to see, but sent instructions on what to do. LA-88 | A short in the cables (again the official explanation) to the launcher caused the missile to launch without the MTR being ready. A total of 145 missile Most of these were converted Nike Ajax units. Alaska | About | TestEquipment | He also testified that the Nike-Hercules missiles had atomic warheads and that he felt that he had significant exposure to ionizing radiation because of his military duties. I called again at 2:55 AM but still no answer. but the orders were canceled because of a security leak. I just returned from the seattle va hospital and i am now on the va health registry for occupational exposure of a us veteran during military service with the hawk ada missile system. positioned so as to radiate into areas occupied by passive antennas. List, by MOS, of likely extent of exposure to asbestos. This used much less fissile material and was thus considerably less expensive. I was woken at 6:30 AM by our Master Sergeant banging on my door telling me to get dressed and report to the base commander now and bring the daily log! [9]:5657, "Nike Ajax" used a slightly modified Nike missile, largely a re-arrangement of the internal components, making room for the 15kt (63TJ) WX-9 "gun-type" warhead also being developed as an artillery round. 16B goes nuts in a guard tower 30 feet high with an M16A1 and 180 rounds of ammo, with a gas mask. We had four missiles in the building. continually strafing the site, Icy mountain roads that automotive vehicles slide on. Bell also proposed a much more modified design known as "Nike Hercules" with an enlarged upper fuselage able to carry the XW-7 warhead of up to 40kt (170TJ)[9]:57 that wouldn't fit in the existing fuselage. going out to the RF Test Set. Faulty solid fuel flamed out about 500' after launch, separated from second stage and then reignited and slammed into the second stage. At Redstone Nike radar range: Just for fun, on a special project, a group of 3 Nike civilians and 2 military, John H. and myself, took components out of a TTR and the Control trailer and made a radar that would fit inside an M48 Tank. You may be entitled to disability compensation if these military exposures resulted in a disease or injury. I mean really fired it up, small spark followed immediately by a medium explosion! The "simulated target" appears to be purely simulated, not a drone. My MOS was 22f20 Nike electronic maintenance and warhead specialist. [21], The AMMO shot took place on 1 July 1958, successfully intercepting a simulated 650-knot (750mph; 1,200km/h) target flying at an altitude of 100,000 feet (30,000m) and a slant range of 79 miles (69nmi; 127km). Ordnance | LaunchSet | In his 26 November 1956 memorandum, he limited the Army to weapons with 200-mile (320km) range, and those involved in ground-to-air defense to only 100 miles (160km). Battery B, 5th Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery: From: Jim Martensen [20], It did, however, allow development of Hercules to continue, and the system was soon preparing to deploy. LA-43 | This was aircraft with speeds up to Mach 3, a wide range of radar cross sections, and powerful electronic countermeasures. Security | [9]:60, In a famous event, the Air Force interviewed for an article that appeared in the New York Times entitled "Air Force Calls Army Nike Unfit To Guard Nation". We then drove around out on the desert jumping over sand dunes with the jeeps. Hercules remained a major front-line weapon in Europe into the 1980s. Radiation exposure High pressure hydraulic lines bursting In the danger zone of a radiating antenna Body parts sucked into cooling fans German citizens taking pot shots at the IFC due to getting tired of the constant blip-blip-blip from the HIPAR Finding a Nike Hercules' warhead armed itself after a power surge or drop. I think what we were putting in the jeep was solid propellant fuel for the missiles. New to the Hercules system was the Target Ranging Radar, or TRR. Efforts to mount the HIPAR on the same platform between March and December 1962 were not nearly as successful, and on 18 December 1962 the concept was abandoned in favor of an "airmobile" solution using conventional M52 trucks and modified trailers. Several years later I was working for AT&T when I ran across an article in an AT&T magazine about Murray Hill in New Jersey. Ordnance | present along the axis of the transmitted beam at the following distances from The AN/MPQ-43 Mobile HIPAR was made part of Hercules Standard A in August 1966 and began operational deployment in Europe on 12 April 1967.[33]. Nike missile, any of a series of U.S. surface-to-air missiles designed from the 1940s through the 1960s for defense against attack by high-flying jet bombers or ballistic-missile reentry vehicles. Home | itself after a power surge or drop. 33 feet, Systems 538-594 and The Captain told the civilian that he had been notified by the Army two years ago that these tests would take place and when. Nike Hercules was included in SALT I discussions as an ABM. NY56 | 09/1963-09/1966, From: Hardy, Timothy A CIV (US) Guestbook | Definitions | Propellant samples and various other Nike-Hercules components were also exposed to atomic explosions and radiation during other Plumbbob shots. Subject: Danger and Fun, From: "Jim Derendinger" Handling | to find the rookie down in the van has the antenna pointed at you and it's on. Video | Blown fuse in a nuclear warhead de-mating procedures, never saw the Italians run so fast. I was told police, fire services, and a host of other radios would be useless for a large area of the east coast! Safety officer blew it before it crossed into Mexico. A Cold War Missile site on the side of a mountain in Dichtelbach, Germany Coursety of Sam Mclung RADAR DATA Harold Stanford | and me the job of cleaning the cables in the Panel Room in B Section. Date: April 23, 2016. As Hercules had evolved from the fixed-base Ajax system, early deployments offered no mobility. project, after they rebuilt their antennas front end receiver! Climbing a very rusty ABAR tower at D/2/52 to perform antenna service and wondering, "Will this rusty old ladder hold my weight?". Official requirements were published in 1945; Bell Laboratories won the Ordnance contract for a short-range line-of-sight weapon under Project Nike,[5] while a team of players led by Boeing won the contract for a long-range design known as Ground-to-Air Pilotless Aircraft, or GAPA. PatrickMackay | sargent turns white), Ending up with an eye injury My instructions said nothing about stopping the test, so I finished the tests, Cold War is Cold War! As soon at the TTR was locked on to a target, an analog computer (later digital) continually computed a suitable intercept point in the sky and an expected 'time to fly' of the missile based on information from the TTR and basic performance information about the missile. NATO units from West Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Greece and Turkey continued to use the Hercules for high-altitude air defense until the late 1980s. Poor old 5 ton got run very hard that day. Similar experiments for Hercules boosters led to the XM-61 single-chamber booster, but when the XM-42 cluster proved to be even less expensive than expected, this effort was also dropped. If I remember, it was just a broken arm or leg! Ajax | Three key elements were identified; the need to attack formations without nuclear warheads, operations against low-altitude targets, and better traffic-handling capabilities to handle larger raids. Paint a Hercules trainer missile put it on a ready round trailer. Body parts sucked into cooling fans; We call these presumptive diseases. SC for Disabilities Resulting From Exposure to Ionizing Radiation. NY56 | The Hawk locked on and blew the whole back half of the bus off. Hercules batteries in the US were generally placed in older Ajax bases, using their underground storage and maintenance buildings. It was launched on a Nike-Hercules missile, and detonated at a lower altitude than the other Fishbowl tests. The back of the controls were even with the extreme rear of the missile. AADCPS | The Army eventually decided not to proceed with any Ajax modifications as Hercules would be arriving shortly anyway. Nice run in full gear. Deployment began in 1958, initially at new bases, but it eventually took over many Ajax bases as well. BudHalsey | It was later revealed that only one of the sixty missiles at the site was actually functional at that time. and 16Bs to 5th Gen The nuclear-tipped . To: webmaster@nikemissile.org [9]:61, All of this was part of a larger fight going on over the Army's Jupiter missile, which the Air Force stated should be their mission. The Hawk guys at MacGregor had their fun too. Increasing performance against these longer-range "theatre" weapons would require more extensive upgrades that would have pushed the time-frame out to the range when FABMDS was expected. The missile would eventually pass out of line-of-sight with the MTR, so final arming information was provided during the dive, and the warhead was triggered by a barometric fuse. MPs an 16Bs (most sites), Down We were later stopped by MP's and and I thought we were going to be arrested but they finally let us go. The changes were designed to be upgradable without major changes to the deployed system the TTR/MTR could be replaced at any time, the HIPAR used its own displays and therefore required no changes in the missile launch equipment, the TRR was slaved to the TTR and simply updated range readings, and the new seeker could be retrofitted at any time. Guestbook | Anyway, Dr tells me that the leading suspects are heredity and exposure to radiation in early adulthood. TD Barnes | [18][19] The resulting flap led to calls for Nickerson to be court-martialed and was compared to the Billy Mitchell court-martial in the 1920s. We were high as a kite from the fumes of the trichlorethelene. AirDefense | Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:38:38 PM The TRR solves this problem by providing a separate ranging system on another frequency. He could have have protected the equipment, by pointing the antenna away from our HIPAR, a simple thing to do! Everglades National Park. The Nike Hercules became operational in 1958, and more than 80 Nike Hercules missiles were deployed in the United States, with 10 more in Europe and Taiwan. Prior to assuming hot status we had to run a drill. Sent: April 29, 2018 Needless to say the engineering section chief and his assistant got read the riot act. The M-36E1 was a steel rectangle with electric and hydraulic components and a large erecting beam supported by movable supports. Members | How Two of the weapons were damaged when they hit the ground and released plutonium, a radioactive material. RF radiation heats Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012, From: "Robert Kirk" Gilbert Burke | Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 (with just a hint of sarcasm). and could be spared), Finding warhead seal broken [40] There are slight differences in dimensions as reported in different sources, it is not known if this is due to different versions.[35]. [30], The first deployment of the EFS/ATBM HIPAR was carried out between February and 20 April 1963, but during this time the Army decided not to deploy these systems in the United States. against the dome door zippers - unconscious. Nuclear Missiles in Miami; ALASKA'S COLD WAR . Hercules was designed from the start to operate from Ajax bases. Radar-Non-scanning At MA+4 the missile self destructed when it failed to detect the MTR. It was followed by the Nike Zeus missile, which had a preliminary test firing Aug. 26, 1959, and could . The soldier that fired it did a double take when he realized what the missile was after, threw the launch tube and ran. The intensity of the beam from the target tracking radar in SF-88 | The DoD invested considerably in upgrading the security of the storage areas of the launcher sections, ultimately installing significant towers that were capable of watching over all three sections within the "exclusion area". Health | The Hercules system was compared to threats ranging from the relatively short-range Little John, Honest John and Lacrosse through medium-range systems like Corporal, Sergeant and Lance, and finally the long-range (for battlefield concerns) 200mi (320km) Redstone. The mishap led to the release of four nuclear weapons. BatteryAirlift | "[9]:63, Plans had been made to test the Hercules' W-7 warhead in a live-fire exercise in 1959 as part of "Operation SNODGRASS". Once a month at 3 AM on the first Sunday the top five channels were tested for one minute each, timed with a stop watch. NoSleep | The IFC contained the search and tracking radars and control center (operators, computer, etc. We went to SNAP. Because of our location, the top five channels on the HIPAR radar could not be used unless the bad guys were overhead. [26] Engineering was complete in 1958 and entered low-rate production in May 1959. TrainingGuide | With the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the units were deactivated in 1988. In the case of Hercules, all of the radars were typically mounted on (concrete) elevated platforms to improve their line-of-sight. The U.S. Army continued to use Hercules as a front-line air defense weapon in Europe until 1983, when Patriot missile batteries were deployed. He was safe but tube died. The House eventually came to support the Defense Secretary's position as stated in the Master Air Defense Plan, retaining Hercules while reducing BOMARC and SAGE. Greece | About | the equipment vans should be prohibited during periods of radar operation. All CONUS Hercules batteries, with the exception of the ones in Florida and Alaska, were deactivated by April 1974. It is not known if nuclear warheads existed at the site because the military would not release that information to the epa. As Chief Site Missile Equipment Engineer, getting a 2 AM phone call at my off base home because a visiting Colonel decided to do an unscheduled snap launch drill during a rain and later lightening storm and got a missile stuck in the raised position on the top of the elevated launch area. Radar-Wide Pulse Mode [23] The first deployments in Europe began in 1959. out there that want to add to the list just send your material to the webmaster@nikemissile.org. The base commander told me he had a call from an angry civilian saying that I had destroyed his equipment last night and he was billing the Army for $40,000 (this was in 1965!) Unzipping the door on the TTR radome only This information was displayed on plotting boards.[36]. Eating C rations dated 1958 ( it was 1973) and 1948 (it was 1974). SL-40 | Similar systems quickly emerged from other nations, including the S-75 Dvina (SA-2) from the USSR,[7] and the English Electric Thunderbird in the UK. Have to make a 90 degree turn on the way back. Subject: Nike site in Germany Beginning in FY 1961 the older warheads were replaced by W-31 Mod 0 warheads, with yields of 2 kt (Y1) or 30 kt (Y2). TestEquipment | Granted sovereignty to the marshall islands, including bikini, in the 1980s. Vets at Homestead AFB had to treat them- a tricky procedure for both the vet and the dog handler. Overview | Mobilization 1962: Driver decides to back his missile trailer loaded with a live Hercules- backs off the road down an embankment. A test against the much higher performance Pershing was carried out on 16 October 1963, and while the HIPAR was able to detect the missile, the tracking system was unable to track it. Falling down the ladder leading to the However, it makes the determination of range difficult or impossible. Engineers continued work on getting a second missile operational at McGuire, but the Air Force went ahead with plans to open the Suffolk County Missile Annex by 1 January 1960. M21-1, Part IV, Subpart ii, Chapter 2, Section C - Service Connection (SC) for Disabilities Resulting From Exposure to Environmental Hazards or Service in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) This section contains the following topics: Topic Topic Name. The effect of Each Nike battery consisted of two or three areas; IFC, LA and general. I've no family history of thyroid cancer that I know of. Subject: Nike Site Dangers (UNCLASSIFIED) Resulting from the radiation particle fallout from those tests, and from an attempt to resettle the atoll in the 1970s, after the u.s. AttackonUSSR? Handling | The civilian on the phone and two other scientists received a Noble Prize for discovering cosmic background radiation in space, the C.O.B.E. Of course this was an incident that never officially happened. MS-70 | There were concerns about the possibility of Air Force fighters being attacked by Army missiles, but the two forces improved co-ordination between the Army's ARAACOM and the Air Force's Air Defense Command (ADC) to the point where it was no longer a serious concern. Missile Tracking Radar-Nike-Ajax Mode 126 feet Target Tracking Radar-Wide Pulse Mode 230 feet Transmitting antennas in the non-scanning mode should not be positioned so as to radiate into areas occupied by passive antennas. Date: Fri, 15 May 2015, From: Don Mullis RockyStovall | A discussion about veterans health. Access to the Mobile HIPAR antenna trailer and the roofs of Italy | Hercules remained the US's primary heavy SAM until it began to be replaced by the higher performance and considerably more mobile MIM-104 Patriot in the 1980s. Reunions; Current Events; Cold War. Rising Star System with elevator mounted launchers. a rattle snake in your tent LA-29 | Browse 36 nike hercules missile stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Our section chief gave another Pvt. By 1959, Plato was still very much a paper project when news of large deployments of short-range missiles in the Warsaw Bloc became a clear threat. To ensure the MTR could see and track the missile during its initial rapid ascent as it launched, the IFC was normally located about 1 mile (1.6km) from the "Launching Area" (LA). The buildings that once housed Delta Battery became the original structures used for the Krome Avenue Detention Facility, a federal facility used primarily to hold illegal aliens awaiting immigration hearings. CWVA In May 1952, Bell was asked to explore such an adaptation to the Nike. T he Nike-Hercules was first publicly displayed on May 18, 1957. has. I was manning the emergency power switch and had to shut down the system. Nike Humor; 2nd Missile Bn 52nd ADA (Florida) ARADCOM Trophy; Regimental Crests; The Oozlefinch; Stories. Those black, yellow and red Korean hornets. LauncherArea | [30], The first EFS sets arrived at White Sands late in 1962 and started testing in April 1963. Radiation at the test site was. A nuclear weapons mishap occurred on January 17, 1966, over Palomares, Spain, when a United States Air Force (USAF) B-52 bomber and KC-135 tanker aircraft collided. In 1959 both the House and Senate debated the systems, with the Senate recommending cutting funding for Hercules and the House stating the opposite. Overview | heat to damage the tissues permanently. U.S.targets | Finding a Nike Hercules' warhead armed The Pittsburgh | Part of the rush was due to the newly evolving understanding of the effects of nuclear weapons on radar systems, which led to serious concerns about various weapon's systems ability to operate after nearby nuclear explosions. At this time the target information and the intercept point were displayed on the plotting boards and the BCO selected the right time to manually fire. snow on the ground, Cleaning the the red juice from control section of a Nike because the "inflight repairman" did not properly safety wire the HPU that you were performing a test on (I should have checked his work), Getting arrested and thrown into jail in Juarez. In maintenance at Redstone Arsenal after completing the radar and computer course: Having one of my technicians fire up the TT Radar after he took apart the waveguide and stuffed a rag in it to keep the moisture out small fire! RedCanyonRange | Further deployments to allied units and US units in Alaska were carried out between November 1963 and the summer of 1965.[30]. Acquisition Radar Systems 502-537-Non-scanning C-4-44 | Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 The TRR system combatted this by allowing switching between two very different set of frequencies. The mishap led to the release of four nuclear weapons. 145 missile batteries were deployed during the cold war. From: Thomas Moorer Can you say Asbestos time it was only 1974. Pittsburgh | SiteSummit | [14], The new design ultimately provided effective ranges on the order of 75 miles (65nmi; 121km) and altitudes ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 feet (6,100 to 30,500m). Germany police tell you have to go back on 2 lane roads. 2 people pulling/pushing by hand a 10,710 pound missile to a launcher. His Thompson went off. Over its lifetime, significant effort was put into the development of solid state replacements for the vacuum tube-based electronics inherited from the early-1950s Ajax, and a variety of mobile options. Hercules would prove to be the last operational missile from Bell's Nike team; Zeus was never deployed, and Hercules' replacements were developed by different teams. And you must have had contact with ionizing radiation in one of these ways while serving in the military: You served in the postwar occupation of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, or. Then haul it to K-town so the Gen had it for display. The adaption kit, xm75e1, which adapted the w31 warhead to the nike missile, was unpackaged and bolted to the forward end of the warhead (now a part of the missile).
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