Im just being honest with you, not meant to be mean, just honest. Plus, its an unpleasant place with mosquitoes, waterbugs, pollution from the refineries, undrinkable water and an oppressive hot, humid climate. Does anyone see this as a call for help ? Saba University School of Medicine is one of the world's leading international medical schools, with a 30-year history of educating outstanding doctors. I know countless ex-caribe Med students that are in limbo now and owe thousands of dollars in loans with nothing to show for it!. Am currently doing housejob in Nigeria. I got into RUSM and SJSM, and having a hard time to decided which one to choose. Most physician actively work to convince their children its a fools errand. 2. The instructors are from different counties and are sometimes at high levels in their fields. But rest assured that they had been red flagged by the U.S department of education. Only 50% of these foreign med grads find an actual internship. (Major Pros & Cons), Is St. Georges A Good Medical School? If you are socially awkward, then medicine is not right for you. That said if you think you can cut it try a walk in these kids shoes if you dare. You can not be a nurse either bc they are highly smart persons which obviously you are not. The students that I saw who didnt do well were: students who didnt care for medicine and they were simply doing it because it was their last resort, english wasnt their first language, students who got into toxic relationships, and students who put partying before their studies. At Saba University, we are cognizant of the cost of medical education. Let me stay focused on the Caribbean ones. Born and raised in the UK, Will went into medicine late (31) after a career in journalism. I am currently in my second year, and I can honestly say that it was a terrible decision. MCAT (mandatory for U.S. citizens, nationals or permanent residents all other students strongly encouraged). That way you will not try to commit suicide. When comparing prices to other medical schools in the Caribbean, in my opinion, you get what you pay for. Whats the math on that??? or foist horseshit on us such as: Winter That way you could at least make an informed decision. Simple as that. For a very long time, as its been almost 4 years since I left medicine, I was depressed and just in a bad place. But if this were my last option to becoming a physician I would still probably do it out of determination. I encourage you to look at trades. Hello came across this page after doing research on Carribean medical school. If you got a 2.0 at any university, in any program youre not magically going to become a great student in medical school. The fact I feel ashamed to disclose and never proud to announce it. This is the best article Ive ever read on the truth of such schools. Do not do not do not go to a foregien med school. I was very skeptical before I came here of course, but this school, IMO will allow you to have your sanity while going through these 2 tough years of basic sciences. Saba Medical School (Saba University School of Medicine) is located in The Bottom, Saba, in the Caribbean.This Caribbean medical school was founded in 1993 and has enrolled about 1500 MD students since that time. I would become a NP and forget medical school.. not worth the trouble and headaches. Never really read whole book. (some after repeating terms) (all carry huge amounts of burdensome debt, often financed through the US Federal Loan program), b. Im from Nigeria and I am processing my admission with Caribbean medical university school of medicine (CMU). Vacation is from Christmas to early Feburary (sweet! If you know it > Do you have the abilities to face the challenge or you have to work to improve them? Its true though, it depends how I put it, but that was some culture shock there and painful reality. In fact, the mental stress of not being able to pursue your dreams is far worse than the stress any medical student may face academically. Develop an app be a match maker find a need, fill a need and you can go to the Caribbean and retire on your catamarran on your private beach. Saba is not currently subject to the jurisdiction of and thus has not received authorization from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. But we also teach them some of the more complex subjects of medical school. They appeal one student but not the other. The rest left because they were worried that their chance of making it through the program wasnt worth the six figures of debt they were going to incur. The hotel that he is likely referring to is the original campus. The way they treated you when you tried to rock the boat is good preparation for just about any residency in the USA. However we will get rid of those soon, while Caribbean schools will keep on going and churning out poorly educated MDs or failing hopefuls. You are not exaggerating? Patients have no respect for physicians as a concequence. Hard to paint with a broad stroke here as so many factors are involved; however, the main point that I think we can all agree on is that these schools should not be deceptive with students. How are loan to be paid back. I know this because im not 20 obviously and I know how schools are accredited, so I also know when someone is stretching the truth a lot. That program call medical master program . Good luck! Students will then be able to write their licensing exam and apply as a junior doctor. I have a feeling that these comments are screened, because the owner of this website clearly has an agenda to discredit Caribbean medical schools. I have a very strong application. The school accepted its first American applicants in 2001, a year after a delegation from the Congressional Black Caucus, whose leadership included Representatives Bennie Thompson and Barbara Lee, travelled to Cuba and held talks with the Ministry of Education about the need for doctors in rural black communities, and the financial obstacles that make it difficult for low-income and minority students to enroll in American medical schools. Clinical facilities and teaching cases were abundant but you needed to be proficient in Spanish. If you You are doing a great job. Are you aware of any colleges that offer medicine programs right after high school or the 12th grade as it is in India. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Medicine is a very special calling and Caribbean medical schools are one final chance for students to explore whether medicine is really their calling. ; Participants can check in at the Broadway entrance of Lerner Hall upon arrival. The AUA coordinator is the WORST person ever. Being from a 3rd world country, my family doesnt not have the finances to pay the medical school fees for me;I will have to take a loan. So, in these cases, you cant ever refer to your class notes or powerpoints to study to Step 1. 75% of Sabas students go on to graduate, attain a medical degree and then find residency (usually in internal or family medicine). I have been passionate about studying medicine. you also can get your ass handed to you even when you dont sleep and just study all the time. Yes, I was a student at a Caribbean medical school. The school has registered vendors who are on campus every day selling food and/or fresh produce. Its also how your brain is going to force you to think, but if you end up on the island, learn not to dwell on too many thoughts, express them, write them, whatever you do with them, just study. The reason you came to this school is because it would accept you. One professor enforced a dress code on exam day. I mean Im currently living my dream. Its the only legit one. You just have to decide how much you can handle, what attitude you are going to pull up, and it if it is even worth it, lets say something hinders you from making it. Since were older, thats why he is going th carib route. DID get it back but it was a Huge hassle. I At Saba - 8am - 5pm. If you are willing to go through whatever comes your way, then the Caribbean is for you; go get that MD. How does competing for the highest grades, step scores, studying & working for 80, 90, 100+ hours per week, staying up for hours on end making life and death decisions lead to a properly trained, healthy, emotionally centered, happy physician who still has the capacity to love their patients and themselves? In all honesty, AUA is all about the money. Some that are very close to making it out of there, but still need to face with taking the USMLE Step 1 exam, which I have heard of success and not so successful stories. Thanks Zainab. 6) Emotional distress/burnout/sickness This is the area that caught me off guard. Shes 3rd year radio resident after having a kid, and her husband is finishing 4th year radio and starting fellowship soon.. Everyone will ask you for the money. Many of the classes are taught by professors that also conduct research in that area. I attended a school like this in Grenada. Just facts. These practices is illegal, but is not only ignored by the administration, the university administration is actively supporting it and enabling it. I didnt see a response to your question. I received 72k for having GPA/MCAT >3.6/507 within a week of applying. I really dont see a problem with giving someone a chance to do what they really want in life. They originally had 4 exams scheduled for the students, then they changed it to 2 exams. My friend and I both got 73% on our exams, they let her take Ck and didnt let me. The school and curriculum arent that difficult. Thats it. But, ALL of the material for Step 1 and 2 is available to you outside of class. Its like a wild wild west out here with AUA pointing their barrel to whatever they want. The Spanish she learned in Cuba does come in handythe hospital holds regular clinics for migrant farm workers, in the local apple orchards and tomato fields. I will use all i have learned and what i will learn and find my niche and my place in the system. Hi Sandy, Im in a somewhat similar situation trying to decide on Caribbean schools. Look at the gainful employment disclosures on the websites of all the schools that have Title IV, just look at the field that says % of those who completed the program on time. SGU is about 66% which is laughable but oddly respectable compared to some other schools that are %50 and lower. If students slip between the cracks of a US med school, then international med schools in the Caribbean may be the next choice. one building three stores not large enough to fit all med1s but something to brag about in their brochures I guess. The Dept of State is making them PRIORITY over USAs student/graduates and those whom have entrusted our lives prior in VA facilities: now all our corp run/corp billed/corp SlowDeath4$GulagEntrapment..processing life to termination. Always lived at home, never had a job, mommy and daddy took care of everything, cant cook, bath when told only, etcand then you get a diamond every now and then. Whats your phone number? And although youll still need to match those admissions criteria (by no means easy), its probably a lot easier to do so than it would be matching any other medical school state-side. Whether or not the system of selection is fair or not, those who will not let their dream dye, do consider attending a Caribbean med-school a serious option. Ive personally never experienced having a lack of space in the lecture hall but I am a part of the significantly smaller January class (in fact, the row in my section of the lecture hall is entirely empty except 1 other person.) 90 people started and 33 students currently at sem. I currently got accepted into the medical program at AUIC. However, Caribbean medical schools offer an alternative for people like my son, whom all grade in Canadas university is 92% and over, and MCAT was on the top and he did not received any admission or even interview for admission to any Canadas medical university due to this spot are offered for international student who pay more money. Inhumane and cruel organizations and human rights violations in medicine need to stop. Columbia and affiliate IDs are required for entry. 2022 Saba University School of Medicine. I would like some insight from current students and alumni. Personally, Im thankful for the experience because, despite the intense, God awful stress I endured. sticker every few months, and got a new one. All of that work for someone to tell you to just quit. I then went into a depression and felt numb. Do not let the bad experiences of some influence your future. One of our professors that taught us pathophysiology is now in federal prison here in the US for fraud and a narcotics scheme. So many fractured lives and lost dreams. We will be in the drivers seat. Some of that is being addressed at some levels, but not all. Four hundred people (half the class) got an A on the hardest exam in school. For example- can you go a day or two without showering in your apartment because theres a water outage? As soon as you are a pre-med, the world will ask a lot from you and they will never stop asking you to be perfect. In 2017, there were over 45,000 applications for very few positions in Germany for example, with average Med School size around 300-350 and you needed a perfect GPA (Abitur / Matura / baccalaureat) plus entrance exams (TMS or HamNat for Germany) and be fluent in the native language of course. I am a third year of AUA student. 35-45 globally per USNews, 2018). What would potential employers think of me when I tell them that the school I went to doesnt exist anymore? Mind you, your choice of residency is skewed a bit coming down here, but again there are ways to work your way through internal medicine and find a fellowship of your choice, it is just a tougher and longer road. Only a few corpses from paupers graves in Gross Anatomy not cleaned up if you get my drift They would not be allowed to repeat semester 2 because as I had mentioned, the material that was taught in semester 2 was now going to be taught to semester 1 students with the new curriculum in place. You will have lives in your hands and you SHOULD be held to higher standards. I only read 1/4 of what you wrote. they never reveal the attrition rates and i dont think theyll start anytime soon. That means roughly 60% of the students were rejected. Besides that, the school has 20+ selectives that includes on campus selectives and international trips to shadow physicians in other countries, research opportunities on campus, as well as, research opportunities in other countries. European accreditation: Because Saba is a Dutch island, Saba is accredited by the Netherlandsmaking it the only medical school in the Caribbean held to high European standards. search BS/MD programs. Nurses? Oh yeah, it is dirt cheap in Nigeria and when you convert it to dollars its not up to $1,000/semester. I couldnt emphasize on that more. Get out while you still can. So you looking at a 50% chance of being unemployed.But hey Mcdonalds has all the fries you can eat after if you work there after you graduate, since after graduation you will not be certified, do you plan in staying in that island, cause you are not going to be working as a physician without ecfmg certification, and then it is 50-50 to get matched into a residency. Thanks for sharing! That is after uSMLEs and matching. Do you mind telling me if your classes were huge like SGU or more manageable? Thank you. Even if you dont believe the stats that SGU publishes, then look at the match lists. To illustrate this, consider the median costs of tuition, fees, and health insurance at allopathic medical schools during the 20202021 academic year: $39,150 (in-state, public medical schools) $63,546 (out-of-state, public medical schools) $64,053 (in-state, private medical schools). Is that you? Please Jane, Im happy I found a Nigerian here. All comments moderated for spam. While I didnt particularly care for the island, it wasnt the hell on earth that hes describing. The amount of knowledge you are expected to consume and the rate and consistency is so insane. I do believe that these schools tend to operate in a business type way, but I am also very grateful that these schools exist to give people like me a chance! Technically, you do not even need medical school to pass your NBMEs and Step 1 3. Its a crapshoot whether you will be vaguely steered in the right direction by the school itself. It stands to reason that if any student can do that, they are capable. Have a wonderful day Dr. Wible. The strategy some of the schools will employ is to just admit anyone with a bioscience background. It is an uphill road to become a surgeon via offshore med school though can be done with determination. And thats the outcome for the bright students. We have no shortage of doctors, only a shortage of residency residencys. When you get into troubles, it is hard, try your best to find the best solution you can. Hello, please can you email me, I have a few questions thanks. I am very happy to be here in the Caribbean. I actually met one student who got a full tuition scholarship through this program. Will anything ever be done about that evil institution? When we unite as a profession to PROTECT one another and not allow our colleagues to fall and be preyed upon we will finally have real health care. In the US and some countries they filter the applicants prior to entry. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? That is why Caribbean medical schools offer an alternative. You will be required to be in class and you have to find a way to learn in and out of class if your classes are too long. I then went through some rough personal issues with my family and personal issues due to stress. i do wish more schools in the caribbean had more integrity in the kind of students they admit. I think you are looking for the pros and cons of studying at all saints St. Vincent. I think if you have no other option, Caribbeans is not a bad choice. If we dont achieve 80% attendance, the school may or may not discount some percentage of your grade (1%-5%) but it is an exaggeration that a student automatically fails the semester for not achieving the 80% attendance. Many schools in the caribbean give just about anyone a chance but it is up to them to sink or swim. Scholarships of up to $110K for students of the U.S and up to $120K for Canadian Students. How is it that Financial Aid continue to give loans and assistance to schools and are not creating medical doctors. I am the type of person that has to do everything by myself and sometimes God blesses me with people to help. Sabas curriculum emphasizes greater integration between case-based learning and clinical skills development. What did they promise on the way in? There are times when I went to classes in pain and took an exam and passed it. Things happen. If you really need to be a doctor and have the ability to learn, may be the world has a place for you to get that done. I wont go into every detail, but SGUs Dept of Educational Services offers meets all throughout the week where students can learn the material that is being taught in class, in a smaller setting. Hi, No school can give you that, you either have it inside you or you dont. I am almost one year post-Grenada (doing my clinical rotations in the U.S.) and I still have recurring nightmares of failing out of SGU (with 200,000+ of debt). Around 30K+ doctors did not get residency last year. If you are able to get into a US medical school, then by all means, go for it. Medical School success is a factor of time allotted, repetition, and efficient studying. Everyone will have a different experience and deal with it differently. You begin to question is it that they do not want to do medicine anymore? Massachusetts, At $26,000 tuition per semester and the chance of financial aid for both U.S. and Canadian students, also means you shouldnt rule it out. Sounds like a monopoly. And you guessed it, what does that mean? They know we want it so bad, so they literally pimp us and design the curriculum to weed out even good students. Do not mess up your life after graduation. And keep doing everything you do for medical students. I had confidence in my self and my competency hence I chose not to spend the extra time attempting at an acceptance to an onshore medical school, Id rather get through the process so I can service humanity as a doctor that much more sooner and longer. You can put all your energies into studying and reap nothing. Thanks for allowing students express their concerns about medical schools. Could you please provide me with your contact or social media profiles. the problem is it can be hard to know the full truth if one didnt do proper research on their school or never met an alumni. Required fields are marked *. Not one of our lecturers has even written the USMLE (or any exam similar to it), NOT ONE. Maarten, the island nation of Saba is small, quiet and extremely safe with something for everyone to enjoy: from quaint villages and mountain hiking trails to pristine scuba diving and well-regarded inns and restaurants.. How long is Saba med school? I will have to look into this before I make my final decision. This isnt the only example of illegal practices. But one thing most people dont assess is their abilities. I actually went the Mexican route. As she put it, she would graduate with the equivalent of car payments, while her peers in the United States would be saddled with the equivalent of mortgages. Circumstances come, even if you are the smartest student have a plan B. The avg. Thats all you need to know; it essentially tells you everything. (two friends went to rehab for alcohol/drug use) My school gave me the opportunity to study medicine, something that US medical schools didnt do for me.
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