10. Please note: If you are unable to attend the scheduled exam date, please reschedule using the online scheduling system or contact your assigned testing center. Choices a and c are incorrect, because those people make recommendations to the court but do not decide on the actual sentence. He seems excited by this prospect. Note: Only candidates who have registered and have submitted the examination-processing fee or Fee Waiver Form for this examination by the registration deadline will qualify for a military make up examination. The purpose of this document is to familiarize readers with the format and the different types of questions on the exam. During a recent office visit, you tell Jordan she needs to provide a urinalysis test. Practicingwith sample tests, reviewing study guides, and absorbing helpful exam tipscan help you to achieve a better testing attitude and stronger self-confidence. Start the exam in an ideal environment. Before you begin with the test, take out a minute or two to glance upon the entire test. In order to do this, one must simply prepare and practice in any way they can. One of the easiest ways is to set aside time to not only take the practice tests - under exam conditions - but also to take your results and revise anything that you are not as strong on. You will need to find the pattern or rule that governs the sequence to make the right decision. 49. In your first meeting with Gerald, he indicates he is pleased with being at the halfway house and is com- fortable with the other residents. Choice c is the best response to this situation, although choice b would be an acceptable alternative. Above all, it is important to remind Jonathan about safety issues and concerns and the need to watch out for each other. Prerelease planning, choice a, in which the officer and offender determine where the offender will live and work and in which programs he or she will participate, is completed when offenders are working toward their release from detention or prison. Some of the common criterions of Probation officer hiring process include certain perquisites that include being a US citizen, being a graduate, and being between the ages of 20-38. This section of the exam comprising of two parts calls for first displaying the capacity to check the accuracy of coded information in report forms and second demonstrating the ability to compare the coded information to a certain list of information and determine if it matches with any of the items on the list. Note: An orientation and preparation guide will be available immediately in the I/O Solutions portal to all confirmed exam registrants at no additional cost. Officers apply U.S. 39. a. Jane is obviously struggling with several issues, but generally speaking, she has the basic components to be successful. Correctional officers are respectful of persons in custody, leaders with good social and communication skills, and alert and courageous. This is called? . Recent high-profile cases between corrections officers and inmates . A bachelors degree from an accredited college or university is required; a concentration in human services, behavioral sciences, or criminal justice is preferred. In order to become more familiar with the pattern of exam you will register for, it is really important for you to take up the preparation of the exam. You learn from the manager that Gerald has been caught viewing children's videos on the house television and has visited inappropriate web- sites on the house computer. Opening and closing dates 02/10/2022 to 02/09/2023. Jane has now spent two full days in jail. She has not missed school, and her grades seem to be improving. Other states may require you to take the CPS HR or PSI Probation Officer Test. These specific types of psychometric tests include verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and logical reasoning. 40. This means that a successful probation officer needs all the theoretical knowledge of criminal processes and procedures - through gaining the qualifications - but also some so-called soft skills. Please provide with your request an email address, daytime base phone number and/or name and phone number of a friend or family member with whom you have regular contact and entrust with your personal communication. addresses the offense's impact on the victim and the offender's ability to pay fines and restitution. Choice c is a nice, second option for addi- tional training after you gain insight from your supervisor. When violations of supervision conditions are committed in a state that is not the state in which the offender committed the original offense, who has the authority to revoke or modify the conditions? 42. How should you handle this situation? You must also submit a letter of support from a qualified professional detailing what type of reasonable accommodation you are requesting at the examination site. For example, they may require that the defendant get drug testing and treatment, find and keep a job, or be placed on location monitoring. Training begins when an officer is hired and continues throughout the officer's career. When asked about the change in her clothing and style, Jordan indicates she is doing this because it makes her parents mad. Climb rungs of a ladder and retrieve an item within 7 seconds. Choice c also assumes that Jane has a sub- stance abuse problem, when the case study doesn't confirm that. The practice will surely impact your testing speed in a positive way and help you acquire an in depth understanding of the main prerogative of the questions frequently put up in the test. Supervise offenders and monitor their progress. It is a pre-employment test that every probation officer has to pass before being offered the position. 37. A better job may offer her more opportunities, as well as allow her to make a living rather than just get by, giving her a chance to boost her feel- ings of self-worth and self-esteem. It is extremely important for offenders to make amends for their crimes and pay restitution to "make the victim whole." Choice a is incorrect because not reacting could put you and your offender both in a difficult situation later. Choice c is incorrect and not the action of a responsible and professional parole officer. 24. b. Preparing for Probation officer exam by practicing with sample tests and study guides will definitely boost your confidence. Jane has been under supervision for one year for a three-year probation sentence for trafficking drugs. Also be sure to check your junk email folder as well for any emails that may be there. monitor them through phone calls and personal contacts, including meeting with them in the probation or pretrial services office and at their homes or jobs. Which of the following lists civil rights that have been given to offenders by the courts, unless a compelling state interest can be shown as to why they should not be given? She will turn 18 in three months. Most states require a bachelor's degree for the positions of probation and parole officers. Theoretical concepts on probation are tested. He asked if you will be carrying weapons, to which you reply no. Leave time to read through each question twice so you have time to decide which questions to tackle first. Without such letter by January 13, 2023, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to grant your accommodation. Each state has its own Probation Officerhiring process. Probation officers need to meet a few minimum requirements, which usually include being college graduates, holding either a Bachelors or a Masters degree in criminal justice, behavioral science or social work. The only obligation of the state in which the violations occurred would be the necessary documentation of the viola- tions and later testimony, either in person or by phone, if necessary. She doesn't wish to get into trouble and doesn't wish to be revoked. 42. c. You might need to remind Jonathan that he is to observe and learn, not walk off on his own. Probation Officers work in courthouses, other court facilities, in the field, and may be alone at times with probationers; may work varied shifts; interact with people who are under physical and/or emotional stress; must stand and walk for prolonged periods of time; and must be able to regularly travel within the Commonwealth for training and for job-related purposes. 34. Locations. During her time as a probation officer, she accepted cash, pills, goods and services from individuals under her supervision. You start conducting your conversation with the parolee when you hear a slap, and then the male voice loudly says, "I'm going to kill you for that." Choice b isn't an option until all other possibilities have been explored. Additional Resources 2022 Correction Officer I Exam Poster (PDF 166.14 KB) 14. Our team of expert test researchers has put together a study system specifically designed . 188 questions. Jonathan does a great job in staying with you during the remainder of the collateral visits, and over lunch you thank him for following your instructions. Only the judge has the authority to modify the conditions or revoke the sentence. Choice d is not really relevant to keeping Jane on probation, unless you are not recommending revocation. Probation officers have many responsibilities, all centred around helping offenders to make better decisions, enforcing the conditions of community orders, managing low, medium, and high-risk offenders - all to protect the public. All additional information about the examination will be provided to you by email. Social case work aims CHIEFLY to. Choice c is important only when creating your recommendations for the judge. 30. When you get to the halfway house, Gerald tells you that being out of prison is just too hard and he wants to be returned to custody today. Choice c does not model appropri- ate methods of resolving difficult situations. There are over 100,00 Probation Officers in the U.S., and the average annual salary is $49,060. Therefore, by being prepared, you can increase the chances of successfully passing through the Probation officer test and making your way to the training. Choices b, c, and d are all important tasks of a parole officer and are byproducts of choice a. There are no minimum education or job requirements to take the exam. Answer d. A presentence investigation report does not have to be completed with the offender. Examination Date: January 17 February 10Exam Registration Deadline: January 13, 2023 -Registration Period is now closedExamination Fee:$100. One cannot assume she is a bad mother because of her associations or actions outside the home. with the written test used for the Probation examination series. (347) 534-3509 Hours of Operation: Mon-Thu: 7:30 am to 6:00 PM Fri: 8:30 am to 4:00 PM Sat & Sun: Closed For Offenders For Attorneys For Vendors If you would like to continue helping us improve Mass.gov, join our user panel to test new features for the site. A juvenile commits an act that is punishable by law. 15. Gerald's previous criminal history includes one other sex offense, after which he completed a sex treatment program and was placed on probation, which was revoked because of the current sexual assault charge. This is more of an administrative function than a jurisdiction agency. Only persons who pass the Probation Officer Exam will be considered eligible, which means obtaining the 70% pass mark is necessary. You first will need to gain your supervisor's support and confidence in your work. Community Supervision Officers Assesses the offender ensuring that he/she is not a risk to the community in which they are based. Answer D. Aftercare is a function of the juvenile correc- tional system whereby the officer provides surveillance and reintegration activities to help the offender get back into family and community. Release conditions are tailored to the individual. Probation officer exam is the exam you need to pass in order to become a Probation officer. Ensuring your documentation of your offender's progress is current and complete will help solidify any argument you may need to make. The written exam evaluates grammar, spelling, punctuation, reading comprehension, and basic mathematics. Probation revocation can be decided only by a. the probation officer. Always save some time to review your test to check on missed questions. 38. Choice a may be what you wish to do, but it would be impossible if the parolee is not focused on you and your discussion. The officer doesn't discuss the alleged offense or the defendant's guilt or innocence during the interview, or give the defendant legal advice or recommend an attorney. Also, dressing down Jonathan in front of the mother will only embarrass him. These types of offenders are referred to as status offenders. Exam registrants should also be aware that due to the anticipated large volume of qualified candidates, job applicants selected for an interview typically exceed the minimum requirements. The due process rights afforded to the parolee at this time do NOT include. 41. a. He adds that he likes his prison sex offender counselor better than his halfway house counselor and that he feels more connected to the prison treatment program than his current program. This section of the exam will test your ability to find a correct action or solution for a problem by applying a set of given rules. Supervise low-risk defendants and offenders, performing some of the same duties as officers, only under closer supervision. You can improve your exam potential through test preparation. Addition- ally, this choice is not appropriate action by a professional. In other words, when convicted of a crime, citizens lose certain civil rights such as the right to vote, the right to serve on a jury, and the right to own a firearm. The federal probation office is an independent agency working with the judicial system, but the perks being offered to the probation officers are similar to that of a person in civil services. Used early in the recruitment process, the probation officer test is designed to assess the candidates based on these job-related and relevant aptitudes. A probation or parole officer who considers his. Current Military Personnel:All military personnel who, in connection with current service, have military orders that indicate their unavailability due to military service on the examination date, must register for the examination, pay the processing fee, and request a makeup examination in writing, with a copy of your military orders attached. Reasonable Exam Accommodations: If you would like to request a reasonable accommodation for the examination due to a documented impairment, you must successfully register for the exam online and then complete an Exam Accommodation Form. This option certainly provides you opportunities to gain additional resources for Gerald should you chose to let him remain in the community. A Probation Officer utilizes a variety of tools to complete initial and on-going assessments of offenders placed under supervision, refers probationers to social resources in the community for assistance in rehabilitation, enforces court orders; and makes appropriate recommendations throughout violation of probation proceedings and modification of court orders. An orientation and preparation guide will also be available online to all confirmed registrants at no additional cost. It is important to read through the job description to understand what the role entails. Once it is determined that the offender wasn't angry with you or your presence at his home, an officer must not dismiss the expressed concerns, but should spend appropriate time discussing them with the offender. 45. Since the competition is high, you will need to invest more effort to ace the exam. You are also responsible forjuggling deadlines enforced by the courts and ensuring that all terms of the offenders' probations are met, including drug testing. Fee Waiver: The examination fee may be waived for registrants receiving certain state or federal public assistance, or unemployment insurance. To help ensure that persons who apply for judiciary law enforcement positions and individuals already performing the job are fit to serve, the U.S. probation and pretrial services system has put in place professional standards. In order to get there, however, the Probation Officer Exam is one of the hurdles candidates need to clear. Alongside the written test, you will also have to go through a background check, a medical test, and a psychological test. The federal courts (choice a) do not have jurisdiction in these situations unless a federal crime has been committed. . Military related requests must be emailed to: exams@jud.state.ma.us. As a civil servant working to help reduce further offending, a probation officer has the opportunity to work with the courts, the police service, and other teams to help offenders complete their community service and reintegrate them into society. It is essential that you show support of the halfway house staff and recognize their obser-, 35. Our partner Picked makes it simple to assess your candidates quickly and accurately. Choice b, in which the local detectives will work with you and the judge so that all parties have what is needed, is the best answer. This information includes the subject areas covered by the exam, the kinds of questions to expect, strategies Phone Number: 956-726-2255. Answer B. You go to the nearest. Officers supervise defendants and offenders in the community to reduce the risk they pose to the public. Each state follows a distinct process as far as the hiring of Probation officers is concerned. The next day, you are called into your supervisor's office and told that Jonathan has filed a report that you were rude to an offender's mother, you stated inappropriate things to an offender on the front porch of the offender's home, and you spent the whole day speaking to Jonathan in a demeaning tone. There is not necessarily a right or wrong answer, but the ones that you choose will be compared against an ideal candidate profile. How do you handle this situation? What should you do? Often reserved for professionals with advanced degrees and experience, the top 10% of earners make nearly $95,000 per year. However, choice b is incorrect because the parole offi- cer does more discretionary and administra- tive functions. . Choice c is not a respon- sible action for a parole officer. During the Trial Court review process or during the life of this candidate pool, candidates must make original supporting documentation available should the issue of authenticity arise with any submitted document copies. Her parents can't understand why Jordan can't separate from the boys and try to discipline her, which only makes things worse at home.
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