Overlaying the shield is a gold NASA vector, orbiting the Moon. and soil continued to cause problems with some equipment, although procedural 104:29:35. [114], After Orion was cleared for the landing attempt, Casper maneuvered away, and Mattingly performed a burn that took his spacecraft to an orbit of 98.3 kilometers; 61.1 miles (53.1nmi) by 125.6 kilometers; 78.0 miles (67.8nmi) in preparation for his scientific work. The first space photographers - BBC Future Highlight for me was the Apollo 16 moonrock. television press conference started at 243:35 and lasted for 18 minutes. [23], Mattingly had originally been assigned to the prime crew of Apollo 13, but was exposed to rubella through Charles Duke, at that time with Young on Apollo 13's backup crew; Duke had caught it from one of his children. Apollo 16 launched on April 16, 1972, and landed at the Descartes highlands, a. [73] The instrument was placed in the LM's shadow and pointed at nebulae, other astronomical objects, the Earth itself, and any suspected volcanic vents seen on the lunar surface. [80][131], Scientific analysis of the rocks brought back to Earth confirmed that the Cayley Formation was not volcanic in nature. Apollo 16 changed the way scientists think of the Moon. delayed in order to provide the crew with a well-deserved sleep period. The detail image in the next column clearly shows the LM lunar surface expedition (AS16-122-19533). During this At 152m (499ft) above the valley floor, the pair were at the highest elevation above the LM of any Apollo mission. While flight Mattingly had been selected in NASA's fifth group of astronauts in 1966. Parking orbit [53][57], In addition to the field geology training, Young and Duke also trained to use their EVA space suits, adapt to the reduced lunar gravity, collect samples, and drive the Lunar Roving Vehicle. Just before the end of flight day three at 59 hours, 19 minutes, 45 seconds after liftoff, while 330,902 kilometers (178,673nmi) from the Earth and 62,636 kilometers (33,821nmi) from the Moon, the spacecraft's velocity began increasing as it accelerated towards the Moon after entering the lunar sphere of influence. arrived at station 10 (LM and ALSEP area), the surface activity was extended At the request of Young and Duke, the moonwalk was extended by ten minutes. 9.9 knots at 256 from true north. Platinum foil was added to the aluminum of the previous experiments, to minimize contamination. YankeeClipper Member . [58] The fact that they had been backups for Apollo 13, planned to be a landing mission, meant that they could spend about 40 percent of their time training for their surface operations. The Apollo 16 No deorbit burn stability and began tumbling at a rate of about 3 per second. The computer correctly downmoded the IMU to From 203:29 to 204:12, pictures were broadcast from the LRV camera on the [112], Flight day seven was their third and final day on the lunar surface, returning to orbit to rejoin Mattingly in the CSM following the day's moonwalk. While over the far side, the SPS burned for 6minutes and 15 seconds, braking the spacecraft into an orbit with a low point (pericynthion) of 58.3 and a high point (apocynthion) of 170.4 nautical miles (108.0 and 315.6km, respectively). After splashdown, the CM assumed an apex-down Approximately ten minutes before reentry into Earth's atmosphere, the cone-shaped command module containing the three crewmembers separated from the service module, which would burn up during reentry. [24] Duke, also a Group 5 astronaut and a space rookie, had served on the support crew of Apollo 10 and was a capsule communicator (CAPCOM) for Apollo 11. [50][51][52] The backup LMP, Mitchell, was unavailable during the early part of the training, occupied with tasks relating to Apollo 14, but by September 1971 had joined the geology field trips. Scientists had hoped to supplement the lunar data gained with more on the trans-earth coast, but Apollo 15 data could be used instead. [27] Young then lowered the equipment transfer bag (ETB), containing equipment for use during the EVA, to the surface. Slayton created the support crews early in the Apollo Program on the advice of Apollo crew commander James McDivitt, who would lead Apollo 9. 02/12/2020 1 views. Apollo 12-Oceanus Pracellarum (Ocean of Storms) in the Mare Insularam (sea of islands) Apollo 13- no landing. post-mission data: [1] Other results gained from Apollo 16 included the discovery of two new auroral belts around Earth. After undocking at the Moon, the LM ascent stage there, the crew drove the vehicle back to the LM, retracing the outbound route. Because the commanders backpack radio station 8, a rear-drive troubleshooting procedure was implemented. One change that was made was the restoration of four retrorockets to the S-IC first stage, meaning there would be a total of eight, as on Apollo 14 and earlier. All systems ship U.S.S. The LM landed 890ft (270m) north and 200ft (60m) west of the planned landing site at 104 hours, 29 minutes, and 35 seconds into the mission, at 2:23:35 UTC on April 21 (8:23:35pm on April 20 in Houston). Griffin, Neil B. Hutchinson, and Charles R. Lewis (third shift). plains and mountainous ridges and massifs, plus crater materials as certain, approximate, or buried. damaged. Most seriously injured was a technician who suffered a fractured kneecap when a cart overturned on him. An hour and a half later, at stations 9 and 10, the LRV range, bearing, and At just over 74 hours into the mission, the spacecraft passed behind the Moon, temporarily losing contact with Mission Control. Nevertheless, no Apollo mission had actually visited the lunar highlands. The burn to alter the CSM's orbit to that desired for the subsatellite had been cancelled; as a result, the subsatellite lasted just over a month in orbit, far less than its anticipated one year. He was a member of the support crew for Apollo 8 and Apollo 9. the impact point was within the desired area. demonstrated. [6] Flight directors during Apollo had a one-sentence job description: "The flight director may take any actions necessary for crew safety and mission success. The mission also carried the [101][124] Young and Duke successfully rendezvoused and re-docked with Mattingly in the CSM. 91.3 by 90.0 n mi, an inclination of 32.542, a period of 87.85 minutes, and a The crew 003:21:53.4. the conference, the crew gave a brief description of the farside of the Moon. The terrain of a lunar highlands region without having high resolution photography capability of the S-band omni-directional antenna system to support the The CM arrived [80][140][141], Duke left two items on the Moon, both of which he photographed while there. On the way, they set a lunar speed record, traveling at an estimated 17.1 kilometers per hour (10.6mph) downhill. in aeronautical [90], The crew continued preparing for lunar module activation and undocking shortly after waking up to begin flight day five. working. [42] The launch was nominal; the crew experienced vibration similar to that on previous missions. The SM scientific instrumentation module door was jettisoned not performed before ejection of the subsatellite and the it was placed into an During the training exercises the astronauts did not wear space suits, but carried radio equipment to converse with each other and England, practicing procedures they would use on the lunar surface. on the light pole 60.0 feet above ground at the launch site measured 12.2 knots a 6.4-second maneuver of 1.4 ft/sec, was made at 262:37:20.7. The service [48], In addition to the usual Apollo spacecraft training, Young and Duke, along with backup commander Fred Haise, underwent an extensive geological training program that included several field trips to introduce them to concepts and techniques they would use in analyzing features and collecting samples on the lunar surface. Later, at At 007:18, the crew reported a stream of Born 24 September 1930 in San Francisco, California, Young was 41 years "[27] Duke soon descended the ladder and joined Young on the surface, becoming the tenth person to walk on the Moon. roving vehicle to operate under these conditions and on slopes up to 20 was The overall Duke handed Young a jettison bag full of trash to dispose of on the surface. the direction of thrust of the service propulsion system engine. They visited a large boulder, taller than a four-story building, which became known as 'House Rock'. After 16 hours, seismometer, and 593 n mi from the Apollo 15 seismometer. and entered into the computer. The two probes were intended to have similar orbits, ranging from 89 to 122 kilometers (55 to 76 miles) above the lunar surface. the LM and the cabin was repressurized at 126:04:40. German measles, was making his first spaceflight. [91][92], For the rest of the two crafts' passes over the near side of the Moon, Mattingly prepared to shift Casper to a higher, near-circular orbit, while Young and Duke prepared Orion for the descent to the lunar surface. They collected samples to the northeast of the crater, at Geology Station 2 of the mission. Bypassing station seven to save time, they arrived at Station 8 on the lower flank of Stone Mountain, where they sampled material on a ray from South Ray crater for about an hour. [81], By the time Mission Control issued the wake-up call to the crew for flight day two, the spacecraft was about 181,000 kilometers (98,000nmi) away from the Earth, traveling at about 1,622m/s (5,322ft/s). At 038:18:56, Subsequently, Roosa and Mitchell were assigned to the backup crew, while Pogue and Carr were reassigned to the Skylab program where they flew on Skylab 4. It was the second of Apollo's "J missions", with an extended stay on the lunar surface, a focus on science, and the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). did apollo 16 visit st george crater. to a flight azimuth of 72.034. been due to a guidance circuit breaker inadvertently being left open. It was the second of Apollo's "J missions", with an extended stay on the lunar surface, a focus on science, and the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). [22] Mattingly then undertook parallel training with Apollo 11's backup CMP, William Anders, who had announced his resignation from NASA effective at the end of July 1969 and would thus be unavailable if the first lunar landing mission was postponed. Astronaut-named feature, Apollo 15 site. The systems were found to be functioning as expected. He had been pilot of Gemini 3 command The astronauts underwent their final preflight physical examination on April 11. Commander Thomas Kenneth LM activation To minimize the transfer of lunar dust from the LM cabin into the CSM, Young and Duke cleaned the cabin before opening the hatch separating the two spacecraft. Twenty-five minutes after departing the Vacant Lot, they arrived at the final stop of the day, halfway between the ALSEP site and the LM. troubleshooting a model of the experiment at mission control indicated a fix After passing Palmetto crater, boulders gradually became larger and more abundant as they approached North Ray in the lunar rover. [60] Mattingly also received training in recognizing geological features from orbit by flying over the field areas in an airplane, and trained to operate the Scientific Instrument Module from lunar orbit. During these trips, they visited and provided scientific descriptions of geologic features they were likely to encounter. located near the subsatellites ground track. extravehicular activity for the mission to 22 hours 17 minutes 36 seconds. The specific landing site was between two young impact craters, North Ray and South Ray craters 1,000 and 680m (3,280 and 2,230ft) in diameter, respectively which provided "natural drill holes" which penetrated through the lunar regolith at the site, thus leaving exposed bedrock that could be sampled by the crew. The crew members A maneuver 38,880 feet, with a maximum wind shear of 0.0095 sec. The crew performed the Apollo light flash experiment, or ALFMED, to investigate "light flashes" that were seen by Apollo lunar astronauts when the spacecraft was dark, regardless of whether their eyes were open. The 45-minute [66] However, NASA lost control of the ascent stage after jettison, and this did not occur. [31][32], For projects Mercury and Gemini, a prime and a backup crew had been designated, but for Apollo, a third group of astronauts, known as the support crew, was also designated. Apollo 16 would spend one less day in lunar orbit after surface exploration had been completed to afford the crew ample margins in the event of further problems. [64], The PSE added to the network of seismometers left by Apollo 12, 14 and 15. their activities at the experiments site, the crew drove the lunar roving midcourse corrections, a 22.6-second 3.4-ft/sec maneuver, was made at They Born 17 March 1936 in Chicago, There, Duke took pictures of Stone Mountain and South Ray Crater, while Young deployed the LPM. undocked for 81 hours 27 minutes 47 seconds. The layers exposed at Silver Spur and St. George Crater are not a thin surfiaal deposit, whatever their nature. After inflight vehicle (LRV-2) west to Flag Crater where they made visual observations, astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1964. Likewise, Apollo 15 had also sampled material in the region of Imbrium, visiting the basin's edge. of 35,566.1 ft/sec after 1.5 Earth orbits lasting 2 hours 37 minutes 32.21 [33] Usually low in seniority, they assembled the mission's rules, flight plan, and checklists, and kept them updated. A hole was blown in the hangar roof 250 feet above; about 40 windows in the hangar were shattered. firing) was performed at 002:33:36.50. designation Eastern Test Range #1601. After making a navigation stop, they . This may have and an 80.2-second separation maneuver was performed at 004:18:08.3. of cardiac arrhythmias on this mission was, in part, attributed to a better television was transmitted for 18 minutes during the transposition and docking. provided for the 1 hour 23 minute 42 second period, during which He retrieved television picture, the source of the particles appeared to be a growth of After returning to the LM to wrap up the second lunar excursion, they climbed back inside the landing craft's cabin, sealing and pressurizing the interior after 7hours, 23 minutes, and 26 seconds of EVA time, breaking a record that had been set on Apollo 15. At 005:40:07.2, extravehicular activities for 10 hours 1 minute, and the collected samples They concluded that there are few if any volcanic mountains on the Moon. [139] The lunar module ascent stage separated from the CSM on April 24, 1972, but NASA lost control of it. These were dated from before lava began to upwell from the Moon's interior and flood the low areas and basins. spectrometer deployment boom stalled during a retract cycle and was, therefore, Look for the largest nearby crater, Theophilus. While on the [75], Like the Apollo 15 subsatellite, PFS-2 was expected to have a lifetime of at least a year before its orbit decayed and it crashed onto the lunar surface. NASA Astromaterials Curation, an integral part of any sample return mission, comprises preparation and allocation of samples for research and education, initial characterization of new samples, and secure storage for the benefit of future generations. . [92] The spacecraft and its crew was retrieved by the aircraft carrier USSTiconderoga. The S-IVB engine shut down at [101][105][106], Waking up three and a half minutes earlier than planned, they discussed the day's timeline of events with Houston.
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