It can assist in a multi-channel remarketing strategy, for example, you can create a Custom Audience of your AdWords visitors who didnt convert and remarket back to these users through Facebook Ads (these visitors are gold as theyve demonstrated search intent already). Their structure of pages through their community content pillars. If youve ever cracked open or lugged around a lonely planet or rough guide book, then youll feel a huge sense of gratitude for Airbnbs Guidebooks. A platform business model can be defined as a "business model that focuses on helping to facilitate interactions across a large number of participants" [2] In case of Airbnb, participants are host who offer their . Interestingly, direct links to the homes featured on Facebook arent included, instead a link to all properties in that location is provided. Without a look at Airbnbs marketing calendar and a review into their campaigns, its hard to determine exactly what other efforts Airbnb may have actioned at the time to result in such an increase. In comparison to static imagery, video is often more engaging and great for storytelling, which Airbnb have used to announce theyd hit half a billion check-ins in May 2019, as they celebrated this through video, rather than imagery. Airbnb has established a clear onsite content strategy which aims to engage and inspire their guests to stay on the platform and book a bed or experience. Openness and belonging are at the heart of Airbnb its at the core of what we do every day. offers a larger selection of options than, and has also created within their website a huge resource of linkable content and images, which have both greatly assisted with the development of their backlink profile. Not only did they revolutionise the travel industry, theyre one of the first startup unicorns to emerge in the mid-2000s and are emulated on every level from their business model and their map and search results, to their referral engines, and generally their outlook and approach to everything they do. I believe their inclusion of the Superhost is to give the post added credibility, as Superhosts have an average user rating of 4.8 or more out of 5. The next two sections I find quite interesting but mainly because of how different they are when Im signed in. Besides the basic cost savings, the most inviting factor of Airbnb, there are many reasons why Airbnb is better than a hotel: Airbnbs often come with a kitchen so besides saving money . Their job as a business is to promote the properties (and the hosts) so that people want to book them. If you want a growth strategy that leads the way in your industry, find out how Webprofits can help you transform your digital marketing. Global presence makes it an easy choice. The full history has been well documented several times (like here or here) so we wont be covering it here, but I think those early stages set the mindset of the business as one that would find a way to grow using whatever technology tricks that they could. Not surprisingly, the bulk of Airbnbs paid search traffic and spend is coming from destination-related terms, such as singapore accommodation. Precisely speaking, the success of Airbnb leans on the variety of suppliers ranging from small rooms to A-listed buildings ( Airbnb, n.d.). To successfully pull this off, some differentiation strategy education needs to take place. 7. Its hard to achieve this if youre a small business, but if youre a larger organisation, theres plenty to learn from Airbnb. The image instantly grabs your attention. In fact, back in 2011 they even paid for hosts to have professional photographs taken of their properties. Theres no form with dates or number of guests like there was previously, so theres an extra step no matter what. Having this on the page again highlights to users that not only can you get credit by inviting your friends to use the platform to stay for accommodation, but also invite friends to host people to stay at their places. Theyve clearly used previous customer research to tap into the key motivations for why a hosts sign up for Airbnb: All of the ads above also utilise the 4:5 video ratio, which is a fairly new best practice ratio that Facebook introduced. Looks pretty unique, wouldnt you say? The content gives instant value that there is content for hosts wanting extra support through toolkits or webinars which help with their hosting experience. The next best-performing page is Melbourne, Australia with 1.9% of the total traffic, and 479 ranked keywords. Although I think these are good, short messages that speak to the pain points that come with booking/saving for a vacation, I think theyre missing out on an opportunity to call out different users in a more fun and creative way, for example: With this in mind, its always important to stay true to your brands tone of voice, but the more that you can make a connection with your audiences in an authentic, human way on social, the more likely they will be to proactively seek out your business for their needs. Both could be applicable in the below scenario. The three generic business strategies suggested by Michael Porter are : Cost Leadership strategy ( lower costs/broad target market), Differentiation strategy (product differentiation/broad target market) and Focus business strategies (lower cost or differentiation/narrow target market ). To make a booking, you generally need to take the following steps: Open the Airbnb website. Its quite an extensive sheet, but one of the best paid search competitor analysis tools Ive found for larger accounts, as it unpacks exactly what search terms are driving users to what landing pages. As you would expect for a site like Airbnb, the majority of their backlinks have been achieved through travel-related content, such as articles on a certain destination, links from travel-related companies, and links in media and forums. 2. Something I found of interest and that may have had an impact on Airbnbs 2017/2018 growth was that there were several small Google algorithm updates made in December 2017 an unusual time for updates due to the impact these changes can have on eCommerce. Its a beautiful image and has a lot of visual impact, It evokes an emotion happiness, humor, nostalgia, etc, It tells a captivating story (image and/or caption). They dont use as much personalisation on their. However, this is not to say that their email strategy is leveraging all the data they have available, as its important they dont overshare: We make use of data in every email that we send. So, what can we learn from how the Airbnbs referral system mechanics and design work for them right now? As you scroll down, more is revealed about the property. My guess is that Airbnb know I cant afford $540 a night to stay in The Carribean, and so the options they suggest are a lot closer to what Ive booked in the past. Novak, Jasminko, and Schwabe, Gerhard. And, perhaps, this is what has really driven the growth of Airbnb and played the greatest role in building their content strategy to date. Web. Ive seen/heard of some properties that havent been kept very well, are lacking basic holiday features, or dont look very good. Airbnb created a whole new kind of vacation just by providing spaces other than hotels to stay. As Jacqui mentioned in her SEO section, they could also do more with their content to generate backlinks to their site and improve their organic search rankings. My favourite example is how they leveraged Craigslist to drive traffic and listings on their own site. Period. It ensures prospects know that Airbnb have got them covered (in their words!). Due to the sheer number of landing pages at play, its clear that Airbnb are either directing people to their expansive website or dynamically-generated landing pages. We designed Airbnb to have 100 homes in a city. Highlights their hosts as a key part of the Airbnb experience. One of the crucial components of Airbnbs email marketing strategy is their browser abandonment sequence. As with other sections, they provide guidelines for the host and let them fill in the rest. However, to some extent it has also used cost leadership. directed towards developing technology or strategies to differentiate Airbnb from its competitors. Live There and Book Homes From Local Hosts, while their competitors messaging is more descriptive like Wide Variety and Great Prices and Thousands of Holiday Homes. At this stage, as I havent put in any dates, Airbnb only need a couple of details to make sure its available, so thats all they ask for. If Ive already booked accommodation, this section may still be of interest, or if I havent booked accommodation, this is another angle by which I could be re-excited by my interest in visiting Santa Monica. This type of messaging perfectly ties back to their brand ethos of belonging and community we dont need to know who Patrick & Elizabeth are, we just need to know were invited to stay at their home. Many global brands are still trying to work out ways to build & integrate successful community marketing initiatives as part of their overall marketing strategy. Airbnb has created the perfect solution for renters and providers worldwide. On average, Airbnb post every 3-4 days on Facebook, in comparison to Instagram where they post almost daily. Lennie is the founder of a start-up business that allows homeowners to rent out their properties like hotels. In summary, the invitation for new hosts is carefully crafted and personalised to give the best possible experience for a new host. Do Airbnb get heavily involved in the discussion? By doing this, Airbnb are one again fostering a stronger sense of community between the hosts, but they are also saving themselves a lot of internal resources. They are known for creating great online user experiences, but they also excel in experiential and live-event marketing. Most people, you would expect, will have done this research early on, but it certainly cant hurt to display at this stage. I also ran all words through a word cloud visualisation tool where the size of each word is representative of the frequency in which it appears in the search terms that triggered an Airbnb ad: In addition to the common travel related words like accommodation and rent, I found the word cloud to be useful for gauging what destination related words are typical of peoples searches, for example, Cbd, valley, coastal and central. Usually, this strategy is followed when businesses are in a more demanding state. When aligned with a companys ideals, marketing can make a powerful statement, and in the best instances, be a force for change in the world. Their local twitter pages arent very impressive and it seems theyre more like an afterthought rather than a planned out strategy. An idea for generating this type of content could be an Instagram UGC competition where hosts share videos of WHY they host; the entries would be collected using a campaign hashtag, and hosts would be incentivised to do this with the opportunity to win an awesome prize. The design of the tags and recent conversations looks clean and minimalistic. So how do Airbnb ensure that hosts are comfortable enough to rent out their property, and continue to do so? On April 14, Airbnb announced that it had secured a $1 billion loan that Brian Chesky, Airbnb co-founder, CEO, and head of community, said would help "assure that Airbnb will emerge from the storm of the pandemic even stronger, regardless of how long the storm lasts.". Consistency is key here as if it is not consistent, its harder for Googles spider bots to crawl the website, leading to longer indexation times and reduced impact when changes are made on the site. Both Optus and Telstra use it for support and to answer any questions their customers may have Telstras bio states, Were here 247 to provide customer support and answer any Telstra questions you might have. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) When it comes to the sharing mechanism under Share your love of travel, the first thing you see straight away is the description under the title. The Growth Team at Airbnb have 3 main Philosophies when it comes to growth: Its no secret in the growth marketing world that one of Airbnbs key ingredients to product growth success was referrals. There's quite a bit of research and work that goes into creating a winning differentiation strategy. They famously did things that didnt scale and then growth hacked solutions so that they did. They also seem to have this automated, as they share many of the exact same photos and captions on Twitter posts as they do on Facebook. The statements are emotive and intriguing, making me want to find out more. What is evident and which we havent seen many referral systems use is other social channels such as messenger & whatsapp. The number of views the property has had recently is a ploy at making it seem scarce, and therefore more desirable. In fact, we wrote an article on it not too long ago. So, what have Airbnb done to construct and generate one of the best communities in the world? Theyve done this so well that theyve become synonymous with non-hotel accommodation booking, and created a new way to travel. Maximum rate each night: Under this . More social proof again (impressive numbers, right?). In the next section, Suggested for You, this is content that specifically addresses the needs of hosts. This action takes them beyond the scope of a simple accommodation booking tour, however does not quite match the integrations available through main competitors or, who offer the following different features: also has arrangements with a number of other services to assist the user with making this a one-stop shop, such as partnering with restaurant reservation services. As we can see on the community portal page, the community centre is broken down into 3 core pillars: The primary focus for this content pillar is helping those who are hosts or potential hosts to connect with other hosts, share stories, ask for advice, and get updates from the Airbnb team. It has to be some sort of SEO play, right? Embracing his core values of integrity, innovation and passion for the industry, Dan knows the online marketing game and is in love with his job and industry. Essentially, Dynamic Ads are automation at its finest. Thats way more than a roof, 4 walls, and a bed. But theres a great selection here in terms of price range. The Local Lens segment of the blog puts the spotlight on hosts and experiences by featuring individual stories from their users, similar to Community Stories onsite. By positioning themselves as a way to experience travel, rather than as an accommodation booking engine, they were able to connect with a segment of the travel market who felt their options were fairly limited. Who wants the same question asked over and over again? Its less commitment, often more cost-effective for the customer, and theyre fortunate with such a huge and diverse country like Australia that there are so many amazing listings they can continue to share. But I dont think these are categorised by Geography. When you arrive in your new destination, Airbnb send a personalised email containing Airbnb Experiences that may be of interest, disguised as an itinerary. In fact, estimated traffic year on year from February 2018 to February 2019 is down. If hosts are able to help each other out with a few quick posts, then it saves Airbnb having to get involved until its absolutely necessary. Its a place where people looking for short term accommodation (usually for holidays) are able to find somewhere to lay their head down at night. Airbnb uses differentiation strategy by making a new business model and providing the service which differentiates them from competitors. A selection of homes verified for quality and designed might well be a good description of Airbnb Plus, but its not exactly enticing. Airbnb created a new type of traveller through their product in 2006, and since then have developed that persona further and grown the market. Lets take a look at the non-personalised version of the home page first. I think one great way of doing this is by sharing content that is unique and not the same content that youve previously shared on your Facebook Page or Instagram feed. Cons: The Disadvantages of Differentiation 1. The travel industry disruptor currently uses machine learning to improve search, prevent fraud, help hosts optimize pricing, match users with the most relevant listings and other practices vital for the business. Lets look at a few more interesting email marketing use-cases. Not all businesses are lucky enough to have a recognisable logo that they can use as their Page profile picture but, as a globally-renowned brand, Airbnb have that privilege. Guidelines and tips. Cultivating community and maintaining trust among stakeholders is one of the solid bases of Airbnb competitive advantage. This can be invaluable content for someone who doesnt know much about their destination, especially when Airbnbs premise is that they want you to live like a local. They began offering their customers ways to specifically experience life as a local, as well as sleep like one. Airbnb have a ton of content on their site, mostly to support the decision of where shall I travel to? This is fantastic and helps make Airbnb feel like a one-stop-shop for travel but they could do more with the content they have. Through differentiation generic strategy, Airbnb positions its product offerings in a way to stand out and be different from the available alternatives. Of note, this has been changing with the introduction of the new Experiences and Restaurants sections of the Airbnb website. As there are threads started by people from other parts of the world. We did note from our research that the keywords the Neighbourhoods section are appearing in top positions for are all relatively low volume searches, and not high volume opportunities that would assist Airbnb with greater growth. And not every Airbnb experience Ive heard about is an overwhelmingly positive one. After comparing, the company creates a list of characteristics its products contain that the competition's products lack. Brian Chesky, Airbnb CEO, points out that "until now, Airbnb has been about homes." With the launch of Trips, it brings "together where you stay, what you do, and the people you meet all in one place."Designed and led by local experts, users can use Airbnb as a one-stop shop to not only book a place to stay in their destination, but also to participate in any of the 500 handcrafted . 2001: n. pag. The assumption is that Airbnb wants to focus on the goal of the user at this particular step. If they were a service business, they would target [city name] + [service A] and then [city name] + [service B] and so on.. The biggest competitive advantage for Airbnb is its brand recognition that continues to attract users and hosts to the platform, solidifying its market leadership. This was really insightful. Okay, so weve gone into detail of what the invitation mechanics, design & UX looks like for guests, but what about hosts? Airbnb. Sure, they can nurture better and convert more customers, but they needed a way to keep growing their revenue that isnt reliant on just one product. If Airbnb Plus is an example of a product upsell, their Experiences are a great example of a cross-sell. Even when they dont go exactly as planned. Airbnb have strategically placed this on the page for users as, while gaining more users onto the platform is great, its even more of a priority to get more hosts onto the platform. Coca-Cola, for example, currently enjoys a profit margin of approximately 33 . In fact, it is the eventual outcome of the strategies of the mission statement, which corresponds to the future achievements the business wants to be associated with. Netflix has exclusive content, Airbnb has exclusive homes, and Cameo offers access to a su Weve now taken a good look at the breakdown of the mechanics of how their community platform works with their UX, but what about the content? Being the experienced brand with strong foothold, the company uses differentiation as a tool to reduce the pressure by other brands. Their referral strategy is so easy that even my grandma has used it before with referrals from her friends. At first glance they look similar to the sections we saw in incognito mode, but there are subtle and important differences. Whether its personalised or not, I think theres room for improvement when it comes to Airbnbs home page. Airbnb has also used their blog to feature reports and studies theyve created, including Airbnbs Work To Fight Discrimination and Build Inclusion Report, and the Economic Impact Study. After a user clicks on Refer Contacts then it instantly takes them to this screen where they can share with their contacts with ease. Airbnb Plus is a selection of only the highest quality homes with hosts known for great reviews and attention to detail. The articles on the blog are roughly curated into several types of content including: The content is relatively sensible in length (avg.
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