The ATGMs aren't common place but considering germany doesn't get SS.11s until 7.7 it does show the extreme technology advantage the brits have. By If we're going to go with just the general platitudes then it's kind of a boring discussion that you would clearly be winning if we don't take a deeper look at the issues with German mobility other than "keeping pace", whatever that means. The Ju-288C is breaking the super prop part of the game, what solutions are likely to be tried to solve this issue (I understand if you can't really answer this one)? (Petrol tanks under turret basket magicallyexplode when turret penned). The rest including pz iv and pz 3 is pretty balanced in my opinion. "situational" any map with a rock, wall, or building allows you to take advantage of the stabilizer. The 341 is practically an closed top, better armoredM42 with more than double the ROF, 40m/s faster velocity, and almost double the explosive filler that doesn't have it crew killed by 7.62s and doesn't explode from a stray bullet hitting it's exposed ammo. Their is a perfect blend of fast paced numbers (Warcurse, Escalation) and slower, more groove-oriented thrash in the vein of Pantera's Cowboys From Hell, in particular Destroy What Destroys You. They have large gun built on small and light chassis, so the weight of the gun makes it bounce after braking. Isn't it a bit dishonest to completely "forget" to bring out the more negative aspects of the panther? The T34 where as it has more penetration it has a longer reload and solid shot which recently seems to have suffered a reduced damage output off it round. It requires however quite some skill to shoot targets in RB from a far and you still lose if noone caps. You cant carry against so many players. Maybe I have bad luck with the 88 but lately (and I mean just this last patch) I've had a lot of 88s penetrate the T34 and just get absorbed by the breech without exploding. The reverse speeds of all of these tanks mean you must step forward progressively, rather than figuring on advancing and reversing on a whim with them as you would with others. Personally, I'd rather be able to harm an enemy frontally than a bit faster than him but forced to flank. - If it is a sufficiently big map he will just cap before you even get to see the cap point. He can get to cap first and setup an ambush. But that doesn't change the fact that the tank have bad reverse speeds,, fit in with all the other bad aspects of the Panther in this game, like bad low speed movement due to the missing regenerative steering. They can both all go through the Centurion mantlet with ease. Hardly an advantage. You can flank it and still fail to pen with many of the guns at this BR. Uptiers are a pervasive issue for every nation at one point or another, with the severity of this problem varying widely. Allied CAS has way more firepower than Axis one. In Panther? T__ turret has double layered spots where it goes as high as 300mm, angled cheeks, and is straight up thicker even at it's weakest points. Bouncing for when we are talking about the gun of Hellcat (especially the 90mm), Marder and Archer. In a standard WT match, do I try to command people using the chat to go to certain positions which they won't do? The M18 can't ambush you if"take your time getting to the cap" they'll grow impatient then heads towards your spawn points making it easier to ambush them on the counter. Threads 63 Messages 220. . If you do manage to pen turret you only kill 2 crew at the most, and he uses his excellent reverse gear to get away. While mobility has it's place, it's only one of the triad of armament, armor and mobility. Yes, but we should be discussing balance based on tanks that are actually in the tech tree. And 5.7 tanks can pen American tanks. He can cap first and when wait till in an ambush till you start to decap. The stock ammo for them is useless! That ammo should not be stock! 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. I have said quite the opposite honestly. Also we know the stories about the feared King Tigerpacks who slowly roam the map and suddenly appear in your rear. But be aware of your week side armour. The Challenger 2 is the third vehicle of this name, the first being the A30 Challenger, a World War II design using the Cromwell tank chassis with a 17-pounder gun. Other options like FW's with 1000kg bomb drops are just too bad in a fighter role, as well as the Me 262 Pulkzerstrer. Otherwise we can also assume incompetent Panther players who just drive on the highest hill and stand in the open hoping that noone sees them and try to snipe enemies. If he sees that you do dare to cap he will just rush back because he has the speed. By and large, Germanys main strength is firepower with armor being the secondary asset. By observation, I guess, a lot of players dont do this. While the M18 can reverse much quicker, it also lurches about far more. War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic Details dungeon eagle, gungeon ant Apr 15, 2021 @ 4:26pm germany suffers panther at 5.7 (it should be higher) Last edited by dungeon eagle, gungeon ant ; Apr 15, 2021 @ 4:52pm The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. And the T series has a thick turret but the tiger 2 has a better hull. That's where the Panther gets stuck due to bad low speed mobility. Considering Im an experienced player who has done quite well in some Germany tanks that have been thoroughly derided, Id lean towards saying youre justwrong. The T34 where as it has more penetration it has a longer reload and solid shot which recently seems to have suffered a reduced damage output off it round. I am a guy who plays all nation with Germany being my single most played nation. But to argue the tiger 2 has a worse hull than the T series is a joke. The stock ammo misery for every leos and m48 etc. Only if you let him, if you did the smart thing you will set the rules of engagement and battleground long before they even considered such a thing. You don't need to win the match in the first 5 minutes of the game, late games are a thing. I'd certainly replace the Hs 129B-2/MK 103 if the Bf 110G was a Tier III vehicle. What do you expect? AMX-13 GETS UPTIERED 6.7? Just look at the Tiger 1H how many Heavy Tanks at 5.3 can roll up to 45 almost 50Km/h. Spitfires can see the issue. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. But yes, if manage to get in a flanking spot undetected you can flank with it. Theres no reason why being put this tank agains opponents which pens it easy and having slow rate of fire to fight them. What about T95? While the M18 can potentially be used for flanking regardless of tier--this is true of any vehicle--it is also a vehicle that can be wiped out even by lowly 1.0s. Just an observation maybe its just me. Personally, I'd rather be able to harm an enemy frontally than a bit faster than him but forced to flank. Two world wars and two pandemics are just a few of the many historic events witnessed by Sister Andre during her 118 years. As a seasoned German player, I can tell you their firepower is at least as valuable as the Allies' speed. What plans do you have to try and tackle this issue? Same procedure as with Panthers. This trend follows most nations and Germany is no exception. While an M18s speed might allow it to get to a point a few moments before a Panther would, the M18s lack of armor and less capable cannon burden it if something like a Panther arrives shortly thereafter. With a few more wins per hundred matches, they'd be. The only way the Germans can use their strengths to dominate such maps is with good teamplay. King tiger turret is just a big flat sheet of 185mm armor. Sidenote: chuckling at all the silly "confused" reactions haters are giving. You can go through things but often times you die. Has 3 crew and carousel, so it doesn't fit survivability meta and it's armor can be penned by 9.0 premiums. Which also has bombs as well. The allegation is that because the Germans Tigers and Panthers cannot keep pace with the Americans M18s, the Russians T-34-85s and other like vehicles that the Germans simply cannot compete with these vehicles or the teams that use them. Join the Discord Here: you all enjoy this video/short from an interesting moment in-game! Objectives are death traps usually placed in a way that does favour German CATs, but you know that quite well. Most american team comps I see are at least 80% heavy tanks but they get away with it because their heavies can actually reliably bounce shots. Really? As a bad player I would say that German ground vehicles require a lot of patience to play effectively. Thats why it is so extremely annoying when you have to shoot the turret. Because heat rounds don't care about armor. Also hull down does not stop long 88 or 100mm from penetrating you and kill or wipe out your turret crew. Because heat rounds don't care about armor. He can get to cap first and setup an ambush. . 2. Well one or two not that much but a bit more and flying becomes more problematic. If anyone has any genuine strategy for killing T__ I'm all ears. is getting boosted taking them out requires specific loadouts and concentration, which makes the CAS player very susceptible for enemy fighters, this is further exacerbated by the poor balance among the nations at different br.s. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative: step forward progressively. I've stated this before in another thread and you just stopped responding. You don't exactly want to pull a pivot turn when in city combat, with it's horrible side armor. Again as stated before in other threads it is an option it is not viable in most instances as you typically just die. I mean this thing has a chance to kill KT frontally by spamming around the turret ring and it can take out the gun barrel within 2-3 shots.When the M41 of a German player is destroyed, well you can go panther which is not the best when it comes to maneuvering, or perhaps a puma which can get shredded by .50 CAL. If the team melts, the team melts. there are people who will likely attack you for not buying into the Germany suffers claims. As the matter relates to teams' statuses and ticket bleed, the capture point's alignment once captured is ended from the moment it is captured until the moment that hold on it is broken or the game ends. And if you talking about the swingfire it's not a good vehicle. sdkfz 123 panzerspahwagen ii luchs fast . Especially for such high brs. The F-4F Phantom II is a rank VII German jet fighter with a battle rating of 11.0 (AB/RB/SB). Which means all you need to do is spot him first, then he's basically done for. Just because there would be more open maps doesn't mean we can't have CQC maps. Armor. It depends; the objectives can be just as deadly for lightweights too. 1. jagdtiger having stupidly high Br at 7.3 arcade. but in a game where you play the same maps over and over again and know all the ways hideouts. But it will go as well as it would if American tanks went up to 6.7. Only salt and betrayal.Thanks for watching!Subscribe for decent content next time (hopefully). Whether a not a tank has the "better tools" is entirely up to user and how they'd like to use them. Yes, but just pointing out that "Japanese bias" has been used before. And its mo different than tiger 2 players shaking their turret to get a bounce. He just needs to find the right way to flank you. An uptier will barely affect the performance of an M18. And that goes for anyone regardless of nation. Not sure why, maybe it's a new bug or there's a spall shield I'm unaware of, but it's really annoying. Add the EBR 1954 Version in the Tech tree, add the French Tiger 1 'Bretagne', add the French stabilised gun variant of the AMX-10RC and AMX-30 in the main tech tree . Want Germany to be more competitive at 5.3-6.7? So if you fall for him turning the gun and you still shoot the breach rather than the side of the turret thats a player error and isn't much of a arguement. Selling Top German/UK Tank and Plane & US Top plane with many Premium. In an one on one battle with one cap point andrough, uneven terrain you will lose against the M18 in your panther 8 out of 10 times. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. With a fast tank it is easier to get to places and to take advantageous positions. That's a big if there, an M18 still isn't fast enough to out run a gun so its unlikely for them to survive long enough to retreat out of an ambushand flank you, heck even half of them that do make it out get blown up latertrying to flank you as they may become careless with hatred. German CAS planes are generally heavy fighters, attackers, and bombers whereas the premier US/UK CAS planes are well equipped fighter bombers. Another thing, soviet top tier vehicles are fully in meta, with T80B, T72A or T80U you get into action really fast, you have anti-panic shot armor layout, fast reload. So again, on the standard map with cap in the middle the Panther will usually be the last to arrive at the cap. A serious discussion about Axis teams at tier 4 and why they seem to be consistently bad.PLAY WAR THUNDER FOR FREE AND GET 50GE FOR FREE: http://warthunder.. Your observations are not a statistical fact or some sort of general trend setting. Tried to flank with the Tortoise? germany 5.3-6.3 problem its the same as soviet mbts 8.7-10.3 problem. He was 60 years old. The only situation where the Panther would in a clear advantage is a plain map where the M18 has no chance for covered approach. Thats why you will often see lack of initiative and decisiveness on German teams. Thats why the Germans tend to be passive. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. What's clear is how later German vehicles are designed to deal with tanks at long range, making use of frontal armor, penetreation and RoF. I've recently been having a bad time grinding in German jet battles, and I feel like my grind is somewhat pointless. I will keep the scope of this topic to relate to BRs 1.0 to 7.0 in RB, with the primary emphasis being on 4.X-5.X. Which is why its more rewarding when they pull it off as they had to put more effort into making it work and that's what people need nowadays a challenge. That vehicle is more treating. MidCii; Jul . On the contrary, the mixture of traits that German vehicles get is often favorable. Justifications for War and Peace in the Scriptures of the Abrahamic Religions. Sohow exactly do I do that? And I'll give you the T29 it was worthy of 7.0 but if your gonna sit here and argue the T34/30 are suddenly worthy of 7.0 you have a biased opinion.
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