We sighted it again a couple of days later from a distance, and finally on the third occasion I was fortunate enough to get an excellent view of it. Source:Cronshaw, Damon. A huge population of mutant tiger snakes has inhabited a small island off the coast of Tasmania to the point where tales of fleeing tourists are routinely regaled like . Mr Pereira dispatched the casts along with the teeth and blood samples to university zoologists in Sydney, but received little response, other than the explanation that the creature was probably a domestic dog. It then took off but didn't bounce like a kangaroo. The video was posted on YouTube, and shared in the Sydney subreddit on social media site Reddit. It tried to get through the armour rail on the highway, but couldnt, so it ran parallel with it for five yards, then it went through the rail at a higher opening. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two-storied,shingle-roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside asecond house, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine moving slowly across the roadfrom the Club House towards two houses. ", "February 2006, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Rayleen saw a thylacine-like animal crossing the road. We observed it for about 10 minutes from between 10 to 20 meters away. . Suddenly we saw sitting in the road ahead an animal which at first we took to be a dog. Two weeks later Dennis finally saw it sitting on the roadside while driving down their road to pick up their child from the bus stop at 4 pm. The following day I showed the impressions to Phil Whittaker. The swamp is surrounded by dense scrub at the foot of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs. As we approached the turnoff to Evans Lookout, and on the corner of the local city council water catchment fence [left side of road going south] which encloses a vast area of scrubland, we saw in the glare of the cars headlights a strange animal. It has a distinctly grey striped torso, long pointed muzzle, and a thick rigid tail. It was the vocalization that really threw me. Authorities say there is no evidence to confirm the thylacine still exists. The stripes were, she said, wider at the top and narrowed to a point and extendedhalf way down the side of the body. The large head had a short snout and three premolars on both jaws. Rex Gilroy, during an expedition north of the Grose Valley: "We returned to the swamp last February, and found more evidence. The picture of a thylacine on the Tasmanian Cascade Beer label would be the closest animal to what we saw. Whilst travelling east along the Bruxner Highway through the lighter wooded area, coming off the range, about ten minutes west of Drake he had a close view of a strange animal that looked like a thylacine without stripes. At one particular spot we came across paw prints unlike any of the others and certainly not those of any dog. "In September, 1983, I led a search into this region [i.e. The animal moved in a way that I had never encountered before. It was not afraid of me but backed away whenever I approached closer than 2-3 m. The tail was the least dog-like feature. It really caught my attention, and I found myself thinking about this animal for days.", "25thFebruary 2006, Saturday night, Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby; Richard sighted a thylacine-like animal on the road as he drove from Main Arm to Mullumbimby and he pulled off the road to look where the creature went. The animals watched the approaching car for a few seconds and then raced off into the bush. It continued to sniff the dirt road unconcerned by the presence of my vehicle. Then Donna saw that its head was too large, it was too bulky in the forequarters, and the body tapered off in the hind quarters, the exact opposite of the body of a wallaby. He said the animal, which he claimed could not be confused with a dog, was the size of a fox, with the head of a kangaroo and had a thick striped tail which tapered at the end. While some of these tracks were indistinct amid small twig and leaf fragments, two were not, and I cast these. * Its head was weird shaped with a long jaw/snout. . We came to some wild, hilly country covered with scrub and rocks. The animal seen on video is about a metre in length and about 50cm tall, which would be. Its body was a bit chunkier, the legs shorter, the tail had nothing like the length of a cats and hung straight out, and the snout protruded out quite markedly from a head that seemed proportionally smaller than that of a cat. This meant it strongly resembled a dog or a wolf, however, unlike canines the legs were proportionally short and the tail was stiff. [January 1979 sighting by married couple at night], "1979, Tyagarah; David saw a strange thylacine-like animal and it reminded him of the Tyagarah Lion observations that people had talked about over the years.". Source:Hunt, Elle. The Tasmanian Tiger was in fact a marsupial rather than a big cat, and its proper name is the thylacine. It was covered with tawny short hair with dark stripes across the back and its gait was noticeably unusual. "I met a bloke yesterday who said he had seen one in the Hunter Valley in NSW. Walkabout 34(12): 8. Join 1.7 Million Subscribers NSW, 2289 02 4047 3986 He worked for 5 years with Standard Saw Mills of Lismore as a logger and often saw dingos. His teenage son has since set up a large live animal trap in an attempt to capture it. Also, on some evenings we hear an unusual sound from the same general area (our farm borders xxxx Rd). I went back to England shortly afterwards but on my recent return to Australia the article by Samela Harris on the sightings of the thylacien and the resulting correspondence makes me wonder whether what we saw could have been a marsupial tiger or wolf. Zoologist Jeremy Griffith and farmer James Malley conducted the most intensive search for the Tasmanian tiger ever between 1967 and 1973. It had no spots, but it had stripes just like the long-gone Tasmanian tiger.. (Image credit: National Film and . It "had black stripes on the back side of the body." Start the day smarter Notable deaths in 2023 The world's . Its ears were not as big as a roo or a fox. Her father realized that this was some unknown creature that they had never seen before. Its fur was a tan colour, and the body stripes were blacky-brown. It was not striped but had 2 large bands or darker colour on its shoulders and hind section. 5 BEST Tasmanian Tiger Sightings Caught On VIDEO - YouTube 0:00 / 11:53 #Thylacine #TasmanianTiger 5 BEST Tasmanian Tiger Sightings Caught On VIDEO Wildlife With Cookie 18.8K subscribers Join. On one occasion I saw an animal [from the train window] closely resembling a Tasmanian Tiger, on the south-western side of the railway line near Glenbrook. Christian Kopp had a second encounter with a thylacine (first: NSW.c1992.xx.xx) while out riding his motorbike. It occured roughly 30km from the first, some twenty years earlier. Of particular interest was that the animal that he saw had no stripes on the body, though it did have pale bands along the tail. So many people, local and others, came in to describe their sightings. Far longer than any dogs tail & kinda looked like a kangaroo's tail. It was about 18 inches tall at the shoulders, 4ft in length from head to tail, and it had short body hair of light sandy colour, with a row of dark stripes arranged along the body beginning at the shoulders to the rump of the tail. : Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena, third edition. Mr Pereira also found a pile of excrement left by the animal. She was in good condition, no ribs showing. He suggested that what I'd seen mighta been a thylacine.". Mr George Skinner, a maintenance painter who was working at Jenolan Caves back in the early 1980s, once told this author that he was driving home from work around 5pm one evening in March 1982. It was about 18 kg, fawn coloured short dense fur. His wife was the first of the family to observe the animal, 3 months before while taking their child to the bus stop down their one kilometre long driveway. To this day I wish I had have got out to speak to the driver of the 'cruiser, but my head was just spinning! The encounter lasted in full no more than 15 seconds. Here we have a carnivore hanging out with two herbivores, can somebody please explain to me why this is occurring? It smelled of musk, like a mild skunk or possum odour. Researchers are looking for the Tasmanian Tiger in Northern Queensland after potential sightings suggest the species might not be extinct. Tasmanian tigers were well-adapted to the climate, with eight types of hair including hollow hairs to trap heat A microscopic examination of the recently rediscovered pelt revealed the animal's fur varied in coarseness, shape and colour, and it had at least three layers of body hair. Robyn noticed the tail itself was 2ft [61 cm] in length. One of the most significant was from Maureen from Byron Post Office whose husband had spotted one while posting letters in The Pocket. Grabbing his camera Kevin leapt from his car and, as he said later, tore up the embankment after it! It was grey/brown with a lighter underside, especially under the chin. All products are independently selected, tested or recommended by our team of experts.If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission. The last Tasmanian tiger is believed to have died in captivity in 1936, but sightings like the ones released from Tasmania have persisted for years, with most of the sightings coming from spotters . He said other members of his family has seen the same animal on separate occasions, as had neighbours. The fur was short, with a sandy beige colour. Both animals disappeared within seconds into the rainforest.". It reminded them of a Fossa or a civet and definitely was not a fox, dog or cat. An anonymous report (including two separate sightings) made to REPAD: "In about 2007, 2008 I saw this creature at Bowna Reserve in NSW (near Albury 2640). The animals face was like a dingo/dog/wolf but with rounder ears. Its head was not dog-like; it had a short muzzle with pointy ears, a proud stance and kangaroo-like hips. ", "In 1986 the Gilroys were contacted by Mrs Patricia Marson, to say that, in October 1972, she was on a camping trip with the Sydney Bushwalkers Club at Mount Wilson, which like nearby Mount Irvine, overlooks the Wollemi National Park/Wollangambe Wilderness country, from out of which tigers have been known to emerge to be seen hereabouts and at nearby Bilpin. As they passed through Medlow Bath, and just past the Foy Avenue turnoff, which is a busy area, about 6.1 metres ahead of his vehicle, illuminated by the headlights and standing on the left of the highway near street lights, they all spotted a dog-like animal of Alsatian size. Story. "1970, Crabbes Creek; schoolteacher Mark was working on a banana farm during the school holidays and as they descended from a forested ridge top at the end of the day, the owners German Shepard dog began growling at something sheltering within an old, partly collapsed banana-packing shed overgrown with vines. (2017). Like most marsupials, the female had a pouch hence the scientific name. Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops | Newcastle Herald | Newcastle, NSW New Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops By Damon Cronshaw Updated March 8 2017 - 3:06pm, first published March 7 2017 - 5:07pm View + 20 Photos Christian Kropp knows what he saw. They phoned and spoke about their experience on my Wildlife Talkback programme.". The animal appeared confused as it reached the middle of the highway, then dodging other traffic, it ran off under the roadside alcove and disappeared into bush, said Phil. Dr. S. J. Paramanov saw a thylacine at 11am along theBourke-Wanaaring Road, while collecting insects close to the road (Paramanov, 1968). No sex identifiers noticed. "It won't be much longer because we're very close to getting irrefutable proof the animal is still here," he said. It must be the boofiest pademelon head around, he says. ", "2005, Tregeagle; Rhys observed a golden-fawn thylacine-like animal. The tail was thicker at the base than at the tip and was about 1ft in length. Clive said that there were no foxes up there in the Whian Whian Range. Here it is. The father and a neighbour got a hassion bag and threw it over the animal. The terrain was undulating wooded hillsides with ajoining farming valleys. He describes the animal as "as long as a Labrador with a thin tail pointing backwards". Before it vanished off the roadside I noticed its length, about 5ft, the body stripes were blackish and ran from the middle of the back to the rump of the tail upon reddish-brown coloured body fur.". The last captive tiger died on September 7, 1936 at the since-defunct Beaumaris Zoo. It was not a wild dog nor kangaroo". (1968). Driving on deeper into the range we stopped to investigate an extensive tract of swampland, whose muddy shoreline contained paw prints of wombats, wallabies, bandicoots, possums and dingos. In November 2017, three investigators including Adrian Richardson, who has been hunting for the Thylacine for 26 years, captured video of what they claim is a Tasmanian tiger in Hobart. We were within yards of it when it moved off the road into the scrub with a loping cat-like run. The fur colour was light brown and there were dark stripes on the body that began at the neck base and extended to the tail rump. Since Benjamin died on September 7, 1936, there has been no official sighting of a Tasmanian tiger. The color of this animal was light in appearance & there were no stripes. Hunting, the introduction of dogs and the loss of habitat were to blame for its demise. Golf Course, towards its junction with Cliff Drive. The time was 11.25pm, when, just past the houses and oval, Mike clearly saw a Thylacine [there was, he said, no mistaking the body stripes and other features] running onto the road from left to right ahead of his car, illuminated by his headlights. Biologist and wildlife expert Nick Mooney has for years reviewed thylacine accounts and apparent footage and images. It had stripes that were not bold. ", Source:http://campbelltown-library.blogspot.com/2015/03/the-minto-monster.html. Thylacine winter. Nearby residents Allan & Maureen also observed the animal. We also found two unusual sets of tracks. As such it generally moved at a slow pace. The following quote is taken from a book, and does not include any direct quotes from the witness: "Among those who say they have seen thylacines in the mountainous wilderness of the Namadgi-Kosciusco National Park along the New South Wales-Victorian border is ranger Peter Simon, who saw one for several seconds in broad daylight in 1982, from a distance of 100 feet." Trailing a Tiger. ", "The Minto Monster was back in the news again in 1973 when claims that a mysterious creature had been 'terrorising' East Minto residents with its blood curdling screams. "In September 1999, Mr Phil Smith and his wife Kassi were driving from the west on the Great Western Highway at 60 to 70 km an hour, slowing down as they approached a fruit shop at Linden on the left-hand side of the road. As my lights were on the animal it bounced off into the bush unlike any dog I've ever seen. The stone missed its mark and the animal, looking up, saw the people and ran at great speed up the slope with a very unusual gait. Victorian Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) Sighting Reports Reports from other states and countries can be accessed here. Neuroglia-The Alternative Model of the Brain, NGS, Sanger & PacBio sequencing in Antibody Drug Discovery, Avian influenza: common questions and answers regarding transmission to mammals, You Really Should Talk to Your Plants Especially If Youre a Woman, Biological Crop Steering the Next Step in Controlled Cultivation. Its eyes were pale green reflecting in our weak head torches. She stated that it looked funny and very skinny and moved weird-like. The Tasmanian tiger was a carnivorous marsupial found in Australia and New Guinea until its extinction in the 1930s. It was covered with short golden-fawn fur with black shadowy marks on the fur tips across the rump like vague bands. It was covered in short sandy fur, had a long thin head and face with upright ears. However in the dense scrub we came across signs of a scuffle over a large area, between a wild pig and a thylacine, as indicated by thee dozens of tracks embedded in the soil. ", "8th October, 2005, 12pm, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Russel saw what looked like the same animal that he saw in September and believe it may have been sitting as he only saw its head and shoulders in the grass but was struck by it having rounded ears. Phil described the animal as having body fur of a burnt colour [ie blacky-brown], with a row of orangey-brown stripes extending barrel-wise from about mid-body to tail rump. It was very dark brown in colour, its back was distinctly hunched and it was stationary. The sighting occurred on the NSW/Vic border, and so is listed twice in the respective state databases. (p. 205), Source:Clark, Jerome. [chapter title: Thylacines, pp. The creature then ran down the side of a house into scrub. Like you're listening, you're looking, and you're identifying attributes of the animal. Another report, filed by a farmer in a cycling group, claims to have seen a "large cat-like creature" from a distance on the Lyell Highway. It would have been great if I had been able to get even one photo of the creature.", "I was driving out west of nsw 60 km west of Balranald when I came upon a tassie tiger at 2am. There was blood on the wire and wooden framework and a trail of paw prints led from there down a bush track. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. "During April 1967 sightings of a 'tiger' were being made at Putty Road farms, particularly in the Howes Valley area, where some poultry had been claimed snatched by one, perhaps two of these creatures. This species, also called Thylacine, was declared extinct after the last known specimen died in captivity, in an Australian zoo in 1936. Two Tasmanian tigers in captivity at the Hobart Zoo. "On the 25th January 1982, about 10pm, Mr Darryl Morris and his wife Carrol were driving to Mount Riverview. Advocate (Coffs Harbour, NSW), 9 March. The Tasmanian tiger or 'thylacine' The thylacine looked like a large, long dog with stripes and a long stiff tail. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. The front paw was lifted up near the snout. Its body was sloped and the tail followed the slope. I thought it was a cat at first but as I approached, it didnt scurry as a cat would. I have rung and reported this to my local veterinarian.". Mysterious Australia Newsletter 2022(August): 5. "In November of 1997, about 30 - 60km south of Broken Hill at 7.30am on the Silver City Hwy I too saw what can only be decribed as a Tassie Tiger, much to the 'joy' of all who I have told. Each time it was in the same area, crossing the same road xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, heading into a sugar cane field. I then looked in the rearview mirrow to see the Landcruiser doing the same, confirming to me that what ever I saw was wierd!. The narrator says the Tasmanian tiger is a "dangerous opponent" who is no longer able to live in its natural habitat. . ["Two animals of the hyena kind"]. 2024 Mercedes-Benz EQG EV spied inside and out, 2023 Mazda BT-50 price and specs: More expensive, up-spec manuals axed, 2023 Hyundai Kona hybrid, petrol detailed ahead of mid-year Australian launch, Virgin Australia flight attendants top tips for nervous travellers and the seats they need to book. Sly is Ty's brother (and former enemy) and a recurring character in the series. Here during September 1970, a tiger was seen and accurately described by a Mr Jim Neal, who spotted it as it ran across the Great Western Highway on the southern side of town. The Tasmanian tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been presumed extinct since 1936 . Her neck was longthe entire body lithe. ", "On Thursday afternoon 28th January 2015, on a Blackheath fire trail, above a gully Rex Gilroy found a number of Thylacine paw prints in a sandy patch. We were baffled. ", "15th February 2006, Hastings Point; Rose described a strange dog-like animal that she saw while driving to work in the morning. I was driving south about 20 min into a 9 hr drive home to Melbourne when a 'thing' with the strangest walk/run burst from the scrub straight across the road, in front of me & a White landcruiser ute travelling the other way. Was dog like but had a different stance ie hind quarter high, it had a size between a fox and a dingo. '", "While these are recorded, there is no evidence to confirm the thylacine still exists.". the Tasmanian tiger is not extinct but still roams Australia, . Its size was that of a medium-sized dog, and the body proportions were also dog-like; it was uniformly grey-brown, with short hair; the strange tail, extremely wide at the base, seemed to be a continuation of the hindquarters; the hind leg was strongly marked with almost black horizontal stripes. The creature had escaped into scrubland which extends eastward to a gully which drops down into the Grose Valley-where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported by campers and bushwalkers to the present day. "8th February 2006, Thursday morning between 5.30 and 6.00 am, Mullumbimby; my 23 year old daughter Shanti saw what she believed to be a thylacine. In November 2017, three investigators including. He stated that it didnt look like some unusual hybrid but a species of carnivorous marsupial. At the time, none of my friends believed me and so I took it no further, she said. From the back cover: "..Tiger tales is full of great yarns and larger-than-life, country-hewn Aussie characters ..(the book) showcases 'tiger hunter' Col Bailey's favourite Tassie tiger stories, gleaned from his own research and experiences, from mysterious sightings, and from interviews with old fur-trappers . Newcastle Herald, 2 March. These were of a chocolaty-brown colourand not very obvious. I tried to explain it to people for years but couldn't. It never stopped and kept a constant pace. We were driving along the road when a animal stepped out in front of use further down the highway. A short time after she saw the animal, while talking to her neighbours, she was surprised to find that three of them had also observed an animal of a similar description. The animal retreated into bush at the top of a gully.". When I saw the impressions I recognised them at once as those of a Thylacine, and immediately began making plaster casts of them. Some years later he saw it again at the same time and place & then his wife saw it in similar circumstances near their house. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. "(The department) occasionally receives reports of thylacine sightings," the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment said in a statement. Kim Falconer wrote I heard a loud sound like a cross between a guttural possum noise and a large dog retching. He described it to me at the time, as being not quite the same shape as a dog or dingo, fairly light brown, with stripes on its back. According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a big Labrador dog, moving with a slinkyloping movement, somewhat like a cat. Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops. "This led to Nulkabas Max Burke telling us a yarn about a trip to Pumpkin Gully, which he said was in the wilds out from Singleton. Another search of the farm and its surrounds failed to turn up anything new, and the creature did not return.". The time was approximately 6.15 - 6.30 am and the sun had been up for about 30 minutes. We all believed we had seen a Tasmanian Tiger. He described it as the size of a greyhound with distinctive brown stripes on its back He saw it eating some meat by the side of the road and got a a good look at it before it ran off. Its physical appearance matched that of stuffed specimen's preserved in government museums.". This incident followed bad bushfires in the lower Blue Mountains-Grose Valley. She then saw it run as fast as it could down the street towards the cane fields. The strange animal had a huge jaw that opened to an extent, greater than the dog, and it gave forth with a bizarre cry unlike anything that they had heard before. ", "Pete, of Ocean Shores, was recently talking to his neighbour, Steve, who also has a farm at Wooyung directly adjacent the caravan park. of a creature he believed to be a Tasmanian tiger. ", "in February 1984 we organised another expedition to this remote area with Rod Gurney and Robert Ashworth, and found more Thylacine paw prints in the swamp mud. Its prehistoric presence there first came to light in 1960 when archeologists discovered the lower jaw of a Tasmanian tiger. We were driving on xxxx Rd at the time. Long, distinctive stripes cover its back and tail, which is inflexible and could be dragged along the ground. (Thylacinus cynocephalus)", Source:https://web.archive.org/web/20200216184608/https://www.angelfire.com/oz/thylacine/. Over the last few years, my Husband and I have both seen what we believe to be a Thylacine. Whatever it was it most certainly was neither a dog nor a dingo. To say I was astonished would be an understatement. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two, roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside a, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine, According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a, mewhat like a cat. It had 10 to 12 very pale stripes across the rear portion of the body with slightly wider stripes on the back & narrower stripes on the rump. It was illuminated by the headlights of my car approximately 20 m in front of me. ", "A friend, Haley, told them that around about 1996 she had observed a large cat-like creature with a plain coloured body and a banded furred tail leap across Coopers Creek behind Durrumbul north of Mullumbimby in northeastern NSW. Yet how did the animal get where it was seen? While searching the muddy bank of a remote swamp for signs of animals, we came across tracks left by various marsupials. "2nd November 2006, 9 pm, Thursday, New Brighton; Rob was fishing at Casons Road, New Brighton, when they saw an unusual animal.
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