How will the fiscal cliff affect the way you handle your money. Hate to be a bearer of bad tidings, but you have to put yourself in their shoes. When you quit smoking, you can effectively reverse some of its effects on your health. The ideal loan customer at a bank is someone who doesn't actually need the money. Doctors charge whatever exorbitant price they want, and have NO incentive to make us well because then, theyd lose money. While we endeavour to provide information that is accurate and up to date, we make no warranties or representations about the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information, graphics, products or services offered or contained on the website. Since smokers tend to have significantly lower incomes than non-smokers, they could be especially vulnerable to increased health insurance costs. But whats this if they can afford it stuff? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. It's only logical, but in liberal politics logic doesn't prevail. I don't have cancer. Since fat people and smokers will die at an earlier age no need to pay more for insurance, since they wont be paying for it much longer. It is a shame that money has to be a motivator to incent someone to become healthy! If you have thyroid problemyou won't lose weight. No. Why would they stop there? Anyone can get sick or get cancer, have a horrid wreck and we all should have the same rates. These folks made the decision to smoke, so they should pay more. Another tax on the poor and middle class in terms of a health insurance "surtax" will not fix the problem. Sure, why not, soon we will be charge for the air we breath, for eating too much, for raising your voice, for drive around and maybe for having lots of kids like china, I don't see why not, in a bad economy, we always have room for a new law, you know, we you're you're down, that is when you get attacked. Tune in to "The Situation Room" at 4 p.m. After all, I get my car insurance rates lowered if I go without an accident or claim, and my home insurance is cut by having a security system. Many Online Journal readers feel strongly that smokers should pay higher insurance premiums than their non-smoking co-workers, and some say penalizing smoking shouldn't stop at health insurance. Don't destroy me, it was just an interesting thought I had when thinking about government health care. smokers get the ass end of every stick, even though people do way stupider things that risk their lives. Self-efficacy is essential "Analysis shows . Action that smokers and fat people take is costing Health Care. Which Studies Will be Practice Changing in Metastatic Breast Cancer? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Smoking yes, weight no. It's a slippery slope. Tax credits to help pay for health insurance are available to. 88% of smokers began smoking before age 18. They're clearly reckless drivers and are more likely to get into injury accidents. Health insurance companies are beginning to act more and more like banks. Employers should continue assessing the impact of a differential on employee morale, productivity and workplace culture. I run and workout quite a bit and in physical shape, but according to Body Mass Index, I'm considered obese. However, she says, as long as the program is correctly implemented and complies with federal and state laws, employers should have no concerns. It doesn't matter how long or short they live. Jeopardy without a thermos of hot tea or a pack of splints, or boaters who cross the Pacific and get tossed overboard, should be charged more as well, including for the helicopters required to haul their sick bodies home. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. According to the utilitarian argument, charging smokers more will encourage them to quit, which will improve public health and reduce societys smoking-related costs. Last month, I rotated in the Bronx at a federally qualified health center. This is a stupid idea. Some view them as equivalents of nicotine chewing gum or nicotine skin patches, and others see the product as another form of tobacco use, as life insurers do. The key difference between life insurance for smokers and non-smokers is the likelihood of being accepted and the cost. An alternative might be to give those of us non-smokers and who are not obese a discount. This objection is not very persuasive, however, because financial penalties do not significantly limit personal freedom. Kytlehas extensive experience in client counseling, including matters involving employment practices, employee discipline, and wage and hour matters. Grateful patient fundraising programs, as they are known, employ a strategy in which hospitals seek donations from satisfied patients, often using public data to identify those who are wealthy and requiring their physicians to discuss giving opportunities with them. However, theres no evidence that higher health insurance premiums encourage people to quit, according to the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation aimed at improving the health care system. In this atmosphere, employers must do what they can to control costs. Not to mention I don't get sick nearly as often. Thanks Bush and Obama, before you two we had a Constitution and Bill of Rights. In the past few years, many employers have been trying to get workers to voluntarily improve their health to help bring down soaring insurance costs. The stubborn presence of tobacco use is frustrating considering the plethora of studies that link it to so many debilitating diseases. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The onus falls on the employer to be very clear [about] what theyre doing.. Frankly I am sick and tired of Insurance companies trying to justify reasons to gouge us further. Jack, Where do you draw the line? But not enough employees have signed up or improved their health. Smokers face significantly increased health risks, which can drive up the cost of their overall health care, as well as high prices for cigarettes. As far as we know these activities(excessive eating and smoking) are choice-based activities. Do we want someone not going to the doctor for fear of their rates going up? He or she can suggest a range of resources that can help you as you cut smoking out of your life. A complete guide to short-term health insurance. Smokers elect to smoke and know that they are harming themselves. If we want smokers to reimburse the rest of us for the cost of their habit, we should stick with tobacco taxes, a policy that reduces smoking rates without having any direct effect on peoples decisions to purchase health insurance. Here is a question for you all? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. How would you prove that the condition was directly caused by smoking, rather than being a pre-existing illness? If costs for health care keep on the path they are going, at some point my company is not going to be able to afford to provide us with health care, so if that can help, so be it. Education is a better tactic by health care companies. And critics of higher rates for smokers say the practice can make health insurance unaffordable for many, especially those with lower incomes. That makes them more expensive, and gives their users more of a reasons to quit. However, lying is fraud, and you can be denied coverage if you misrepresent yourself. MD/JD Weighs In, Using Recalled Devices to Approve New Ones; Inpatient Safety. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Who would YOU Hire First ?? The ABS found that smoking causes 80% of lung cancer deaths and 20% of overall cancer deaths. Although most states allow the surcharge to be up to 50 percent, its not happening, she says. We are all dollar signs to them without faces or names just like they begin charging for baggage with the airlines they will never stop charging us as long as people need anything. Here are a few tips for quitting smoking: Find your why. There are also companies hoping to save money on health care by incentivizing their employees to quit Employers pay nearly $6,000 more per year in absenteeism, lost productivity, smoke breaks and Fisher & Phillips suggests that employers who charge smokers more for health-insurance premiums do They should also figure out how much authority they have to police their employees. In a recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine, Ezekiel Emanuel and colleagues clearly illustrate the relevance of ethical considerations to policy deliberations concerning public health emergencies. Smoking causes alot of problems not only for the smoker, but for the people around. Sure, many would prefer to have juice and bottled water insetad of soda, organic fruits & vegetables instead of cookies and chips, and gym memberships instead of sitting behind a TV or video game console but many just cannot afford it. In the case of weight gain I'm not so sure that can all be attributed to bad behavior. Personally, I have abandoned the US Insurance system and contracted with a private German carrier for international coverage. A massive wave of Covid infections has begun now that China has ended much of its zero Covid policy. Customer Service. If they reinstated it and jacked the rates for unhealthy people it might do a world of good all around. A recent article in Health Affairs estimated its annual cost to be $147 billion and growing. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I'm glad that's being done, personally. D) Is there any way to motivate self-control? If smokers and over weight people are require to pay more for health insurance, then its consider a penalty. Secondly fat people don't stay fat because they are starving. Voluntary choices are made around individual smoking and eating habits and companies may likewise choose to acknowledge these habits as liabilities. Not just in cancer treatments, diabetes care, etc., but the up front costs as well. Differential premiums determined by health habits is currently prohibited in Australia, as its considered discriminatory. Stop smoking and spend that money on better food. Cigarette smokers have rights. Being a smoker, obese, unhealthy is a choice. The debate continues, because ultimately smoking is a voluntary act that undoubtedly affects individual health and, in turn, the public and private healthcare system. After a string of violent crimes involving mentally ill people who are homeless, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced a plan for police and emergency medical workers to involuntarily remove people with severe mental illness from the streets and bring them to hospitals for psychiatric evaluation. No need to play big brother by charging people more for health insurance. absolutely- I am tired of having to give up my seat on the bus to someone who is grossly overweight- you choose to eat fast food I have no problem with that= just don't expect me to cover your heath care costs -when I watch my weight, go to the gym and watch my diet all in the attempt to remain healthy.-and to keep health care costs under control. Life insurance premiums are based on your health risk for insurance providers. Why should people who make an effort to stay healthy be penalized when people who are willingly and knowingly partaking in detrimental activities pay the same amount. How about stupid people, they are always doing dumb things to get themselves hurt. Isn't it time somebody DONE somthing about this stuff ?! Likewise, the ideal customer for the health insurance companies are those who are perfectly healthy and not in need of insurance. Most insurance plans cover smoking-cessation programs. Yes they should! And while we're at it let's throw in really tall people because you never see any really old really tall people around; and drivers too, because automobile accidents kill more people than just about anything else, don't they? Second. If you drive an expensive or exotic car you pay more for insurance. Another incentive. Should you die, the insurance company pays the death benefit to your chosen beneficiary. If you have a thyroid problem, you'd better have a doctor's note. Read A Warning from China: After the Zero Covid Policy. Responsible people who exercise and try to enhance their health should have greatly discounted rates. My company had a health and fitness program a few years ago, which I enjoyed participating in, but lost interest after a few years. Health insurers in Germany have conducted studies which have shown that smokers die younger than non-smokers. Deborah Chollet, a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research in Washington, D.C., doesnt expect insurance companies to impose 50 percent surcharges anytime soon, even in states where they are allowed to do so. We all know that if we do the right things (exercise, eat properly, stop smoking, drink in moderation and take medications to prevent disease from getting worse) we will all spend less on healthcare. Good Question! If you don't like it, do something about it. These of course probably don't have insurance at all. If Australia responded to popular demand and moved towards a risk-based system, smokers could find themselves facing higher premiums. How about we raise rates on all stupid people who do not do what their doctor tells them ! Probably, as long as it does not lead to a denial of care or rates so high that they go uninsured. Instead, we should discourage them from smoking. Anyone that does any dangerous activities, also. The slim & trim one, or the one who's got a medium waistline that goes with their body / or height proportionate, or the 3 pack a day smoker ? Smokers, however, should definitely pay more for health care, etc. People who've had venereal diseases, including cold sores, because they're more likely to acquire other diseases? Smoking is the No. Besides they can take the money they save by adopting healthy habits and have more spending money. Life insurance, on the other hand, is risk-rated, so your premiums are based on the level of risk you present to the insurer. And its not guarenteed that all smokers will burden the health care system. Not because I think your wrong, but because it doesn't make sense to me. Russian TV Touts a Big Victory in Ukraine. If I chose to remain fat by following an unhealthy lifestyle then I should pay the cost for the consequences. However, before employers can levy the surcharge they must give smokers an opportunity to qualify for nonsmoker rates by offering a way for them to quit. Sadly in America we have far more unhealthy people than healthy so this will probably be resisted and some groups will get involved and say it's discrimination. A growing number of employers are starting to apply surcharges for smokers, says Lisa Weston, director of wellness promotion for Bagnall, a member of United Benefits Advisors, in Phoenix. But that is private health-care, and we're talking about government health care(which I am not sure if I support or not). How to find good vaccine information online. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. One other aspect of having smokers on the workforce is cost. Iam a fat smoker and I say no. Welcome to CCI. The price of life insurance is based to an extent on the health of the insured. Now, you can check in with Jack online to see what he's thinking and weigh in with your own comments online and on TV. STAY CONNECTED WITH THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN HEALTH, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, Wall-Mart charges smokers more than any other company. Or enjoy cook outs eating hamburgers and hot dogs? I think our government should ban smoking. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And also the health care system could be smokers already pay more in excise taxes than the social costs of their habits. If someone makes bad choices I shouldn't be penalized for it. Health care costs more for them (even though both overeating and tobacco are addictoions when they started they knew the dangers). Edit: Striking out last sentence because I'm an idiot. Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd (CCA) is a corporate authorised representative (AFS Representative number 001279036) of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (AFS License number 486326). That is why we are $13 trillion in debt nobody wants to be responsible. They already spend more money, on cigs and food, than I do. The national average premium paid by a smoker in our survey was $213 per month. Already a member? I guess intellectual consistency isn't our strong suit. This is disgracefull question to ask abt fat people, sme hve reason to be tht way. If we begin to separate people because of diseases, it might begin to punish people with costly diseases which they could not have prevented like Type one diabetes, Parkinson's, most cancers etc. yes. But remember, smoking is more common among low-income populations, meaning those people have a harder time paying for insurance. Hehas extensive experience in litigation training for attorneys and has had more than 400 trials. A health insurance policyholder with a BMI in the obese range pays 22% more in health insurance premiums than a person with a BMI in the normal range. And let's be clear here, it is overwhelmingly statistically supported that smokers and the overweight suffer health issues and require more money. Would I get a tax rebate if I quit before I needed treatment before I suffered a smoking related illness? The health insurance surcharge applies to users of all types of tobacco, including pipes, cigars, cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Smoking? Why stop at smokers and the obese. You may cancel your subscription at anytime by calling It has had significant effects on obesity throughj dirt control in schools, Tougher laws on DWI are certainly needed, too. In 2011, two-thirds of companies with 200 or more employees set up cessation programs to help their smoking employees quit. Will they ask those with heart attacks, strokes, cancer, in the family history to pay more also, maybe they should ask those who come up with these senseless ideas to pay more just for being stupid. Mayor Adams said we have a moral obligation to help people who are mentally ill. We're both fat, and we both smoke. Absolutely! This echoed the findings of a2012 survey of 1213 Australians,in which 73 per cent of respondents believedin the same principle. This site uses cookies. If they can pay for their smoking, there is no way they can not pay for their additional cost of their own health care, if they can kill them selves with money why to be burden other people who lives healthy life style. Health care costs of smoking are expensive and smoking is reduced more to motivational determinants than to biological factors; the essay, therefore, recommends that smokers pay for their own health costs. Fiscal cliff = Thelma & Louise? Survey: Bullying on the Rise; Gen Z Least Likely to Report Misconduct, Study: Majority of Big Canadian Companies Tie Executive Compensation to ESG Metrics, Toxic Environment: When Workplace Behavior Is Problematic But Not Illegal, A Prescriptive Guide to Third-Party Risk Management, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Rich Barlow. Get fat on steroids from their asthama? It always seems people don't do something until it hits their pocketbook. Why should someone who has lived a healthy lifestyle pay for someone who has chosen not to? Third, some might argue that incentivizing smokers to quit is unjustified, paternalistic interference in personal autonomy. Until age 56, obese people had the highest health care expenditures, but in older age groups smokers had the highest costs. Obesity? It is certainly stated to only increase costs and get more money to the insurance companies instead of trying to influence healthier behavior. then we must determine just what obese means, and to whom. The slippery slope of legal assisted suicide and euthanasia. Jack, when we start down this road of charging people higher premiums based on the choices they make where does it end. Critics worry these kinds of penalties will hurt poor people the most, since health care costs consume a bigger part of their income and they may not have as much access to gyms or fresh food. Fat people and smokers should pay more absolutly. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. The Affordable Care Act allows just four factors to increase premiums: Age, family size, location and tobacco use. The health insurance industry unexpectedly began to support a plan for universal health insurance for American citizens. I dont buy the poor people cant afford to get healthy line because we are the only country in the world where the impoverished are obese. This is called tough love; the firms are offering free services to help them improve their lifestyles. It is the leading risk factor for death and disease in Australia. I feel great and I saved a fortune on potato chips and junk food. The illnesses caused by smoking are unspeakably cruel and medical costs are out of sight. Microenvironment May Predict Sustained MRD Negativity in Newly Diagnosed Myeloma, Promise of CTCs in Metastatic Breast Cancer Management. So instead, companies are now going to start making these employees pay more. Smoking tobacco increases your risk of heart disease, lung disease, and other health problems. Pepperell, MA. That means they have to go to the local charity hospital for treatment for care. Hospitals charge a kings ransom for a box of Kleenex. Once you start separating the herd you'll need to take out sky divers, surfers, race car drivers, anorexics, clumsy people, etc., etc., etc. If you use too much insulinyou'll gain weight (who ever you are). For one, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevents employees in group health plans from being charged more because of a health factor, which includes health status, medical condition and claims experience, among other things. Become part of a like-minded community. Hey this reminds me of car insurance. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you cant afford $20 for a second hand bike, you can use your God given two feet. People who use more healthcare resources because of a poor lifestyle choice such as smoking or poor diet should pay more. Prior to joining QuinStreet, she reported and edited articles on technology, lifestyle, education and government for magazines, websites and major newspapers, including the New York Daily News. How would you feel about riding in a car that drives itself? A couple that smokes one pack each day will spend between $3400.00 to $7300.00 a year. Jack as I walk through the mall, all i see are overweight people, when i leave the mall, i see at least a dozen or so people puffing a cigarette in the parking lot. You just have to give a damn. How Long Should Myeloma Patients Continue Lenalidomide After AutoSCT. What is a creepy fact about the human body? Yes, Jack. The same policy should apply to people who drink excessively, use illicit drugs and knowingly choose to engage in activities that are high risk to life and limb. The most obviou and clearest cases of physical abuse by a person on themselves should cost the perpetrator. What do people claim they do but in reality they dont? for charging me more for healthcare. Or somewhat young in age and more prone to colds than older folks? Lord knows this country needs both. Should the middle class continue to pay the taxes for the 1%? This is nothing but insurance companies ripping off ignorant consumers. In a society where brand marketing has glorified unhealthy habits including smoking, video games and fast food over the years, it seems as a society we are struggling to correct these mistakes. Smokers do not currently pay more for health insurance premiums, due to Australia's community-rated health insurance system. Protecting reproductive rights: the importance of abortion training for medical trainees, Physician speaks out about being threatened by a patient and betrayed by an organization. Private health insurance wasn't created so everyone could get healthy it is a financial product in the United States. So smokers seem to be an excellent target to help employers manage costs. It is a shame what american society has come to with everyone making an excuse for overweight people. Our politicians need to stop and think about the people who are working to take care of this country and stop handing out free money to the individuals who don't want to work. While the intent behind his call is well-intended, it is based on a flawed premise. "Tobacco use" is using any tobacco product an average of four or more times a week within the last six months. Quit smoking; start working out. Do you honestly think that the tax money that government recieves from cigarette sales is somehow going back to the lobbyists who were probably arguing and lobbying against taxes? People who drink too much alcohol? Carol Duh-Leong is a medical student who blogs atProgress Notes. It is only fair that those who have negative behavior pay more for their health care. In light of the Petraeus scandal, is anything we do online really private? Sure, as well as people with over active tyroids, and underactive thyroids, and those with ADHD, and those on high blood pressure medicine, and anyone with a pre-existing condition including acne, as some insurance companies rate it. Translation: people who don't quit smoking, lose weight or lower their cholesterol. Reuters reports a growing number of companies are raising health care costs for so-called unhealthy employees. A study of 20,000 employees showed smokers had more hospital visits per 1,000 (124 vs. 76), had a longer average length of stay (6.5 vs. 5 days) and made six more visits to medical facilities per year than non-smokers. "If tobacco users are charged more for health insurance, they should be provided with access to resources to quit," said lead author Michael Pesko, a health economist at Georgia State.
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