The only mention of Kollsman or any variation of the word manufacture was: * Lundeen doesnt do any of these things. I, had always viewed the information given by our media with a great deal of, skepticism, but now I know more than ever that we must find as many sources, as possible to seek the truth for ourselves. He took it like a man who was loyally suppressing a big secret. The screw had not fallen out due to worn out or damaged threads. The struggles of Walter Reuther's life should cause us to give more than cursory attention to the questionable circumstances of his death. Its 22 passengers, two pilots and stewardess were all killed. His failure to mention that there had been previous problems with the exact same altimeter and that there were problems with other altimeters repaired by the same company were intolerable omissions by a dishonest crank with an agenda. It added, "Nothing within the ordinary range of experience and no combination of events of which the occurrence could be regarded as at all likely, would have sufficed to have produced this accident.". That afternoon a Pennsylvania Central Airlines DC-3 transport dived full speed into a field near Lovettsville, Virginia. On Aug. 31, 1940, a Pennsylvania Central Airlines plane carrying Sen. Ernest Lundeen, along with 20 other passengers and four crew members, went down in a heavy rainstorm near Lovettsville, Virginia. In fact, the FBI has never officially closed the books on its investigation into the possibility that sabotage might have caused what was then the nations worst aviation disaster. Although he switched party affiliations several times, Lundeen remain an isolationist and opposed U.S. involvement in World War II. On April 4, 1991, the day before Tower died in the plane crash in Georgia, Heinz was killed in a freakish mid-air crash . Because of the heavy rain that drove local residents indoors, no actual eye-witnesses of the catastrophe could be found immediately. The rocking shaft screw hole was inspected and found to have the threads torn out. But from the intensive FAA investigation, the facts seem to say clearly that it was caused by human error, not neglect" The FAA/NTSB found "no indication of sabotage." He notes that witnesses saw the planes, bright landing lights wink on as it approached the field. Massey Managers Believed Coal Company Was Target of Obama Conspiracy, By Jef Feeley and Sophia Pearson - May 24, 2011 5:20 PM ET. in Episode one, features Senator Lundeen, the plane crash, and more. 14 March 2000. The unit was exposed to 10,000 ft. pressure altitude, then the return scale error readings were recorded.". Lundeen was not a part of the efforts to commit violence. Airline with no accidents in its history. Sort By. The sensational charges prompted the Senate to order an investigation into the crash a month later, even though FBI director J. Edgar Hoover denied that the two agents killed in the crash had Lundeen under surveillance, and a coroners inquest in the county where the crash occurred concluded it was the result of a violent thunderstorm, a possible lightning strike on the plane, and possibly pilot error. AIRPLANE CRACK-UP, WORST CRASH IN HISTORY, KILLS SENATOR LUNDEEN. Although funding non-communist labor unions was a common practice, had Walter Reuther misappropriated any of these funds, the CIA would have been able to get a handle on him. Ron Brown dies in plane crash, April 3, 1996. In June 1963, Victor Lasky reported that Walter Reuther had urged United States Attorney General Robert Kennedy to curb the FBI's war on Communism. There were five editorials, one, obituary, one article on the National Transportation Safety Boards initial, report. I find it hard to believe that the FBI still refuses to turn over, nearly 200 pages of documents involving Reuthers death, and correspondence, between field offices and J. Edgar Hoover. It was the first fatal airline accident in 17 months and the worst in all U.S. airline history. They said it appeared the big ship was in trouble and the pilot had been trying to find a field large and flat enough for a forced landing. Whether certain foreign agents figured that they were about to be exposed, whether G-men on the plane tangled with Lundeen on the flight, or whether it was an act of God and the weather may never be known, they declared. Ernest Lundeen casting his ballot in the 1936 election. You need to check into right-wing corporate groups and their links to the national security system. I found 31 articles on the, subject of Walter Reuthers death. Checking into such things is no easy task. (Many thanks to Judy Virts-Beard Fox, Lovettsville Historical Society Board member, for donating this copy of LIFE Magazine to the LHS Museum. I believe. Over the years, Reuther denounced communism at every opportunity, seeking thereby to legitimate his own status as a loyal American. Consider the assassinations of the following individuals: 1) John Fitzgerald Kennedy our 35th president was murdered on November 22, 1963 while visiting Dallas, Texas. The questionable calibration arm set screw is reasoned to have been in position at the time the X-ray pictures were taken (analysis of the X-ray, Photo 10, and Photo 5 NTSB picture) and Photos 11 - 14 allow the conclusion that the questionable calibration arm set screw was in the shaft at the time the X-ray was taken and the stains on the calibration arm indicate that the arm position was reasonably correct." . . CRASH KILLING 25 LAID TO LIGHTNING; CAA Reports Bolt Disabled Pilots of Plane Carrying Senator Lundeen DISCOUNTS TURBULENT AIR Jump-Seat Occupant, Thrown Into Control Cockpit, Might Have Disrupted . With all of, this information being public knowledge and not to mention a sensational, story, why did only one of the newspapers (DFP), provide any in-depth, reporting into the possibility of assassination? The Kollsman report stated: "One of the pivots which supports the rear of the rocking shaft was incorrect in that it is intended for a ring stone application only. Len, my responses to your questions appear lower in this post. In a follow-up interview with us, Victor further noted: Animosity from government had been present for some time [before the fatal crash]. The Senator's head was buried in his hands and he was weeping. WITNESS SAYS HILL USED LUNDEEN FRANK; Mrs. Spielman Testifies Viereck Wrote Speeches for Senator, HILL LINKS FISH WITH VIERECK ACTS; Convicted Secretary Reverses Testimony in Telling of His Introduction to Nazi Agent MAILED SPEECH ON 'FRANK' Witness Says 125,000 Copies Were Sent Out and He Got 'Tip' of $100 From Defendant, SAYS MRS. LUNDEEN TOOK VIERECK DATA; Former Secretary to Senator Testifies That Widow "Stripped' Files of Records TELLS OF SPEECH-WRITING Witness Asserts Joint Effort Produced Anti-British Attack -- Viereck Paid by Nazi,, One implicated legislator was the late Senator Ernest Lundeen, Minnesota isolationist, who, it was said, had inserted speeches prepared by Mr. Viereck into March 8, 1942,,773070,00.html. Steven Spielbergs production company, Amblin Entertainment, has recently purchased the movie rights to Maddows podcast. In 1985, when Detroit newsman William Gallagher asked why Nixon had wanted the file, Krogh was evasive, claiming a lack of memory.). For these, things he earned the enmity of people in high places. It is hard to fathom what national security concern is involved or why the FBI and CIA still keep so many secrets about Walter Reuther's life and death. He is based at Detroit, and flies regularly in the companys northern division, from Detroit to Minneapolis and St. Paul, and to Cleveland, Akron and Pittsburgh. board to walk away without injury. E. W. CHAMBERS, 17 Craighead St., Pittsburgh. The other passenger victims included a number of government employes and minor federal officials, among them being at least three agents of the department of justice. Lundeen was also enlisted by German agent George Sylvester Viereck, because of his status as a senator and the perks that came with the job. My grandmother was left to raise her six, children alone and never remarried. He took the technicians' word there was no evidence of sabotage. The captain's altimeter showed a reading of 1400 feet M.S.L. She also said that parallels could be drawn between the attempts of Nazi Germany to undermine American democracy and in the 1930s and 1940s and the efforts of Russia and other nations to sow discord in the U.S. political system now. It was right above the house, then the sound, stopped and I looked out the window. Suarez was the first to reach the, crash site and was soon joined by Donald and Sharon Bonter. It was worse than a fog., The plane was broken to bits and so were the bodies of the people in it., We stumbled on toward it. Rhodes said, because a note dropped by the stewardess, Margaret Carson of Pittsburgh, was found on a farm three miles from the spot where the plane went down.Rhodes said the note asked that whoever found it notify the Pitts burgh office. This was consistent with the indentation mark near the screw hole, that looked like a mark a left by a high speed drill bit that had drilled in the wrong area, then quickly withdrawn. Certainly, the fact is mentioned that before, during, and after 1940, Herr H*tler ran Nazi operations on US soil. . . Note that: i) it had been in the plane for AT LEAST 3 532.3 flight hours before the crash ii) was last reinstalled almost 500 flight hours before the crash and iii) its entire history from manufacture till crash seems to be known. Some were due to aircraft failures, but most by pilot inexperience. But it landed short of the airport, and crashed into 50-foot elm trees. Further microscopic examination leads to the belief that this was due to causes other than upset by staking, due to the lack of upset material adjacent to the depression, and hole shape. and other parties may have been involved in Walter Reuthers death? All of these types were essentially military." And many of the released documents-some of them forty years old-are totally inked out. Senator John Heinz (R-Pa.) which collided in the air with a helicopter and crashed to the . He, he sort of refuses to support the war effort. The report was made public by the budget bureau. In view of that agency's track record, "case closed" could mean, "case open". The worst disaster in the history of U. S. Commercial aviation occurred near here late today what all 25 persons aboard a Pennsylvania Central airliner crashed to their deaths at the height of a terrific rainstorm. These unions, as Victor Reuther describes them, were run by people who were "well soaked with both U.S. corporate and CIA juices. The crew member composing and dropping a "note", vs. no radio distress call, indicates there was possibly a three minute window before the crash when the crew member put pen to paper, composed the distress note, and figured out how to drop it out of the rapidly descending, doomed airliner. Its 22 passengers, two pilots and stewardess were all killed. What good is another week's vacation if the lake you used to go to, where you've got a cottage, is polluted and you can't swim in it and the kids can't play in it? It was suggested to the FBI by one of its informants that Walter Reuther's anti-communism was insincere, and merely a self-serving ruse in his quest for power. I didn't come here to be insulted. The $50,000 was obviously an attempt to silence us", In 1960 NIXON called Walter Reuther "a labor leader-turned- radical politician." Don Blankenship, Masseys former chief executive officer, and Chairman Bobby Ray Inman, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, made clear in sworn testimony that they firmly believed the company was being targeted by the government, lawyers for Massey investors who are suing the companys directors said in filings unsealed today in state court in Delaware. Were happy to make this story available to republish for free under anAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Creative Commons licenseas long as you follow ourrepublishing guidelines. Why did the other, newspapers remain silent about the possibility that Walter Reuther was, Walter Reuther had made many enemies in both the political arena and in the, world of business through his negotiations for the UAW, and his social, agenda. Former Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, died in a single-engine plane crash in southwest Alaska that killed four other people, including one of his former congressional aides, officials said Tuesday. It concentrates on, the murder attempts that occurred in 1948 and 1949, the investigation, and, the reward for information raised by the union. 14) Parenti, Michael and Peggy Norton. In the former case why were the only parts you posted from the article. ", From the first days of the AFL-CIO merger in 1955, irreconcilable political differences existed between Reuther and AFL-CIO president George Meany, a cold-war hawk. Were used to hearing it come over at just about that time, around 2:30 oclock, in the afternoon., Today we heard the roar of the motors much louder than usual.
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