Shaped by the primary sources available in the Library's online collections. 1476/7, d. after 1534)", Oxford DNB Online,, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 15:21. He quickly recruited 8,000 Cornishmen but they were unsuccessful in taking Exeter. Congress, Civic Participation, and Primary Sources Projects. Henry moved through Leicester to Nottingham, steadily assembling a large army - probably twice the size of his rivals' - from the retinues of loyal peers and household knights. A Study in Catholic Propaganda. (26) However, on 20th November 1495 he went to see King James IV of Scotland in Stirling Castle. John de la Pole, 1st Earl of Lincoln, formerly the designated successor of his uncle the late King Richard III, joined the conspiracy against Henry VII. He was then borne in state to the Castle on the shoulders of tall men, that he might be seen by the enthusiastic populace. Managed by Caboodle UX design studio in London, Citation: C N Trueman "The Lambert Simnel Rebellion". Sections. By 13th June, 1496, the Cornishmen, said to number 15,000, were at Guildford. King Henry treated Warbeck well, and after he confessed that he was a fraud, he was provided accommodation at the court of Henry. Lord Stanley's reply was short: "Sire, I have other sons." For example, Henry VII's mother, Margaret Beaufort, was only thirteen when she had him and never had any other children in the course of four marriages. Henry enthusiastically "showed off his nineteen-month-old son, first dressed in cloth of gold and then stripped naked, so they could see he had no deformity." When they saw Henry's large army, said to now number 25,000, some of them deserted. Henry Tudor, as the head of the House of Lancaster, now had a claim to become king. But the next pretender, a thorn in Henrys side for much of the next decade, was a far more serious opponent. In the meantime Henry allowed Catherine 100 a month, and appointed one of his own surveyors to oversee the management of it. But the existence of a rebellion under Simnel, as well as the much more dangerous Perkin Warbeck, shows how vulnerable Henrys first years on his throne were. Of the revolts faced by Henry VII, the most serious were those with dynastic intentions. Henry VII met it at Stoke, near Newark, and was victorious. This included being sent to Vienna to meet Emperor Maximilian. From: These children, all surnamed Beaufort, were legitimised by statute of Richard II in 1397, after Gaunt married their mother; however, ten years later, Henry IV, confirming this, added a rider to the statute which barred the Beauforts and their heirs from ever inheriting the crown." In order to persuade him to change his mind, Richard arranged for Lord Stanley's eldest son to be kidnapped. On the death of Edward IV in 1483, his young sons, Edward and Richard, were usurped by their uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester. Richard had been informed that Lord Stanley had already promised to help Henry Tudor. AS/A2. Lambert Simnel Perkin Warbeck Prince Arthur & Catherine of Aragon Richard Empson & Edmund Dudley Catherine of Aragon Primary Sources Student Activities References Henry Tudor, the second son of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond and Margaret Beaufort, was born in Pembroke Castle on 28th January 1457. On 15 June 1487, they set up camp near the small village of East Stoke, Nottinghamshire, near Newark-on-Trent. Ninety per cent of the population lived in villages and on the farms in the countryside.According to Jasper Ridley the English were famous throughout Europe for their hearty appetite. (6) Negotiations took place and in December 1483, Henry took an oath in Rennes Cathedral to marry Elizabeth of York were he to be successful in making himself king of England. Throughout the period 1485-1602, it is evident that there were . December 17, 2021 an author of the communist manifesto crossword clue. He has written for 8 years in a variety of fields including history, health and politics. Lambert Simnel presented Henry VII with the first major challenge of his reign. On 13th January 1496 James arranged for him to marry him to Lady Katherine Gordon, a distant royal relative. Why were women hostile to Henry VIII's marriage to Anne Boleyn? In the initial stages Lincolns force held the upper hand as the German soldiers who were with Schwarz proved effective. This included being sent to Vienna to meet Emperor Maximilian. By February 1487 Lambert Simnel had appeared in Ireland, claiming to be Edward, earl of Warwick, the young son of Edward IV's brother George, duke of Clarence. Earl Lincoln sailed from the Netherlands to Dublin, with some 2000 mercenaries supplied by Margaret. It was allied to great patience and great industry. Instead, Lord Stanley went to the north of the battlefield and Sir William to the south. The Yorkist leaders were determined on a serious push, rising of their party in England supported by as great a force as possible from overseas.[2]. Simnel, a mere pawn, was pardoned and set to work as a scullion in the royal kitchens. Lambert Simnel (circa 1477 - circa 1534) was a child pretender to the throne of England.Together with Perkin Warbeck, he was one of two impostors who threatened the rule of Henry VII of England (reigned 1485 - 1509) during the last decade of the 15th century.. Lambert Simnel was born in about 1477.Different sources have different claims of his parentage from a baker and tradesman to organ . He proclaimed himself Richard III and imprisoned the Princes in the Tower, where, almost certainly, he had them murdered. Henry arrived the next day and took up a position facing Richard. (17), Henry VII was always worried about being overthrown by rivals for the thrown. According to Jasper Ridley the English were famous throughout Europe for their hearty appetite. There were a number of people who claimed, after Richard had died, to be one of the Princes in the Tower, the most famous being Perkin Warbeck, who fought Henry VII for the throne. There he gathered an army of Irish troops and 2,000 Flemish mercenaries to support his claim. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. (14281471) magnate, See all related overviews in Oxford Reference England and Germany to the belly, the one in liquor, the other in meat; France a little beneath the belly; Italy to vanity and pleasures devised; and let an English belly have a further advancement, and nothing can stay it." (25)In July 1495 Warbeck landed some of his men at Deal. Yet Henry was generous to Lambert Simnel and, at first, to Perkin Warbeck, although ruthless and relentless enough in his treatment of Suffolk (the son of Edward IV's sister) who was kept in prison for years after being hunted all over Europe, and of Warwick (son of the Yorkist Duke of Clarence) who was executed after fourteen years in the Tower. At this time, England and Wales had a combined population of only two and a half million, compared to the seven and a half million of Castile and Aragon, and the fifteen million of France. Queen Elizabeth also suggested she accustom herself to drink wine, as the water in England was not drinkable. Later he became a falconer for the king, and never showed the slightest inclination to rebel again. He then proceeded to fine all those involved in the rebellion. Regional and National History, View all reference entries His other progeny included the classic winners Court Martial, Festoon, and Palestine. He had gaunt, aquiline features, with thinning, greying hair and grey eyes. It is claimed this raised 14,699. (58)Ferdinand wrote on 23rd August 1503: "It is well known in England that the Princess is still a virgin. (1), As Alison Weir has pointed out: "Margaret Beaufort, was his (Henry Tudor) only link by the blood to the Plantagents, and she herself was descended from the bastards born to John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, fourth son of Edward III, and his mistress Katherine Swynford. Interesting history topics are just a click away. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single entry from a reference work in OR for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). A year later, the false report of the death in the Tower of another young Yorkist, Edward, earl of Warwick, changed the impersonation. Warbeck also claimed he had been forced to take an oath not to reveal his identity for some years, in return for being spared. This was a good deal for Henry. Lambert Simnel, Simnel also spelled Symnell, (born c. 1475died 1535? The King believed, as did most other people, that Arthur had been over-exerting himself in the marriage bed." Was Henry VIII's son, Henry FitzRoy, murdered? The Ocean Plague: or, A Voyage to Quebec in an Irish Emigrant Vessel. They retreated to Taunton but with news that Henry's army was marching into Cornwall, on 21st September, Warbeck escaped and sought sanctuary at Beaulieu Abbey. A Study in Catholic Propaganda. Henry had been receiving information about events in Ireland, although it was vague and conflicting. The issue was settled in the Battle of Stoke (June 1487); Lincoln was killed, Simnel and Symonds were taken, the other Yorkist leaders disappeared. It is claimed this raised 14,699. As a result, several people in England were arrested and executed. Elizabeth of York was placed in the London household of his mother, Margaret Beaufort. Henry VII constantly feared an invasion from his powerful neighbour. We now know the two pretenders were named Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel, but at the time there was some uncertainty as to who had the better claim. He was brought up at Raglan Castle, with the intention of marrying him to his eldest daughter. For there were undoubtedly other individuals with a superior dynastic claim - not only the girl he married, Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV, but other representatives of the house of York. Most definitely, he was of humble origin. According to Francis Bacon: "The Cornish, being ill-armed and ill-led and without horse or artillery, were with no great difficulty cut in pieces and put to flight." The Earl of Lincoln was killed during the battle and Lambert Simnel was captured. In the 2017 Starz miniseries The White Princess, Simnel is portrayed by Max True. In 1496 Warbeck and James IV crossed into England. At this moment his horse died under him. In June 1487, Simnel landed in Lancashire, supported by 2,000 German mercenaries provided by Edward IVs sister Margaret, duchess of Burgundy, and in company with a genuine Yorkist claimant, John de la Pole, earl of Lincoln, who had abandoned his temporary loyalty to the Tudors. Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile were also concerned about the possible expansionism of France and responded favourably to Henry's suggestion of a possible alliance between the two countries. You can follow John Simkin on Twitter, Google+ & Facebook or subscribe to our monthly newsletter.Alison Weir has argued that Arthur was suffering from consumption: "There was concern about the Prince's delicate health. Available at:, Perkin Warbeck. The man faltered at first, and then plainly confessed he could not tell where. He marched across the Pennines and then south. Fraser goes on to argue that the Tudors believed that bearing children too young might damage their chances of having further children. The Scotch-Irish in America tells the story of how the hardy breed of men and women, who in America came to be known as the Scotch-Irish, was forged in the north of Ireland during the seventeenth century. Richard refused, claiming that he could still obtain victory by killing Henry Tudor in personal combat. [9], King Henry pardoned young Simnel (probably because he recognised that Simnel had been merely a puppet in the hands of adults) and put him to work in the royal kitchen as a spit-turner. His origins are obscure, even in official accounts; his mother is unknown and he may have been illegitimate. (40) As a high-born Castilian bride, Catherine remained veiled to both her husband and her father-in-law until after the marriage ceremony. The sea-crossing was terrible: a violent storm blew up in the Bay of Biscay, and the ship was tossed about for several days in rough seas and the captain was forced to return to Spain. Abandoned Lifeboat on Bouvet Island: Mystery Solved! The people of Cornwall objected to paying taxes for war against Scotland and began a march on London. (35)However, the marriage was not guaranteed. (42) Her naturally pink cheeks and white skin were features that were much admired during the Tudor period. The King believed, as did most other people, that Arthur had been over-exerting himself in the marriage bed." Henry had an unexpected trump card in his hand with which to defeat Simnel. (9). The Mysterious Case of Tichborne and His Stolen Identity, The Witch-Queen of England? The invasion was disastrous as Warbeck failed to find the hoped-for public support in England. As Puebla explained to Henry: "Bearing in mind what happens every day to the kings of England, it is surprising that Ferdinand and Isabella should dare think of giving their daughter at all." Lambert Simnel was born in about 1476. These are admirable and invaluable qualities for a political leader in troubled times. He appears to have been the son of an Oxford tradesman. At the Battle of Tewkesbury on 4th May 1471 Margaret of Anjou was captured and her thirteen-year-old son, Edward of Westminster killed. Henry enthusiastically "showed off his nineteen-month-old son, first dressed in cloth of gold and then stripped naked, so they could see he had no deformity." History When he defeated and captured a second and far more dangerous pretender, Perkin Warbeck, he spared his life, and it was only after Warbeck had twice tried to escape that he was executed. It seeks to probe the mysteries surrounding Lambert Simnel . There was no identification card or DNA test to confirm you are who you say you are. As he was 46 years-old and in poor health, this idea was rejected and on 23rd June 1503, he signed a new treaty betrothing Catherine to Henry, his only surviving son, then aged twelve. (6) Jasper Ridley claims that this shows that "Henry VII was not a vindictive man, and his style of government was quiet and efficient, never using more cruelty or deceit than was necessary. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Michael J. Bennett, "Simnel, Lambert (b. Available at: (50) Henry took her death very badly and "departed to a solitary place and would no man should resort unto him." The parliament which met on 7th November asserted the legitimacy of Henry's title and annulled the instrument embodying Richard III's title to the throne. (40) As a high-born Castilian bride, Catherine remained veiled to both her husband and her father-in-law until after the marriage ceremony. He had stayed in Europe under the protection of Yorkist loyalists from 1483 to 1490 but now intended to return to England. At the age of 10, Perkin was learning Dutch, and then he learned from various masters before finding employment with John Strewe, an English merchant. But all these virtues were obscured in later life by greed. (53) Jasper Ridley has pointed out that Empson and Dudley were the chief instruments of the king's financial policy: "They seem to have been almost universally hated throughout England. [7], On 16 June 1487, the rebels clashed with the King's army, at the Battle of Stoke Field in Nottinghamshire, and were defeated. Warbeck managed to escape but he was soon recaptured and on 18th June, 1499, he was sent to the Tower of London for life. Simnel was paraded through the streets, carried on the shoulders of "the tallest man of the time", an individual called D'Arcy of Platten (this was evidently Sir William Darcy, an ally of Kildare, who is known to have been exceptionally tall). Both sons and daughters were pieces to be moved in the diplomatic game, which usually began while they were still in their cradles. (51)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'spartacus_educational_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',703,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spartacus_educational_com-leader-3-0');Richard Empson & Edmund DudleyChristopher Morris, the author of The Tudors (1955) has argued: "Henry VII was an extremely clever man, possibly the cleverest man who ever sat on the English throne. Henry's genius was mainly a genius for cautious manoeuvre, for exact timing, for delicate negotiation, for weighing up an opponent or a subordinate, and not least, a genius for organisation. The army of 8,000 that was being prepared against Scotland had to be rapidly diverted to protect London. Yet Henry was generous to Lambert Simnel and, at first, to Perkin Warbeck, although ruthless and relentless enough in his treatment of Suffolk (the son of Edward IV's sister) who was kept in prison for years after being hunted all over Europe, and of Warwick (son of the Yorkist Duke of Clarence) who was executed after fourteen years in the Tower. She quotes from several different sources that indicate that they had a happy marriage. However, they were not happy about sending their daughter to a country whose king might be deposed at any time. Alison Weir has argued that Arthur was suffering from consumption: "There was concern about the Prince's delicate health. It is not known when Lambert Simnel died. (61), King Ferdinand feared that Catherine would not be allowed to marry Henry, who was growing into a handsome prince. Arthur wrote to Catherine's parents telling them how happy he was and assuring them he would be "a true and loving husband all of his days". The Spanish ambassador, Roderigo de Puebla, standing proxy for the bride. Henry could not complain as Arthur, now aged fifteen, was very small and undeveloped and was "half a head shorter" than Catherine. Christopher Morris, the author of The Tudors (1955) has argued: "Henry VII was an extremely clever man, possibly the cleverest man who ever sat on the English throne. Henry's genius was mainly a genius for cautious manoeuvre, for exact timing, for delicate negotiation, for weighing up an opponent or a subordinate, and not least, a genius for organisation. (37), Catherine and Prince Arthur wrote several letters to each other. (49) Elizabeth of York told Henry that she was still young enough to have more children. Various sources claim different parentage, but it is definite that he had a humble origin. The citizens of Waterford boldly opposed his pretensions; and in the name of Henry VII. The subsequent expedition of Sir Richard Edgecomb to Ireland was for the purpose of bringing back to their allegiance the lords of the Pale, who for many months after the fall of Simnel cherished plans of revolt. He proclaimed himself Richard III and imprisoned the Princes in the Tower, where, almost certainly, he had them murdered. SIMNEL, LAMBERT (fl. He was a competent soldier, but always chose peace instead of war as being so much cheaper and so much safer. With a loyal squadron of his household, he swept through to Henry's immediate bodyguard, striking down his standard-bearer. He argued that once the pretender to the throne was dead, his army would have no reason to go on fighting.
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