HMAS Adroit (P-82) was an Attack-class patrol boat laid down by Evans Deakin and Company at Brisbane in Queensland in August 1967, launched on 3 February 1968 and commissioned on 17 August 1968. HMAS Adroit at sea, circa 1987. Early May saw Adroit alongside in Darwin undertaking important maintenance before resuming the normal pattern of fishery patrols duties in the north west areas with two Western Australian Fisheries Inspectors embarked. HMAS Adroit hosted a reception for NOCNA, Captain R McKenzie, ADC, RAN, and nine guests including Rear Admiral Shapiro, USN; and Miss Australia 1980, Miss Eleanor Moreton. The Attack class patrol boats provided valuable service to the RAN around Australia in varying sea states and conditions. HMAS Moreton History. COVID-19 Resources. Assistance was then given to a grounded Taiwanese vessel, the Fong Kuo, at Cape Van Dreman. HMAS Adroit (P 82) was an Attack class patrol boat of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). February saw a continuation of patrol work in the north-western area of Beagle Gulf and the conduct of a short exercise with HMAS Ardent before anchoring off Mandorah Jetty and then proceeding to Darwin for scheduled maintenance. Late in the month Adroit, in communication with RAAF maritime surveillance aircraft intercepted an Indo Chinese Origin Vessel (ICOV) with refugees aboard. HMAS Adroit was decommissioned on Saturday 28 March 1992 at HMAS Stirling, Fleet Base West, Garden Island, WA. In May Adroit joined HMA Ships Moresby, Barricade and Buccaneer for a survey of the Bonaparte Gulf and in the vicinity of Con Bay, Razor Island, Kodan Island, Lesueur Island and Rocky Island. After a brief stop at Darwin, she resumed fishery patrols in the Beagle Gulf where four Taiwanese vessels were intercepted. On 28 April Adroit sailed with 12 members of the 7th Independent Rifle Company of the Army Reserve embark for an exercise on Bathurst Island. After ammunitioning the ship, a compass swing and minor defect rectification, the ship sailed for the Jervis Bay exercise area in company with HMAS Barbette for work-up trials. Command then passed to Lieutenant SH Hooke, RAN on 21 November who was soon back at sea continuing patrol work. Adroit responded by firing blank 40/60 break-up shot. The ship consequently remained in Darwin for a two week maintenance period. [1][2] The ship's company consisted of three officers and sixteen sailors. She was subsequently towed back to Darwin for prosecution. HMAS Adroit affair to be decided. In a small ceremony conducted in the small boats harbour at HMAS Stirling HMAS Adroit was turned over to the Commanding Officer of the Fremantle Port Division Commander Don Bantock, On 28 November Adroit provided urgent medical assistance to the Taiwanese fishing vessel Kao Cheng 21 which was intercepted making best speed towards Darwin and flying the distinctive yellow quarantine flag. HMAS Adroit was laid down and built by Evans Deakin Co Pty Ltd. She was launched by Mrs RI Peek, wife of the then Flag Officer Commanding the Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Peek, on 3 March 1968 and commissioned in Brisbane at 11:30 am on 17 August 1968. In May 1981 Adroit embarked the Judge Advocate for the RAN, Rear Admiral Mr Justice HH Glass RANR and NOCNA for a cruise of Darwin Harbour and an inspection of patrol boat facilities. On 12 March 1972 Adroit, in company with Archer and Bayonet, participated in a ceremonial sail-past at the Port of Alotau. With repairs complete in May Adroit was soon back at sea operating in the north west area where she rendezvoused with two refugee vessels originating from Vietnam. Adroit remained alongside HMAS Moreton, a RAN shore establishment on the Brisbane River, until May 1971 before undertaking Fishery Patrols around the Percy Islands. The ship then visited Monte Bello Islands to check on the residual radiation levels at an oyster farm before proceeding to Dampier. On 12 March 1972 Adroit, in company with Archer and Bayonet, participated in a ceremonial sail-past at the Port of Alotau. A short self-maintenance period followed in Darwin before returning to the Gulf area for fishery patrol work during March and April This podcast series examines Australias Naval history, featuring a variety of naval history experts from the Naval Studies Group and elsewhere. The Attack class patrol boat HMAS ADROIT, (LCDR J. E. A. Toulouse, RANVR), was commissioned. The remainder of the year was spent alongside undergoing urgent maintenance. [4], The patrol boat was transferred to the Fremantle Port Division of the Royal Australian Navy Reserve in March 1983. This was followed by participation in Exercise SWAMP IBIS during which Adroit managed to successfully conceal herself using camouflage until aerial photographs revealed her disguise. News was also received of a successful prosecution against a previously intercepted Taiwanese Fishing vessel which was heavily fined for incursions into Australian territory by a Broome Court. Intermediate repairs to the damaged patrol boat took place on the slipway in Darwin early in August before shaping a course for Cairns via the Wessell Islands. In recognition of Adroit's frequent visits to Alyangula the local golf club adopted Adroit adding to previous adoptions by the Arnhem Golf Club and Kenmore Girl Guides in Brisbane. Description HMAS Flinders: This is a 1/6th representation of the ship's badge. Once the danger had passed further patrols were conducted during the return passage to Darwin. Commander Brett Sonter, RAN, Commanding Officer of Stuart said, This disruption to a group known to be involved in acts of attempted piracy is a reminder to such criminals that they cannot act with impunity in the face of international resolve. It is most often mounted on a Navy Board (Std) or Navy Board (3 point shield) shaped timber board, stained in rich walnut with a high gloss finish. HMAS Adroit was laid down and built by Evans Deakin Co Pty Ltd. She was launched by Mrs RI Peek, wife of the then Flag Officer Commanding the Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Peek, on 3 March 1968 and commissioned in Brisbane at 11:30 am on 17 August 1968. The new decade saw Adroit and her sister Attack Class Patrol Boats quickly resume the well-worn pattern of patrol work in the top end. Fishery Patrols resumed and on 6 August and two Taiwanese fishing vessels, the Sheh Wei Numbers 6 and 7 were intercepted inside the Declared Fishing Zone. On completion Adroit participated in sea acceptance and gunnery trials overseen by members of the the RAN Trials and Assessment Unit (RANTAU). Fishery Patrols recommenced with calls made to Yampi Sound, Broome, Adele Island and Derby. Source: The month concluded with participation in a 'Squadex' with Assail, Aware and Bayonet before returning to Darwin. Initially, nine were ordered for the RAN, with another five for Papua New Guinea's . This action once again demonstrates CMFs determination and commitment to continue the fight against piracy in the region.. [1][2] Propulsion machinery consisted of two 16-cylinder Paxman YJCM diesel engines, which supplied 3,460 shaft horsepower (2,580kW) to the two propellers. Paint (Surface Treatments), 'HMS ADROIT- KEEL LAID AUG 1967 - LAUNCHED FEB. 1968 - COMPLETED AUG 1968. This article has been rated as Low-importance on the project's . Upon completion of the docking the ship underwent a compass swing before heading back to Darwin via Exmouth. This proved a novel experience for both the crew and the media team. The ship then returned to Sydney before heading northwards to Brisbane, sheltering en route for one night behind Mutton Bird Island due to severe weather. 2 Squadron RNZAF[citation needed] on 8 August 1994. During October Adroit operated chiefly in north-west area boarding a further two Indonesian vessels before having to land a sick sailor in Broome and another in Darwin. Following the successful interception the vessel was escorted into Broome and handed over to the local authorities. During this evolution Adroit touched bottom requiring her to berth at HMAS Stirling where she was slipped for inspection of her propellers and shafts. Fishery patrols resumed in July along the Arnhem Coast and the Gulf area resulting in the arrest of the Taiwanese vessel Tai Yin Shang which was apprehended fishing inside the Declared Fishing Zone before being towed back to Darwin. On completion the ship returned to HMAS Stirling for routine maintenance. During that time just one day was spent at sea when Adroit performed the role of 'start boat' for the Darwin to Ambon Yacht Race. On 10 September Adroit attended her first official function, the opening of the container terminal at Port Alma. 22, Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) warship HMAS Stuart (FFH 153), assigned to CMFs counter-piracy mission Combined Task Force (CTF) 151, badly damaged a skiff, successfully disrupting the activities of a group suspected of being involved in acts of attempted piracy. [3], Adroit was laid down by Evans Deakin and Company at Brisbane, Queensland[4] in August 1967,[citation needed] launched on 3 February 1968[citation needed] and commissioned on 17 August 1968. [1] The patrol boats had a displacement of 100 tons at standard load and 146 tons at full load, were 107.6 feet (32.8m) in length overall, had a beam of 20 feet (6.1m), and draughts of 6.4 feet (2.0m) at standard load, and 7.3 feet (2.2m) at full load. During that time the vessel was manned by a spare crew under the command of Lieutenant CP Barr, RAN which responded to a search and rescue call from the trawler Captain AE Trivett. June saw the resumption of fishery patrols with frequent stops at Weipa and Gove. A niggling port engine defect saw the ship return to Cairns necessitating the port engine to be replaced. Some fishery patrol work was also undertaken and Adroit continued to add to her already impressive tally of interceptions. During May Adroit achieved an impressive tally of 130,500 nautical miles since her commissioning ten years prior. On completion of that patrol she returned to Darwin. March also saw a visit by the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral AM Synnot RAN, who addressed the crew concerning the importance of patrolling Australia's northern approaches. Eight interceptions of foreign fishing vessels were undertaken during this patrol with the assistance of a Western Australian Fisheries Inspector. Ports visits were made to Wyndham, Broome and Dampier where two Taiwanese trawlers were boarded. Reports of Proceedings, HMA Ships and Establishments. On completion of the exercise Adroit returned to Darwin undertaking routine maintenance on the slipway. The remainder of the month was consumed with routine patrol work near Ashmore Reef where two Indonesian fishing vessels were boarded. 2023 With repairs complete in May Adroit was soon back at sea operating in the northwest area where she rendezvoused with two refugee vessels originating from Vietnam. After ammunitioning ship and a compass swing Adroit, in company with HMAS Archer, returned to the exercise area of Jervis Bay where midshipmen from HMAS Creswell joined for training. Food and water were supplied to the occupants before escorting both vessels into Broome. The patrol work continued in southern waters throughout early May before Adroit returned to HMAS Stirling where preparations were made to hand over the vessel to the RANR for future operations and training purposes. [1] The patrol boats had a displacement of 100 tons at standard load and 146 tons at full load, were 107.6 feet (32.8m) in length overall, had a beam of 20 feet (6.1m), and draughts of 6.4 feet (2.0m) at standard load, and 7.3 feet (2.2m) at full load. On that occasion two Taiwanese fishing vessels were intercepted and boarded. The high tempo of patrol work continued on into November and it was during this patrol that the boarding of a Taiwanese fishing vessel Fu Yuan on 8 November proved to be the catalyst for an inquiry concerning the conduct of a number of boarding operations undertaken by Adroit between April and November 1978. There she rendezvoused with HMAS Ardent for drills and manoeuvres as part of an at-sea inspection by the Naval Officer Commanding Northern Australia (NOCNA). Patrols continued in the area before the ship returned to Darwin in early February for a self-maintenance period. December saw Adroit conducting its first Gulf Patrols where the Taiwanese fishing vessel Fu Yuan was arrested for fishing inside the Declared Fishing Zone. Port visits were routinely made along the Western Australian coastline as well as several to Darwin. ADROIT was laid down in Evans Deakin Yard, Brisbane, in August 1967, and launched on The grind of fishery patrols resumed later in the month in the NW area with calls made at Broome for fuel and supplies. The inquiry resulted in a Court Martial handing down a guilty verdict and dismissing Adroit's then Commanding Officer from the service. Once at HMAS Stirling crews were exchanged with HMAS Acute and a new Commanding Officer appointed (Lieutenant SV Townsend, RAN) as she prepared for a new chapter of service. From June 1973 until 5 May 1974 Adroit remained at HMAS Moreton before undertaking fishery patrols around the Gladstone, Fraser Island, Bundaberg, Percy Islands and Mackay areas. By the end of the patrol a further nine vessels had been boarded before the patrol boat returned to Darwin. This affirmation of the importance of their often long and monotonous patrol work was welcome recognition from the Navy's senior leader. She again performed this duty in September 1976, having been selected as the official start boat for the Cairns Centenary Yacht Race. With repairs completed the normal pattern of patrol work resumed culminating with three interceptions of Taiwanese fishing vessels before anchoring off Fenelon Island. The ship was towing an unmanned small skiff, commonly used by pirates to launch their attacks. Following this welcome interlude several of the crew appeared as witnesses in the trial of the Taiwanese Fishing Vessels Yih Tai Numbers 1 and 2. Appointed in command was Lieutenant Commander GL Boyd, RAN and following a brief work up the ship sailed for Sydney in company with HMAS Barbette. On 9 August Adroit returned to the Gulf Area with stops made at Thursday Island, Weipa and Kurumba before heading back to Darwin for rest and recreation. Between May and August the ship remained in refit at HMAS Stirling. September saw routine patrol work conducted around Ashmore Reef and in the northwest area before proceeding at high speed to Carnarvon on 13 September after a cook on board badly lacerating his leg in an accident in the galley. The ships later took part in Exercise KANGAROO 1 before returning to Brisbane where Adroit remained alongside until mid-August at which time she departed for Sydney. Routine maintenance saw Adroit spend the first half of August in Darwin before resuming patrols in the East Arnhem area and Gove. Port visits were routinely made along the Western Australian coastline as well as several to Darwin. December 1978 was consumed with routine patrol work in the Gulf area with calls being made at Gove, Alyangula and Port Essington before returning to Darwin where a family day was held on the harbour. Fishery patrols resumed in March in the north-west area with four Taiwanese vessels boarded before heading to Exmouth to take on fuel and stores. We pay our respects to elders past and present. September saw the ship alongside Darwin undergoing maintenance and her crew on parade as part of an annual inspection of the vessel. HMAS Adroit: This is a 1/6th representation of the ship's badge. The ship then conducted fishery patrols in southerly waters making calls at Bunbury and Busselton where the crew participated in an Anzac Day parade. The ship remained in the Jervis Bay area and on 24 November while on SAR duties in company with HMAS Aware, she assisted in an attempt to salvage a ditched helicopter from HMAS Albatross. A welcome two-week assisted maintenance period followed. The grind of fishery patrols resumed later in the month in the NW area with calls made at Broome for fuel and supplies. Ms. Leflore, 58, died Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, at Greenwood Leflore Hospital. eHive is developed by Vernon Systems. Adroit remained alongside HMAS Moreton until February 1972 when she sailed for Gladstone with a mixture of RANR and permanent naval forces (PNF) crew. HMAS Adroit was sunk on 8 August 1994, west of Rottnest Island, WA, by RNZAF A4 Skyhawks. HMAS Adroit, manned by personnel of the Fremantle Port Division, RANR. On 12 December 1977 Lieutenant JB Napier, RAN, was appointed in command and the vessel remained in Cairns until January 1978. 10 am to 5 pm daily (except Christmas Day). The new year saw the crew of Adroit assisting the Cairns Fire Brigade in extinguishing a fire in the cold storage area of Cairns Number 1 wharf on 11 January drawing praise for preventing the fire from spreading prior to the arrival of professional firefighters. Upon completion of these trials, and following participation in an inshore infiltration exercise, Adroit departed for Brisbane, exercising gun drills and small arms during the passage north. In September Adroit went into a prolonged refit from which she emerged in February 1975, recommissioning at HMAS Waterhen. Fighting under the motto of "United We Stand", the warship maintains an active presence in the Australian fleet . June 1976 saw the arrest of more illegal fishing vessels which were escorted into Exmouth. Fishery patrols resumed on 8 May and the month concluded Adroit leading Aware, Acute and Ardent to sea to participate in a night encounter exercise before returning to Darwin. The Attack class was ordered in 1964 to operate in Australian waters as patrol boats, based on lessons learned through using the Ton-class minesweepers on patrols around Borneo during the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation, and to replace a variety of old patrol, search-and-rescue, and general-purpose craft. Please note: If you select the Badge Only option, the choice of wood stain and finish is irrelevant. Following the festival, fishery patrols were conducted around Ashmore Reef and Baudin Island before returning to Darwin for routine maintenance. Adroit then resumed her patrol in the Gulf area with a notable rise in morale. This includes gaining permissions, clearance, or rights to publish any content or images on eHive. Divisions were held in early November followed by engine trials and further visits to the patrol boat by local school children. Adroit then took passage, in company with Assail and Advance, to take part in the annual Broome festival. During this patrol six Taiwanese fishing vessels were boarded. While there, the ships were placed on immediate notice for sea in response to growing civil unrest in East Timor. The patrol was punctuated with fuelling and stores stops at Port Hedland and Dampier. Naval Historical Society of Australia Inc. The following month saw the ship alongside in Darwin where Divisions were held followed by an annual inspection of the ship. Fishery patrols in the Gulf area, Elcho Island and Millingimbi followed during which time the vessel briefly grounded necessitating a return to Darwin where the ship was slipped in April and both propellers and shafts replaced. If you would like to participate, visit the project page. Anniversary Cruise: Sydney under Japanese Attack, Sydney Harbour in War and Peace: Bradleys Head Tour, Garden Island Northern Hill and Garden Tour, Australian Naval History on 8 August 1994, Australian Naval History on 28 March 1992, Australian Naval History on 26 August 1983, Australian Naval History on 24 November 1970, Australian Naval History on 17 August 1968, Night of the midget subs Sydney under attack, D-Day commando on Sword Beach by Commander Jim Speed DSC, RAN Part 1, D-Day commando on Sword Beach by Commander Jim Speed DSC, RAN Part 2, D-Day commando on Sword Beach by Commander Jim Speed DSC, RAN Part 3.
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