But it is not seen separate from ventricular diastole. It has regular contractions, or when the heart squeezes the blood out into other parts of the body. The hearts muscle cells also have their own specialization, unique compared to the rest of the bodys muscles. Circulatory system. They are the receiving chambers of the blood, which is delivered to the heart by the large veins. The purpose of the fluid is to lubricate the heart and prevent the friction between it and its surroundings. 79. and likewise opens due to a build-up of pressure, this time in the left atrium. It may be a straight tube, as in spiders and annelid worms, or a somewhat more elaborate structure with one or more receiving chambers (atria) and a main pumping chamber (ventricle), as in mollusks. 10. Woman's Hour: Platforming women's voices from 1946, Woman's Hour surfaced many key issues over the decades, though bizarrely its first. It is the size of your fist and is well protected by your rib cage. The BBC Micro:The BBC transformed the nations computer literacy at a stroke in 1982 when it launched the BBC Micro, powering an IT revolution in schools and homes. 14. 1st BBC radio service for teenagers:DJ Tony Blackburn was the first voice on the brand new Radio 1 in 1967, and the first record he played was Flowers in the Rain by The Move. Life on Earth: The heart-stopping moment when David Attenborough met the gorillas in the 1979 Natural History documentary was only recorded by accident, the camera man revealed afterwards. Yes Minster: The biggest fan of this 1980 political satire was PM Mrs Thatcher, who actually appeared in one episode as herself, demanding the abolition of economists and quickly. Enjoy these blood facts while learning some interesting facts and information about blood type, cells, pressure, plasma, donation and more. The BBC is famous for its news. The heart is a muscle found in every animal that has a vertebral column. On April 18, 1930, the BBC did not report any news because it had no news. Interestingly, the heart plays a significant role in our mental, emotional and physical processes. Nutrition-wise, hearts have rich protein content, while its nature as a muscular organ makes for firm and dry meat. It does not get any day off from its work. It is appropriate to visualize the heart as approximately the size of the owner's _________ A. 84. Douf douf: Designed to compete with ITVs Coronation Street, top soap EastEnders hit the screens in 1985, featuring its arresting theme tune with its famous (and much debated) nine douf doufs. Sunao Tawara made breakthroughs in studying the hearts electrical mechanisms in 1906. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. The. (2006). Iconic microphone: In 1934 the famous Marconi Type A ribbon microphone was first used by the BBC, becoming quickly a symbol of BBC trusted voice. 1st programme: Its first programme was a news bulletin, consisting of an odd assortment of items (a robbery, a Shakespeare folio and fog), and read twice once at normal speed, once twice as slowly and listeners were asked to say which speed they preferred. The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle and opens due to a build-up of pressure in the right atrium. In the lungs blood picks up oxygen and drops carbon dioxide. Top radio show: Desert Island Discs launched in 1942, from an idea by producer Roy Plomley who became its first presenter, featuring Eric Coates iconic theme music By the Sleepy Lagoon. (2012). [Note: an average adult body with a weight of 150 to 180 pounds will contain approximately 4.7 to 5.5 liters (1.2 to 1.5 gallons) of blood.]. 95. The electricity then passes through the atrioventricular septum between the right atrium and the left ventricle. 21. The cardiac cycle as correlated to the ECG. The job of the ventricles is to pump blood. Cardiology is the study of the human heart and its various diseases. It is now!. Unfortunately twenty-two Americans die waiting for heart transplants daily. It is an essential part of the entire system, which when becomes dysfunctional can lead to death. If you clench your hand into a fist, this is approximately the same size as your heart. Your heart is a very strong muscle which contracts (gets smaller) and relaxes to pump blood around your body. Give it 1/5. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, whilst the left ventricle, with its thicker muscular wall, pumps blood to the remaining body. A brief history of cardiac pacing. 1st programme for deaf children: This launched in 1955, becoming the long-running Vision On (1964-76) and making a popular star of artist Tony Hart. doc, 39 KB. This page was last modified on 13 August 2022, at 08:14. [2] Contents 1 National sections 1.1 England 1.2 Scotland 1.3 Wales 1.4 Northern Ireland 2 See also 3 References 4 External links 2. However, if they get too narrow, CAD results, with the potentially fatal symptom of heart attacks. If you have ever heard the sound of a functioning heart, you would have heard lub-dub. Checking for the pulse, whether at the neck or the wrist, also counts as a common way of checking the hearts condition. 37. 1st black childrens presenter: Paul Danquah, star of cult 1960s film A Taste of Honey, was the first black face on BBC childrens TV in 1965, to be followed soon after by popular black presenters Derek Griffiths and Floella Benjamin. While youre probably familiar with a few heart-healthy tips, there are some fun facts about the heart that you may not know. But the famous scene of him swimming in the lake was entirely Davies invention. Minor ones include patent foramen ovale, where the hole between the atriums from before birth dont properly close. Cardiac Muscle Tissue. So much so, that doctors consider them the last resort when it comes to keeping patients with heart problems alive. Unless you want to have serious heart disease or heart attack, you should definitely avoid that! BBC Two: The second channel launched in 1964, but a power cut wiped the service off air, so the ambitious entertainment programme planned is cancelled and the channels first programme is actually the pre-school show, Play School. Its actually oriented slightly to the left of the exact center of the chest. The valves make sure that blood only goes one way in or out. The Open University: The idea of a university of the airwaves went right back to 1924, but it finally happened in 1971, opening up tertiary education to all for the very first time. A. The inner layer is the endocardium. The heart pumps blood through our circulatory system so that our cells can receive food and oxygen, and have carbon dioxide and waste removed. Waste products produced by cell metabolism are also. Probably the most aired face in BBC TV history. 41. This forces patients to take anti-rejection drugs, but those work by suppressing the bodys immune system, leaving them vulnerable to injection. A heart has 4 internal chambers, 2 aortas on top, and 2 ventricles below. It is located in the middle of the chest and slightly towards the left. 85. Stay in and give us the money: Live Aids creator Bob Geldofs famous phrase, as the 1985 concert showed the global power of music to transform lives, in the wake of the Ethiopian famine. doc, 170 KB. Norwegian footballer Morten Thorsby has been named Young Athlete of the Year at the BBC Green Sport Awards. Lemn Sissay explores two extracts from Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker using facts and insight, beautiful animation and footage from the heart of the BBC Symphony Orchestra. The name comes from the Greek word for heart, karda (). The American pygmy shrew is the smallest mammal, but it has the fastest heartbeat at 1,200 beats per minute. Coronation of Elizabeth II:Not just the first time that viewers saw the actual crowning moment, but also a major trigger for TV take-up, as 21 million watched this first moment of post-war glamour. A womans heart beats slightly faster than a mans heart. Falklands War: Brian Hanrahans memorable 1982 quote I counted them all out and I counted the back was couched to get round the BBCs reporting restrictions during the conflict, as he was not able to quote the exact number of jets involved in the Port Stanley raid. Heart and Vascular Team. Designed by famous Festival of Britain designer Abram Games in 1953, it captured the aesthetic of the times perfectly. The most enduring global sci-fi TV show: Doctor Who began in 1963, devised to fill the gap between Grandstand and Juke Box Jury. Each side of the heart consists of an atrium and a ventricle which are two connected chambers. Del Boy: David Jasons character in Only Fools and Horses defined the 1980s with his unforgettable catchphrases: Lovely jubbly! and This time next year well be millionaires!. This typically leads to slow cooking for dishes that feature heart meat, and which usually include other organs in the recipe. 2. Hearts may also cook by grilling, such as in dishes like the Brazilian churrasco de curacao, Indonesian chicken heart satay, and Japanese hatto yakitori. She had a heart defect that many babies dont survive. Sky at Night: Presenter Patrick Moore became the longest-serving presenter of the same TV programme when he hosted the show in 1957, only ending on his death in 2012. The heart is a muscular organ in most animals.This organ pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. The presence of a fetal heartbeat confirms pregnancy. It was so new and few guessed how it would evolve to become so compelling a part of everyones life. 35. From the right atrium, the electricity goes through Bachmanns Bundle and into the left atrium. And to find out more about some of the fascinating objects you can check out the BBC 100 Objects collection here. Learn that the heart rate of an elephant (the largest land animal and the longest-lived animal as well body mass averages between 2300 to 7000 kilograms) is 25 beats per minute while that of a canary (body mass is 20 grams, approximately) is 1000 beats per minute. This makes them less responsive to the hearts electrical pulses, and weakens the hearts ability to pump blood. These bring blood from the body to the right heart. The total volume of the heart is therefore approximately 4 times that value, or 280 ml. 15. Otto Frank and Ernest Starling discovered the Frank-Starling Law in the 19th Century. This electrical impulse sets the rate and timing at which all cardiac muscle cells contract. The first part of the conduction system is the bundle of His. This means the heart pushes in and this makes the chambers smaller. This system finished in 1957, and the BBC launched Tonight, an early version of The One Show. But did you wonder from where does the heart receiver power for its own functioning? Did you know that each heartbeat fills all the four chambers of the heart with a fresh round of blood? 21. The human heart has four chambers or closed spaces. 42. The serous membrane also produces pericardial fluid, which works as a lubricant for the heart. Did you know that a special stethoscope called a fetoscope is used by the doctors to listen to the fetal heartbeat? 19. A fibrous membrane makes up the tough outer layer, while a double-layer serous membrane makes up the inner layer. BBC Symphony Orchestra: In 1930 this famous orchestra was assembled, pioneering the best of old and new classical music, with its first conductor Adrian Boult. Sport: Huge audiences listened to sport on the radio, and in 1927 a clever radio producer devised a paper plan of the football pitch divided into eight numbered squares to help listeners follow the game. Found in humans and most animals, blood is an incredibly important bodily fluid that transports oxygen and various nutrients to our body's cells. This brings the electrical impulse to the ventricles. 47. Regular exercising is beneficial for your hearts health. Blockage in the coronary arteries causes the heart attack. Thats Life: Thats Life, starring Ester Rantzen, not only ran for an incredible 21 years from 1973, it also launched two groundbreaking charities: Childline (now copied in over 150 countries) and Silver Line for older people. Heart Structure. Because this is the place where the blood leaves the heart and for it to flow throughout the system, it has to have a high pressure. The heart is the organ, or body part, that pumps blood through the body. The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. Which animal has the smallest heart? The heart also has plenty of pacemaking cells that determine the blood flow. The wedding of the century: Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencers wedding in 1981 was watched by 750 million in 74 countries. The function of vagus nerves (also called X cranial nerve or 10th cranial nerve, longest and most complex of the cranial nerves) is to decrease the heart rate while that of the sympathetic trunk is to increase the heart rate. In some cases, treatment may include. (2011). Online:BBC launched its first website in 1997, starting a revolution in broadcasting, and the BBC Charter was re-written for the first time to go beyond standard Radio and Television media. Your heart is a very strong muscle and plays an important part in being healthy. Birds inherited a four-chambered heart design from their dinosaur ancestors, who evolved into a four-chambered heart out of necessity given their large bodies. It is created by the Sinoatrial Node. 8. 51. A human heart beats about 1,15,000 times each day and pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every day. BBC KS2 Bitesize Science. An electrical system controls the rhythm of your heart. Normal organ weights in men: Part I - the heart. Instead, dense, fibrous tissues make up the hearts skeleton, giving the organ its distinct shape. Give it 3/5. Rupp R (2016). Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. After an hour, it will have pumped 300 litres in 4,200 heartbeats. When the heart muscle contracts (pushes in) it is called systole. It keeps all the blood in. These get blood that comes to the heart. Heart rate the average resting hr is approximately 70 beats per minute (bpm). Before birth, embryonic and fetal hearts have a small hole between the left and right atriums. 1st foreign language: Arabic Service launched in 1938, featuring the established voice of Ahmad Effendi well-known to listeners in the Arab world. For the most serious cases, doctors use surgery to widen arteries, or even bypass blocked sections entirely, the so-called heart bypass surgery. The main function of your heart is to keep blood thats full of oxygen circulating throughout your body. The AV Node makes the impulse slow down. The superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava are the two largest veins that carry blood into the heart. The heart pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta (the largest artery) at about 1 mile (1.6 km) per hour. 23. These diseases most commonly result as a form of hereditary disease. 23. Interesting Facts. Its possible to have a broken heart. Structure and function of arteries, capillaries and veins, Pathology of cardiovascular disease (CVD), Religious, moral and philosophical studies. The main artery going out of the right ventricle is the pulmonary artery. It reduces stress and gives a boost to your immune system. 46. 11. When the electromagnetic field of the heart was measured on an electrocardiogram (ECG), it was found that it was about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEC). 39. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This writing on the paper is the ECG. In animals . There is a semilunar valve where the aorta leaves the left ventricle and another where the pulmonary artery leaves the right ventricle. Heart basics: How the heart works. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. 9. 48. Doctors measure a persons CO first by getting the stroke volume (SV), or the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle. It is the size of a fist (about 13 centimeters long and 9 centimeters broad) and is located in the middle compartment of the chest, behind and slightly to the left of your breastbone. The ECG shows atrial systole. is located between the right atrium and right ventricle and opens due to a build-up of pressure in the right atrium. 12. Initially, all venous blood flows from the tail/atria to the ventricles/head, a very different pattern from that of an adult. 10 things you may not know about your heart. 39. Basic arthropod body structure heart shown in red, The human heart viewed from the front and from behind, Heart illustration with circulatory system, Animated Heart 3d Model Rendered in Computer. 38. This is the thin smooth lining of the chambers of the heart. Specialized pacemaker cells make up the remaining 1%, generating the electrical pulses that time the hearts beating. Part of Science Body systems Your heart is a very strong muscle and plays an important part in being healthy. Top Gear: Its original presenters in 1977 were actually Angela Rippon and Tom Coyne, presenting a monthly show for road users before the show was furiously re-booted in 2002 as a motoring entertainment show hosted by (among others) Jeremy Clarkson. Doctors use these amazing machines to regulate hearts that can no longer regulate themselves. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol) are the two main types of cholesterol. The heart can continue beating even when its disconnected from the body. These cells start an electrical impulse. The chambers get bigger and blood coming back to the heart fills them. There are plenty of these cells in the heart. Babytalk: BBC Childrens Teletubbies (1997) was criticised early on for its babyish language exactly as puppets Bill and Ben (Flobabdob) had been in the 1950s but neither criticism stopped the shows being monster hits with kids. 1. The ECG shows what the electricity in the heart is doing. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Extension questions: What is the function of the heart? 2023 TheFactFile.Org. But even the brain cant survive without the heart to keep the blood flowing, to bring it oxygen. The blood inside of the heart flows only in one direction. 60. 10. Atrial diastole happens then too. The fairy fly, which is a kind of wasp, has the smallest heart of any living creature. It covers the areas of the Biology foundation paper. Theres the vagus nerve, which links directly to the brainstem, and another series of nerves connected to the sympathetic trunk. Overview: the circulatory system is a series of connected tubes that link together the major organs of the body. The heart is tasked with pumping blood where it pumps oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs. 57. Science: The Heart Find out about the size and structure of a human heart and compare it to the size, structure and number of hearts in other animals. This forces doctors and patients alike to maintain constant monitoring to minimize the risk of both rejection and infection. At the end of the bundle branches, the electrical impulse goes into the ventricular muscle through the Purkinje Fibers. 74. It is the main organ of the cardiovascular system. This is the heart muscle. For example, if the stroke volume at rest is 70 ml and the heart rate is 70 bpm, then the cardiac output is 70 70 ml per minute = 4900 ml/min or 4.9 l/min. Your heart is small, but it's a hard worker. King of Saturday Night: Noels House Party ruled the roost in 1990s, broadcast from an imagined mansion in a fictional village called Crinkly Bottom. The veins going into the left atrium are the pulmonary veins. Blue Planet II: 37 million people watched the show in 2017 and 62% of people surveyed said it had changed their behaviour - it also led to Plastics Watch, an initiative to tackle plastics pollution across the globe. There are three layers of the heart wall: Epicardium (the outermost layer), myocardium (the muscular middle layer) and endocardium (the inner layer). Heart disease causes an estimated 30% of all deaths worldwide. But the atria do systole before the ventricles. Is there a better time of day to have a heart attack? Vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system in the human body. 16th-century Flemish anatomist and physician Andreas Vesalius challenged the ancient Greek teachings about the heart following his own dissections in the 16th century. Swatman R. (2015). The main function of the heart is to pump blood around your body delivering oxygen and nutrients to your cells and assisting with the removal of waste.In this resource you will find a handy set of display posters for teaching science lessons about the heart perfect for KS2! The septum separates the right-hand and left-hand side of the heart. Pacemaker cells are responsible for producing electrical impulses in the heart. The heart is a large muscular pump and is divided into two halves - the right-hand side and the left-hand side. Fact - NO -1. 27. Some studies also relate baldness to a much greater risk of coronary heart disease. 93. The heart rates of other animals are rat 420 bpm, horse 38 bpm, rabbit 205 bpm, and a large dog 85 bpm. Astonishing, isnt it! The worlds weirdest hearts for Valentines Day. The heart rates of some of the birds are pigeon 185 bpm, hen 312 bpm, turkey 193 bpm. We have by far known that the hearts function is to keep the cells in the body energized by supplying them with oxygenated blood. Many other drugs exist for more serious conditions, such as calcium or sodium channel blockers for people with severe arrhythmia. In Hinduism and Taoism, the heart served as the source of wisdom and understanding. 45. These implants measure only as big as a Matchbox car, but theyve saved the lives of millions of people around the world. 38. 51. Radio Times: Radio quickly became the passion of the 1920s, and everyone wanted to know what was on and so the first listings magazine, the Radio Times, was published in 1923, subtitled the official organ of the BBC. Each of these chambers has a one-way valve which is positioned at its exit. This can happen as early as only 3 weeks into a pregnancy. 72. It is now the BBCs top global brand. 32. 26. Cardiac and cardio both mean "about the heart", so if something has the prefix cardio or cardiac, it has something to do with the heart. Conduction means heat or electricity traveling through something. The heart has four chambers - two atria and two ventricles. (2016). Once the bundle (meaning a group of strings or wires going in parallel directions) goes through the ventricle muscle, it divides into two bundle branches, the left bundle branch and the right bundle branch. Blood going to the heart is carried in veins. Start date: The BBC was officially created on 18 October 1922. These diseases have various causes, most commonly resulting from old age, as well as from other conditions like rheumatism. Her surgery was successful, but shell eventually need a, The earliest known case of heart disease was. (2011). Read about possible causes and how it differs from typical chest pain. Fact - NO -2. 9 Nov 2021. 41. 64. Superior and inferior dont actually mean better or poorer, as much as it does, upper and lower. When they get smaller we also say they contract. The heart goes through many developmental stages. That only goes to show just how important the heart is. We avoid using tertiary references. Interestingly, sex is good for a healthy heart. 75. He was famously responsible for shaping the mission and ethos of the BBC to inform, educate and entertain. The electrodes see the electricity going through the heart. Strep throat and endocarditis can also cause valvular heart disease as additional complications on top of their other symptoms. These diseases commonly cause fluid to build up inside the pericardium, which then presses down on the heart. The heart is part of your bodys circulatory system. The heart has four chambers that are utilized when beating. 1. Celebrate the BBC's centenary with 100 things you might not have known about the British Broadcasting Corporation. With these facts about heart, let us uncover more about its anatomy, working, relationship with other body parts and more. 71. The electromagnetic field of the heart is so powerful that it can be measured several feet away from an individuals body. With the help of specialized fibers, electrical impulses are conducted from the Sinoatrial node to the rest of the heart. Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, and biking are good for the hearts health. Did you know that generally, the rate of heartbeat varies inversely with the size of the animal? 49. The heart has three layers. The 25-year-old was forced to retire from football in October because of a hereditary heart . Myocardium means the heart muscle: 'myo' is from the Greek word for muscle - 'mys', cardium is from the Greek word for heart - 'kardia'. The QT-Interval is from when the QRS starts to when the T ends. On average, our heart beats 70 to 72 times per minute, 100,000 times per day . By the time blood reaches the capillaries, it is moving at around 43 inches (109 cm) per hour. 2012 London Olympics: This was the first truly digital Olympics, with every sporting event available online, and a global audience of 3.6 billion viewers. However, a mans heart, on average, is 2 ounces heavier than a womans heart. 53. 19. It drops further after birth, to around 129 beats per minute, and continues to decelerate as the child grows. The tube-like heart (green) of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae extends horizontally across the body, interlinked with the diamond-shaped wing muscles (also green) and surrounded by pericardial cells (red). of the heart is responsible for pumping deoxygenated blood to the lungs. The Sino-Atrial (SA) Node generates the hearts electrical currents, located along the hearts right atrium. Your heart is a muscular pump. Suitable for Y5 pupils. Terry Wogan: The most popular man on BBC Radio and TV from the 1970s onwards, and everyones favourite Eurovision commentator for more than three decades (just dont ask me to take it seriously he famously said). Your heart beats about 72 times a minute. Furthermore, Abrahamic traditions associate the heart with the Throne of God, which later led to the veneration of the Heart of Christ. The sound is actually produced due to the shutting of the valve on the blood. Pay attention that people who dont exercise are almost twice as likely to get heart disease as people who are active. However, in the old age, the heart rate increases slightly. 50. Doctors expected the problem as early as the first heart transplant in 1967. Fennel: Multitasking vegetable, ancient birth control. Unfortunately, the heart diseases are a leading cause of death in UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. Learn more about this vital organ with our comprehensive collection of 50 facts about the heart. The function of the valves is to prevent the backflow of the blood. 50. separates the right-hand and left-hand side of the heart. It has transformed our viewing habits with 6.6 billion streams of programmes on iPlayer in 2021/22. He launched shows such as Pot Black to showcase the innovation. Moreover, it is not so easy to distinguish between the mothers and fetal heartbeat. And finally it takes the shape of a human heart with four chambers. 1st teletext service: Ceefax, the worlds first teletext service was launched in 1974 to exploit the unused capacity of the 625-line television signal, quickly gaining a cult following. 02 A heart at rest usually beats 72 times per minute. The pericardium serves three purposes: first, to keep the heart from chafing against surrounding organs. In particular, signals from the vagus nerve work to decrease the heartbeat. 87. Greco-Roman scholars saw the heart as the source of thought and reason, going so far as to ignore all evidence that pointed to the brain instead. The heart pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood (blood is composed of cells and plasma) to organs, tissues, and cells of your body. Cardiomyopathy, for example, can also result from conditions such as alcoholism or drug abuse. 1st TV: The BBC launched the worlds first ever high-definition regular TV service in 1936, and made its transmitter mast at Alexandra Palace another world-recognised BBC symbol. 62. 80. The y-axis represents pressure. The electricity starts in the sino-atrial node (acronym SA Node) The SA Node is a group of cells in the right atria. Doctors who specialize in the heart call themselves cardiologists. They dont directly cause heart failure, instead causing conditions like CAD that can then lead to heart failure. But at Cleveland Clinic, we think about hearts a lot. That also means that diet, lifestyle, and your emotional well-being can affect your heart. George Orwell: Eric Blair (Orwells real name) worked at the Empire Service from 1941-43, using his experience there partly to conjure up the dystopian bureaucratic world of his famous novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. 97. The heart is placed between the lungs. Some species of hummingbirds have a heart rate that can soar up to 1000 beats per minute, while a seal's heart rate can go as low as 10 beats per minute during an underwater dive. Bitesize: The education initiative launched in 1998 with a teeth-snapping shark as its logo. All Rights Reserved. The heart pumps blood around these tubes in a double circulatory system. In The Curious Cases of Rutherford & Fry we ask whether a pizza can give us all we need, nutritionally. This is a tough sack that surrounds the heart. But even then, they couldnt stop their patient, Louis Washkansky, from contracting and then dying from pneumonia just 18 days afterward. This comes from the fact that even with a healthy donor with a matching blood type, the patients body will eventually reject a transplanted organ. The order is: Sino-Atrial Node Atria (systole) Atrio-Ventricular Node Bundle of His Bundle branches Purkinje Fibers Ventricles (systole).
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