Required fields are marked *. White cats, on the other hand, are generally seen as good luck symbols regardless of culture. They help you to be more understanding, wiser, and open-minded. Or, more likely, heard about one on TV? Its also said that people living with such cats can expect longevity. It is also believed that cats have the power to protect humans thanks to their ability to communicate with the spirit world. We only write interesting content about cats. Cats typically sleep between 16 and 20 hours a day which gives them plenty of time to go out into the spirit world while we are asleep or close our minds to it while awake. Some cultures believe cats with different color eyes are cats that have been touched by an angel of God or cats with special powers. They are also very protective of your home and family. He isnt that kind of cat normally. There are a few signs that your cat is protecting you. Many people believe that cats are attracted to them because they have a "spiritual" energy about them. Water drunk by cats may be used for ablutions before prayer and cleaning. Pay close attention to your cat and see if it keeps returning to a particular place in the house and if it is staring intently at something that you cannot see; this can be a sign that there is a spirit. Now i am ready for my new life. 2. In those days cats were often sacrificed as offerings to keep negative spirits away from home and property. Required fields are marked *. We had 2 dysfunctional rescue kitties. They are perfect for people who seek wisdom or escape from bad karma. Sailors took them aboard vessels for this reason. Why are they attracted to cats, or rather, why are cats attracted to spiritually higher people? You may think to yourself, good health isnt necessarily a spiritual benefit.. My cats just helped me healed my mental illnesses that i was suffering half of my life. They rely on a family or a person to love and care for them, but stray cats can also be independent. My pure white cat well get under the bed spread and not come out all day. But without a healthy body or without a body at all there is no spiritual life to be had in this world. Thus cats have learned how to harness this calming influence for their benefit or protection. If you like this article, please share it with your friends and family members. They believe that a cat is a conduit of cosmic energy, and it can bring the positive force into your home, therefore leading to the prosperity and well-being of your whole family. They will endow your life with joy and pleasure. Several studies have been carried out that would indicate that they not only have psychic abilities, but also therapeutic ones. Find ways on the internet to protect your energy and release negativity. Thank you for your comment. They bring healing and clairvoyance. *Note: When performing this ritual, do not let the cats touch the smoke (if you use incense). My cat always jumps onto my lap to be stroked when my childrens father comes in the home. You can feel them for yourself. They also bring inner peace and happiness in life. Having a cat in its spiritual structure is unnecessary to realize its uniqueness. Also, they protect your family from danger or accidents. Its healing powers and gifts of clairvoyance are strong. Stimulate and satisfy their hunting urges by some toys, cat scratch posts, etc. The presence of a cat is one way to protect yourself from occurrences that are harmful. A cat's presence helps even when someone moves to an old house where people have lived before. I had nightmares of him every night and my cat started to lose weight and lick all of his fur off. It was amazing. This astral power is one excellent quality in cats that repel evil spirits. These are said to bring good luck. I would burn some sage and open your door. Ive had a preacher and a medium to my house and it didnt get rid of all evil spirits so I moved and was followed. If you see a cat with eyes that are different colors, this cat will protect you from evil spirits when you are in the cats presence. They also give you courage, strength, success, and power. The ways cats protect our health does seem almost magical. When you sleep, your spirit separates from your body to start an astral journey, and cats are protectors of your soul, they are in charge of watching you return to the physical world without any adversity along the way. Keep reading. He eyes stay big now, jumps to every lil sound, hides under the blankets and meows all the time. In conclusion, cats offer the most extensive magical security against evil spirits and curses. Whether theyre perched atop a bookshelf or curled up at your feet, they always seem to have their eye on you. I would have a medium come to house they might be able to shed more light on the situation or try saging to see if it helps.The cat being thrown into a window and trying too escape should be telling your friend the cat doesnt want to live there something is wrong and the cat is terrified, in my eyes your friend should let the cat leave or see if a relative or a friend would take it for awhile until they figure things out before it dies. I had my protective crystals on but I took them out to show them to my friend. 1) Good luck and prosperity. If you are unfortunate to reside in a Geopathogenic Zone, cats can help you with energy protection. Likewise, you can help your cat remove the evil entity with a cleansing ritual. I had a very bad dream a few months ago, one of my cats(black) which was in contact with me at that time died a few months later. They connect with ancient wisdom owing to their stratification as entities to be cherished in temples. Negative energy? Cats are admired for their ritual cleanliness, and are allowed to enter mosques. And the prophet Mohammed was said to love cats. Don't be afraid to make changes, as this animal is also fearless and open-minded. In some cultures, cats are seen as guardian angels or as lucky symbols that can bring good fortune. But before you roll your eyes and think I am crazy, please read my reasons why cats would act as protectors of evil entities. Cats can sense when something is not right, or that danger might be lurking around the corner, and they will do whatever they can to protect you. But if you do not have sage, you can use incense instead one that has a pleasant aroma and long-lasting scent (eucalyptus is a good example). People who keep them are also blessed with good health. You can pray or perform any cleansing ritual in a place where your cats take an interest, or it could be a specific spot in your house. Cats are spiritual protectors bound to us for their natural life span. They are much more supernatural than many people think. They are generally more known for their excellent looks, playfulness, and mysterious nine-lives than their protective powers. Cats as spiritual protectors: This time we will talk about cats as spiritual protectors. I have addresed that by praying to god for protection, doing something similar to a Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) almost daily and asking Archangel Michael for protection (there are many videos and posts online that you can use as model to ask for his help). It is also believed that cats are a terror to darkness . It also signifies protection and deep magic. Hey Iris, I had a similar problem because I was haunted by a jealous male spirit. Believe it or not, this independent pet has its esoteric part in the care of houses and people. Cats have been around for thousands of years. Evil-eye protection amulets with cats are still made and sold in some areas of Europe. We all know the saying that dogs are a mans best friend. You may have heard cat owners suggest they did not choose their cat, rather their cat chose them. If you are extremely stressed, your cat may not have enough time to release this negative energy, therefore it stores it as fat in its body until it can fully release it. Theyre just quietly emanating an unseen energy that helps lower your cortisol levels. A lord samurai sought shelter under a tree during a storm. So, if you ever find an unwanted gift on your doorstep, do not fret. Cats and their cleaning of evil spirits or ghosts Cats not only remove any negative spirits from homes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 AWAKENING STATE. In others, they are seen as guardian angels. Maybe you could consult with a shaman to check whether there is something that can be done from the spirit side. Black Spider Spiritual Meaning Control Your Dark Side, Raven Spirit Animal Meaning Mysterious And Creative, Gecko Spirit Animal Take Your Stride And Be Adaptable, Three Eyed Cat Meaning Spiritual Senses, Spiritual Meaning of Black Cat Crossing Your Path, Doors Opening By Themselves: The Spiritual Meaning. The other at times follows me acting like she is going to attack me .? Their hearing is 6-8 times better than ours, and their night vision and peripheral vision are phenomenal. I always knew cats were special on a spiritual level just by watching my cat in my apartment that had a portal and good and bad spirits was traveling through it. Holy water has no power. If you have a black cat, then expect to see their magical abilities come alive. No one else. So, the next time your cat rubs against your legs. A white cat refers to your psychic abilities. I have 6 fur babies 3 were rescued they all love attention, being petted but most of all they love the outdoors, one cat in particular really loves the outdoors rain, snow, wind it does not matter she goes out. People who are afraid may have more adrenaline or, take on a posture which suggests they are in a state of fear - and cats understand and are likely to respond to these postures. Plus, itll make for an adorable photo on Instagram just sayin. They are perfect if you want to increase your luck in any situation or venture for success. Your cat always seems to be watching over you. Your email address will not be published. Cats are experts at decoding the intentions of astral beings and could be moving towards a source of negative energy to trap it. Cats are very sensitive animals, and they will always protect their owner or guardian from negative energy. I play the music in loud volume in at least 3 rooms of the house at once. So, if you notice your cat acting funky, like theres a presence somewhere it may be time to do something about it. Cats are also believed to repel the evil eye by their mere presence. The story behind them comes from 17th Century Japan. Protecting human health is, in fact, the main reason cats were domesticated. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. Your cat always knows when youre feeling down and will do whatever it can to make you feel better. These are just some of the reasons why cats are seen the world over as spiritual protectors. In many cultures, they are believed to be able to ward off bad spirits and keep their homes safe from harm. There is nothing to be scared of as the cat will use its own body to save you from evil. A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address. According to the above, stroking a cat would eliminate stress and negativity, improve the cardiovascular system and bring calm to its owner. Cat owners are usually people with high spiritual characteristics, who tend to internalize their thoughts and feelings and live more inward than outward. It helps to keep positive energy clean. It embraces the energy of the universe and sucks out every evil in your environment. In some cultures, it's believed that particular animals can act as our spiritual guides and protectors. Practice expanding your intuition. Black Cats Spiritual Protectors Black cats connect to witchcraft or occult powers. Make no mistake your cat can hear you and understand whether you talk out loud or not. Black cats connect to witchcraft or occult powers. Cats as spiritual protectors: This time we will talk about cats as spiritual protectors. Guard dogs can be effective in warding off unwanted intruders. It is also believed that cats are a terror to darkness . I know the see and sense spirits, no doubt. I really want my cat back the way she was i miss her. Likewise, they are known for solar magic and yang energy. She was spoilt and loved, just before her accident I fell down 6 stone stairs and became badly bruised, after days she had an accident.. I moved into a haunted house, so couldnt attract any street cats to come eat at my front porch. When you notice your cat consciously wandering around the house, try not to distract it. If you want extra protection from black magic spells or evil eye, get yourself a cat with different-colored eyes, a calico cat if possible. Although, some cat enemies will say that cats are not mystical. This means they have already taken on certain cat-like traits or indicates that they should. Also, when your feline pal starts rubbing your legs, it is not only because he wants food from you but is also trying to share its astral power with you. Cats have a robust astral power that naturally repels evil spirits. We have known since the dawn of time that cats are overpowered spiritual protectors. They can neutralize the strong negative energy that can settle inside your home. They hunted mice, lizards, and other pests that destroyed food supplies and caused disease. The ancient Egyptians viewed cats role in protecting human health as so vital that they believed cats carried the divine essence of the deity Bastet. Let the vibration do its thing. And maybe its because they were domesticated relatively recently. I couldn, t kerp her inside too long she would give me a massive headache and I would become so hot to the point I would need a cold freezing shower.. Plus she would wake everyone up, until winter I used to let her out. Every time a cat rubs against your leg, it is a way for the animal to ask for food or get attention. Dogs absorb negative energy like a sponge, whereas cats protect against negative energy or spirits (good or bad). I love cats their special creatures thank you! Siamese cats are cats with a unique and special energy that makes them spiritual protectors. Dont pray to Saints or angels. Your feline pal also secures you and your family from curses or evil eyes. Also, if a cats brushes against the gown of a bride as the bride leaves the church on her wedding day, the bride will have good luck for years to come. Black: witchcraft, occult powers, protection, deep magic! Its believed that evil spirits cannot break into their home if they have a Siamese cat living with them. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. You can thank cats for keeping any curses out of your business. You may have to repeat this process several times. I would also like to know if theres anything special about white cats? And your feline friend will try to keep you calm and relaxed in any situation. And they will even try to keep you safe while you rest at night. In other You also have to think about if maybe you wronged someone, even if by mistake & try to undo the damage. We all know that our cats are special. So you must maintain that connection with them, as one of the cats abilities is to protect your home from evil spirits and negative energy. What if cats actually protect our homes and not just look like adorable fluff balls? Protectors of humans against malevolent and mischievous spirits, ESP, Clairvoyance, Intuition, and psychic ability, Remote viewers and masters of telepathy, used by witches and wizards as their familiars for this very reason. The previous day before I had been there, apparently her son had picked up a knife while they were arguing. Cats can be spiritual guardians for their owners; even if you adopt them, they may feel like protecting the person who saved them from an unknown fate. The animal tries to exorcise it to ensure that the energy will not threaten its territory. Calico cats are unique with black, brown, orange, and white patches (no other colors). With this action, the cat quickly takes effort into driving away any leftover negative energy that has been wandering the house from previous occupants simultaneously, offering intense positive energy. Your cat will refuse to go near a particular spot or area in your home. That is the only way, to God the father. If you have a black cat, then expect to see their magical abilities come alive. You probably noticed your cat staring at something that you cant see, or listening to something you cant hear. There are a few theories as to why this might be the case. Its an animal you have a spiritual bond with. These regal and beautiful felines were thought to possess mystical powers and were therefore revered by the people. You are the evil i imagine read this whole article and you will know the truth of who you really are, go clean yourself with sage or something. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. There is some conjecture to this question as many believe that cats are primarily physical protectors of homes. I bring all these tools together and combine them with my natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. One is if they start sleeping on or near you more often than usual. When your cat curls up next to you at night, it means the animal is trying to protect you from harm and negative energy. Remember Ephesians put on the full armor of God! They are also the strongest when it comes to magic. If that reaction is with us, it is because it has felt that we have a very strong emotional charge and it will try to absorb it by making it walk away for a few minutes. You can sense peace with blue cats. Tuxedo cats are cats with black and white fur in a distinct pattern (like cats with coats of other colors). There are a number of different interpretations of what cats may symbolize spiritually. Another theory is that cats are attracted to people who have a lot of positive energy. If, at any time, your cat jumps in front of you, it is trying to protect you from the spirits attack. I called back my bf and he suggested me to take my cat to bed with me . I put a digital radios in every room of the house, since digital ones can capture 96.7 FM (Old dial radios cannot capture the station.). Their natural senses allow them to detect evil entities in a home and ward them off. He is always telling them to get rid of it but then hell go up to it and pet it for a second. They are also the strongest when it comes to magic. Thank You! But, after owning a cat and a dog for some years, I think as a people, we have underestimated our feline pals. There is a possibility that your feline pal is sensing an evil spirit and is trying to protect you and your family from any manifestation of the spirit. They also love to rub against your legs as a way to purr and show that they care for you. They sit beside or on top of a person with issues or problems. Cat Animal Spirit Symbolism. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Freedom, curiosity, good timing, mystery, magic, flexibility, relaxation. My extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Cats can frighten astral beings, so when you suspect any hostile force, you should keep your hands on your cat; stroke its neck and tail to help protect you from evil forces. What is the spiritual task if a snow white green eyed cat? They protect those who are emotionally sensitive or unstable from negative energy. While you sleep, your cat absorbs the accumulated negative energy from your body; that is why they sometimes need to be very close to you at night. Well. I know saging is okay with cats and was doing a cleansing. Regardless, the loyal feline friend is surely an added layer of security for those who live in apartments and other dwellings where pests and strangers may be a concern. They are a symbol of luck and home, putting away everyone and everything that can cause you bad. They use that power to protect their owners from intruders or even spirits that are not positive. If you have one of these cats in your home, evil spirits will not bother you because the cats spirit protects your home. Although cats may be famous for being funny and cute, there might be a more mysterious reason why we bear this excessive resemblance to cats.What if cats actually protected our homes and didn't just look like adorable balls of fluff?Guard dogs can be very useful in protecting the house from unwanted. Please tell me the answer. And certain cats, like the tortoiseshell cat, are called money cats for the good fortune they bring. He over reacted, more so than I am used to, he even asked me to leave his house. Finally, cats have protector-type spiritual energy around them which keeps evil away from them unless cats allow it in on purpose. It killed my dog and started working on my cat. It was made up by the Catholic Church as a way to keep money coming in. They also offer protection to the family or business. Black cats remove negative energy from homes and grant their master wisdom. Like necklaces and talismans used by various cultures around the world to protect the user from evil eyes, your kitten must be close to you to protect you from the evil thoughts of others. My home is a geocentric zone. So They bring a cheerful mindset to situations, even when events are critical. That doesnt mean no one but your priest, or saints, or otherwise. Although a human intruder may be afraid of a dog, there is a different intruder that is not too eager to meet your cat the evil spirits. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Keep in mind that the cat will lightly brush its body against your leg, which is a way for it to mark you as one of its own. Will some some one help, I, m at my tethered end, I have just lost a 2 nd cat due to car accident, 7 years exactly I lost her mother, and after exactly 7 years I have lost her.. Heres where the cat is involved. I would try going to a Shaman for a personal cleansing to remove the unwanted spirit from your person. It took a bit but he finally relaxed. Any special powers from pure white cats?? They give the immediate surrounding a lighter mood and offer a sense of humor and entertainment. Because cats have strong astral abilities, they can easily kill evil spirits. Because they show us consideration, they pick up on the negative vibration of the people who enter our home. One was a hermit little Persian & another a crazy little blonde cat. They offer their master protection from gossip, bad luck, or misfortune in life. I was just so happy that i have survived from those illnesses with the help of god and my cats. I THOUGHT WE HAD SPIRITS IN THE HOUSE MY CAT ALWAYS STARES UNDER THE STOVE TURNS OUT WE HAVE RATS!! And learning about them only multiplies those blessings. When a cat rubs itself against your leg, this shows that it wants attention. They bring the energy of wisdom, understanding, and common sense. Besides companionship, one of the most incredible things about owning a cat is that cats protect you against evil spirits. They provide good luck, light, and energetic attitude. Many cultures throughout history believed this as well. You often find your cat sleeping in strange places around the house in front of the door, on top of the fridge, etc. In Norse mythology, cats were believed to foretell a plentiful harvest. If a cat senses a dangerous aura, it quickly removes it from its immediate surroundings. So are cats spiritual protectors? with cat allerys and the thought of fleas? Spirit animals are protectors and guides from the spirit realm, and as I look over at one of my cats sleeping near me right now, they appear at various stages of our lives to offer assistance, picking up even the slightest noise, and she was usually depicted anthropomorphically with the head of a cat, and the tail acts to counterbalance, evil .
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