Portable delineators are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. Publication California Temporary Traffic Control Handbook Abstract: This Handbook is coordinated and prepared by the California Temporary Traffic Control Handbook Committee. If flaggers are to be used, have flaggers take their stations; then move workers and equipment onto the road. When pilot vehicles are used, radios are required. If there are questions as to flagger competency, contact your construction safety coordinator to have them come and observe the flagging operation. FOR LANE CLOSURE ON 5. the first advance warning sign. 124000 and that a designed temporary pedestrian access route (TPAR) is part of the contract plans or that the TPAR Standard Plans are appropriate for the pedestrian route affected by the work activities. Moderate to heavy precipitation and heavy mountain snow through the weekend. Closures that will reduce horizontal or vertical clearances require even more notification. Confirm the contractors employee uses the assigned user identification to submit the closure requests in the Lane Closure System (LCS). Verify the traveled way is free of obstructions and residue before opening the area to traffic. Extend entrance ramps through the closed lane by projecting the left shoulder line. The following guidelines are for measuring and paying for various traffic control devices for construction areas. The cost of the contractors inventory of replacement sign materials is included in the contract price for construction area signs. (PDF 4.6MB), that contains both example Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Plans and example TMPs for previously developed projects. For all project work, the lump sum payment for the traffic control system includes payment for all labor, equipment, and materials to install, maintain, and remove the traffic control system as shown on the plans or Standard Plans. Some districts have adopted a practice of providing motorists additional warning by displaying information a mile or more in advance of the closure using portable or fixed changeable message signs. Verify the temporary flashing beacon system includes a backup power source and automatic transfer switches. If you authorize the devices for use, record the authorization in the daily reports. Take the following steps before work begins: Discuss any flagging operation with the contractor before the operation begins. The cost of covering, uncovering, and removing signs (when they are no longer needed) is included in the contract price for construction area signs. (RescindsTOPD 00-02, dated 2-1-00), Caltrans Letter to CTCDC for the Adoption of the 2014 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Revision 4 (PDF), Caltrans Letter to CTCDC for the Adoption of the 2014 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Revision 3 (PDF), FHWA Letter to Caltrans for Substantial Conformance of the 2014 Rev 3 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), Caltrans Letter to FHWA Requesting Confirmation of Substantial Conformance for the 2014 Rev 3 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), Implementation of Temporary Pedestrian Access Route (TPAR) (PDF), Implementation of Six-Inch Wide Traffic Lines and Discontinuing Use of Non-Reflective Raised Pavement Markers, Guidelines for Visibility Improvement Requests (VIRs) (PDF), Procurement of Laminated Wood Box Post (LWBP) Sign Supports for Capital Outlay Projects (PDF), FHWA Interim Approval - Three-Section Flashing Yellow Arrow Signal Faces, Caltrans Letter to CTCDC for the Adoption of the 2014 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Revision 2 (PDF), FHWA Interim Approval - Intersection Bicycle Boxes (PDF), Use of Department-Furnished Signal Controller Assemblies and Department-Furnished Software Programs on the State Highway System (PDF), Chapter 4F Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Guidance Statement Change (PDF), FHWA Letter of Substantial Conformance for 2014 Rev 2 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), Caltrans Letter to FHWA Requesting Confirmation of Substantial Conformance for the 2014 Rev 2 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), Record Retention Policy for Traffic Safety and Traffic Accident Surveillance and Analysis Systems (TASAS), Reinstatement of Use of SRT Systems (PDF), Exception to the Implementation of the Revised 2010 Electrical Standards (PDF), Implementation of the Revised 2010 and 2015 Electrical Standards (PDF), Installation of Automated Red Light Enforcement Systems by Local Governmental Agencies on the State Highway System, Replacement and Retrofit of Existing Pedestrian Signal "Meter On" Signs (PDF), FHWA Interim Approval - Bicycle Signal Faces (PDF), Warranty-Based Pavement Marking Pilot Projects (PDF), Caltrans Letter to CTCDC for the Adoption of the 2014 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), Overhead Guide Sign Policy on the State Highway System (Revision 1, 12-11-14), Use of Severe-Duty Crash Attenuators (PDF), Use of Ramp Metering Sign in Projects in Design or Construction (PDF), Implementation of Portable Transverse Rumble Strips (PDF), Visibility Improvement Request During Declared Droughts (PDF), Retroreflective Sheeting for Guide Sign Policy (PDF), FHWA Letter to Caltrans for Substantial Conformance of the 2012 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Ideally, the assistant resident engineer should be able to communicate directly with the contractors maintenance person by radio or cell phone. Note: This list is not updated when addenda are issued. Consider placing supplemental tapers within an existing closure. Verify the contractor offsets the approach end of Type K temporary railing by 15 feet minimum from the edge of an open traffic lane, according to Section 7-1.04 Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications. At no time should a U-turn be permitted in traffic. Make sure the temporary automated end of queue warning system is in operation only during work, unless special provisions require one for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for certain construction activities. Verify that all the necessary signs, cones, drums, and other equipment are on hand before the system is set up for the first time. The LCS will send the contractors employees a unique password by email after the accounts are created. The resident engineer may accept use of contractor-proposed devices on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 4-1202B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1202B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1202B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1202B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1202B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1202B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1202B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1202B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1202C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1203B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1203B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1203B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1203B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1203B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1203B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1203B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1203B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1203C (1b) Contingency Plans for Closures, 4-1203C (1d) Status Updates for Authorized Closures, 4-1203C (1f) Placement Sequence and the Start of Work, 4-1203C (1i) Reverse Operations Inside Closures, 4-1203C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203D (3) Temporary Lane Line and Center Delineation, 4-1203D (4) Temporary Edge Line Delineation, 4-1203D (5) Temporary Traffic Stripe Tape, 4-1203D (6) Temporary Traffic Stripe Paint, 4-1203D (7) Temporary Pavement Marking Tape, 4-1203D (8) Temporary Pavement Marking Paint, 4-1203E Temporary Pavement Delineation for Seal Coats, 4-1206B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1206B (9) Temporary Crash Cushion Modules, 4-1206B (13) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1206B (15) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1206B (16) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1206B (17) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1206B (18) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1206B (19) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1206B (20) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202 B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. Data and maps . 12 Temporary Traffic Control 13 Water Pollution Control 14 Environmental Stewardship 15 Existing Facilities 16 Temporary Facilities Division III Earthwork And Landscape 17 General 18 Dust Palliatives 19 Earthwork 20 Landscape 21 Erosion Control 22 Finishing Roadway Division IV Subbases And Bases 23 General 24 Stabilized Soils 25 Aggregate Subbases C-31 Construction Zone Traffic Control Contractor Exam - California.USTradeTest.com - Thompson Learning Only a phone call away. Confirm the contractor submits a schedule of planned closures in advance as required by Section 12-4.02A(3), Submittals, of the Standard Specifications. Verify the contractor completely installs the traffic control system before commencing work. If closure of an existing pedestrian route is required because of the contractors means and methods, remind the contractor of their responsibility to design and construct a TPAR at their expense, and obtain authorization to proceed with the work activities. Verify TPARs are constructed in compliance with the requirements in Section 12-4.04, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the. If the contractor fails to reopen the highway according to the closure charts, suspend work and request a detailed written construction contingency plan demonstrating that the highway will be opened as soon as possible. If the operation is terminated before completion of the planned work because of circumstances within the contractors control or because of equipment breakdown, do not allow compensation and charge a working day as appropriate. If the contractor is to place the traffic control system repeatedly in the same place, the contractor can request to mark on the shoulder the locations of advance warning signs, cones, and drums. Check that portable transverse rumble strips are not placed on sharp horizontal or vertical curves or through pedestrian routes. For public safety, when flaggers are not shown on the plans or specified and when ordered by the engineer, providing flaggers is change order work for which Caltrans pays 100 percent. 2. Determine the methods and equipment the contractor will use for closing lanes, ramps, and roadways, and for flagging and controlling one-way traffic. . The student will be instructed when to make traffic control system adjustments and when to reject substandard materials. When an AFAD becomes inoperable, notify the contractor to immediately replace it with an identical device, use a flagger with the appropriate-size advance warning sign and gate cones as shown in Standard Plan T13 or stop all construction activities that require the device to be in operation. Retroreflective sheeting on channelizers. Place all remaining signs and devices in sequence through the work area. Observe the flagging operation to verify that flaggers are using the correct procedures for directing motorists in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1599,(8 CCR 1599) Flaggers, and Chapter 6E, Flagger Control, of the California MUTCD. For traffic control requirements, refer to Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, of the Standard Specifications and the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD). As early as possible, verify that all Department-furnished equipment is available at the location specified. The change order that authorizes the extra work should reflect these costs. Use alternate methods to delineate this type of surface. When the work has safely progressed beyond the supplemental taper, remove the upstream taper and tangent. Verify portable flashing beacons operate according to the specifications. Its southern terminus is at Pacific Coast Highway (), in Huntington Beach.SR 39's northern terminus is at Islip Saddle on Angeles Crest Highway in the Angeles National Forest, but its northernmost 4.5-mile (7.2 km) segment (including the connection with SR 2) has been . Temporary crash cushions may be installed on wooden pallets as an option. Confirm compliance with the minimum legibility distances. Record inspection dates and conditions observed in the project records. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) TMP for I-5/I-805 Widening Project. Removal of the traffic control systemRemove all workers and equipment from the roadway. Type K temporary railing placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane requires a reflector on each rail unit. The contractor will not be able to access projects in LCS after the completion date. Require the contractor to set up an off-the-highway detour before closing all ramps in both directions of travel at the same interchange. If you accept a closure request, the status will change to PENDING. If you reject a closure request, LCS will send the contractor an email asking for a correction and resubmission. numerous construction projects throughout Los . Review the specification requirements and sheet T4 of the Standard Plans. Verify the base is shaped to prevent delineators from rolling if stuck by vehicles. Direct the contractor to provide PCMSs for use not otherwise provided for in the contract, with a minimum notice of 1 full working day. Check the installation and maintenance of Type P marker panel according to sheet A81C of the StandardPlans. Verify visibility and legibility requirements. Confirm temporary flashing beacon systems comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.34, Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, of the Standard Specifications. Review the closure requests for compliance with the closure requirements charts and other contract requirements. Do not allow the use of sandbags. Verify that construction area signs are placed outside the traveled way, do not block or protrude more than 4 inches into bicycle and pedestrian routes, and comply with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Request a list of Category 2 temporary traffic control devices to be used on the project and copies of their Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) acceptance letters. Confirm the sign is placed where it is most visible to approaching motorists. Require the contractor to anchor bases of traffic cones that do not have enough size and weight to keep the cones in an upright position. Flash flooding may occur, especially near recent burn scars. Use Form CEM-2302, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Weekly Inspection Report, to document that TPARs are maintained in compliance during the course of work. Verify all threaded rods or dowels are removed and the area is restored to its previous condition or constructed to its planned condition after removal of Type K temporary railing. PHONE: (916) 654-2852 INTERNET: www.dot.ca.gov California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, Part 6: Temporary Traffic Control. Verify the crash cushion array is in place before opening traffic lanes adjacent to the protected obstacle. TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN length of lane closure. Check that the attenuator meets the test level requirement for the posted speed limit. Check that the sign complies with the visibility and legibility requirements. Temporary Traffic Screen: T4: Temporary Terminal Section (Type K) T5: Temporary Traffic Control Systems; Traffic Control System Tables For Lane and Ramp Closures: T9: Traffic Control System For Lane Closure on Freeways and Expressways: T10: Traffic Control System For Lane Closure on Freeways and Expressways: T10A Review Section 12-4.05, Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities," of the Standard Specifications. Inspect all traffic control devices to verify conformity with the specifications. Uniform Traffic Control Devices Traffic Laws Annotated 1979 Traffic laws annotated Facilities Development Manual Air Force Manual Air Force Maintenance and Supply Inspection Manual Angeles National Forest (N.F. Revisions including only National MUTCD 2009 Revisions 1 & 2, Caltrans Letter to FHWA Requesting Confirmation of Substantial Conformance for the 2012 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Verify Type K temporary railing is placed on a firm, stable foundation uniformly graded throughout the entire length of the railing. Know before you go:National Weather Service -Caltrans Social Media -Road Informationorcall 1-800-427-7623 -QuickMap Real-time Travel Information, MASH Implementation (Permanent and Temporary Traffic Safety Devices), CA DMV Driver's Handbook - Sharing the Road: (Road Workers and Work Zones; Double Fine Zones; Move Over and Slow Down), Transportation Management Plan Guidelines (Caltrans), Caltrans Public Information Officers (by District), California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), Crashworthy Work Zone Traffic Control Devices, Pedestrian Considerations for California Temporary Traffic Control Zones Brochure (PDF), Design Information Bulletin 82-05 Pedestrian Accessibility Guidelines for Highway Projects (PDF), CA MUTCD Part 6H, TA-101(CA) through TA-104(CA), UC Berkeley, Institute of Transportation Studies, Technology Transfer Program, American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA), FHWA Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program, National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), California Traffic Control Devices Committee (CTCDC), Division of Occupational Safety and Healths (Cal/OSHA) Construction Safety Orders, Caltrans Construction Contract Standards (including Standard Plans, Standard Specifications & Standard Special Provisions), CA Numbered Exit Uniform System (Cal-NExUS), Contractor-Furnished Sign & Standard Plans, Construction Project Funding Identification Signs, Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Signs, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources.
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