Here is my build example which I have named 'TEMP'. You will be slower during the challenge. Allows you to select modes to either only get certain glyphs(and sacrifice rest) or auto sacrifice all of them. ), Turn off Dimension Boost/Galaxies autobuyer, turn on all other autobuyers, start challenge 10 as it will not make it harder. To proof that achievement is possible right after 1e140 IP. Even if you didn't get as many as I did - a total of 10 is good enough for now. Challenges 6, 9 and 12 will be slightly slower (0.45-0.7 seconds). I would now give lowest priority to interval/cooldown of BH since you likely cover way over 99% of your time already, making it near permanent so you don't get much from it. However, you can't purchase Dimensions or Tickspeed while you're offline, so offline time usually gets you to the next Prestige's worth of Antimatter and no further. An extra slot of glyphs is incredibly powerful! Antimatter Dimensions is a popular web-based incremental video game made by Hevipelle. Buying TT with EP is still normal. Remember the challenges? When you first start this section, you will need some changes to your time study tree. During this period - check the perk order above as it will last you the entirety of this section. Get 1e1100 antimatter and 100 M IP to unlock a new Dimension. After this invest TTs into the extra studies at the start of the tree (21, 31, 33, 41) until you have a total of 40TT. The lower Dimension will not get so much more expensive, so maxing out higher Dimensions is far more important. You should be able to boost yourself pretty fast to ~e85 RM upgrades easily. You should have done this already, but this is the last point in the game where you can minimize challenge times before you eternity. Click the button to spend 1e8 IP to buy 1st Infinity Dimension, and unlock the achievement "A new beginning". Now save up for the last Infinity Upgrade, costing 300 IP! Eventually, you will have to get all current Autobuyer intervals capped at 0.1s. Purchase a 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th dimension (preferably the highest even dimension), and with Time Study 181, you will easily get the achievement. path and idle path(duh) for both layers. New glyph is called Effarig and has 7 possible effects(but 2 of them are always separated) - you can only use ONE of this glyph at same time so you will need to farm different farm. With 5 slots I usually use 1 of each type glyph unless one falls behind too much. Getting 5 seconds should be enough to cap out the bonus from reality record(YAY!). Overall had ~lvl 5k glyphs and plenty of 4 effects. Buy 100-200 music glyphs to bump yourself in sacrifice a bit and move on. The most important unlock is ironically the new glyph and the reason we skipped grinding glyphs for a while. From this point on, we have choices - we can spend IP speeding up Autobuyers (which will optimise speed), or on buying the 4th column of Infinity upgrades (which will reduce the road to each Infinity). Set sacrifice autobuyer threshold to 1e30 and bulk dimboost buyer to 10. To upgrade those - go to infinity upgrade tab and click on any of the upgrades you have. The automator itself is a bit unoptimal by now(it has served us well since teresa end and still works okay'ish, but it's obviously possible to optimize much more by now) but it's not worth the hassle to update it for now, I will update it on Ra unlock since it will be a big difference due to you being able to use all trees. Set it to 2x. Your new mechanic is 'Tesseract' which increases the dimension caps. The game still feels very "active" at this point, but hang in there. Well, don't feel bad - you'll realise the potential of having 2 Galaxies! You now have 30/36 and unlock achievement blackhole multiplier. Starting with the first dimension, you must progress to other dimensions using antimatter. Your IP/min rate will be shooting through the roof with all of these benefits combined! At this point it should be giving more value already. Here are some details about this long run to unlock ID2. Welcome. Effectively, you will cap out at 5e111 EP, thus you will need to try cracking one of the last challenges before continuing. Antimatter is distance, First Dimensions are speed (they increase your distance (Antimatter) linearly over time), Second Dimensions are acceleration (increasing your speed (First Dimensions) linearly over time, thereby increasing distance (Antimatter) by over time) and so on. As you improve you glyph farm build - you glyph potential should increase to ~6.3k, but such difference is minimal and ~6.2k is just fine too as long as you update everything to be as close to 100% rarity as possible. Too complex to bother with IMO. Eternity Challenge 8, completion 3 (1.06e56 EP, 482TT, you could even do it at 8.71e55 EP, 474TT, done with 5 galaxies at these numbers) (Goal: 1e3100 IP): No replicanti galaxies needed, simply have your points allocated to generating replicanti rather than the galaxies. It's a big speedup to early part of first few realities as it doesn't reset. [Because of the Tickspeed change mentioned below, the goal of the challenge has increased from 1e11111 to 1e16500 which is why 21~ galaxies was recommended. 3. This is your strategy foundation from here until inflation era for IP gain. Now understand this: Every time you buy 10 of a Dimension or a Tickspeed Upgrade, its logarithmic cost increases by a certain multiple, for example '3' means that it will add 3 to the exponent (In Scientific this would be 1e2 => 1e5 and in Logarithm it's the same thing without the mantissa)): With this in mind, imagine that you accidentally made Second and Eighth Dimensions cost the same, then proceeding to buy 10 Second Dimensions - suddenly your Eighth Dimensions will cost 1e15x more, which will likely be too expensive to reach and force a reload as it makes it nigh-on impossible to Boost or make a Galaxy. If you are semi active - the most important purchase becomes autobuy speed x2 which lowers the time required for reality. Keep in mind that Autobuyers have a major downgrade while offline, so make sure you are active as much as possible. For this one, it's important to purchase dimensions in the order 8>7>>1 in order to let each dimension produce as much as possible before moving on to the next. Your glyph level goal should be ~1k(you need to disable automator and simply wait) unless it's a super high rarity one.(75%+). I also recommend grinding extra glyphs for Teresa rechallenge. EC7x1 should be quite easy to beat. It should only take ~1 hour at most. This lowers time you need to wait for glyphs to appear but requires you to react/disable automator faster. Matter cannot surpass antimatter or you fail the challenge, and you can't gain dimension boosts. A HUGE speedup to realities and skips the whole annoying manual early game section while massively improving your potential perk gain speed. Second black hole initially seems weaker and more expensive BUT it multiplies the first blackhole resulting into ABSURD boost when you finally get both going at same time. When you're leaving this section, you should have: When you hit the 1e50 EP mark, you should have already obtained achievements up to "It's Over 9000" (completed achievements up to row 11), with row 12 achievements yet to be claimed (or partially some achievements in row 12). EC10x4 (EP: e230 EP+ (At least 1e160), 2,173TT (you can complete this challenge with less TT (2100+ TT)) | Goal: 1e3900 IP) Time Study 213 and 214 will make this completion very easy, which the increase of replicanti growth and larger sacrifice boost for 8th dimension will help get enough IP. Your goal is now to reach ~e11 at which point your black holes are very close to being permanent(90-95%). Don't forget to crunch a couple of times! You'll probably need 3 Galaxies because you only have 6 dimensions meaning no Sacrifice and slower polynomial production. If you bought a dimboost or galaxy, go to Step 1. Which you should already have gotten before, but mentioning just in case. You also unlock the next celestial one of mechanics from which which you will need to finish layer 3. (There are different approaches as to how you beat EC8x3, either use replicanti galaxies or focus on replicanti itself. Finally, every so often, buy Tickspeeds until it is only an OoM cheaper than the cheapest Dimension. You have 2.00e25 antimatter. You'll probably need 2 Galaxies. More importantly - you can do 2 achievements and complete the row 15 of achieves: 1) 'Doesn't really matter' should be last achieve you need in row 15 if you didn't complete it in previous section. 'I brake for NOBODY!' You can also get some row 13 achievements before you get to the next section, which are: These achievements will appear later, as a reminder of what to get. However, it does not really matter which option you decide to do. This TD multiplier helps a lot, so buy everything costing 1e17 EP or less, then you can buy your first eternity challenge. This will ensure you are maximizing realities while improving your sacrifice massively. Goal is 15 RM total now. (11,21,22,32,31,33,41,42,62,51,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,212,223,232,193,213,214|0), Basically get study 232 as soon as you can afford it as it is very powerful, At 1.8e308 EP you will unlock an achievement and TD and EP multiplier costs will jump again. 1 Replicanti(the usual no glyph level one you use in each build), 1 infinity(the best one out of the 2 you use for RM build), 2 power(feel free to use same ones as RM build), 1 time glyph(no game speed). Here are the challenges in estimated order from easiest to hardest (might be slightly different after the reality update but should be almost the same), Note that challenges 10, 11 and 12 require 16 infinities (which you will have at this stage): And lastly, the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge (C9). I used 4 repli(no glyph level) + Effarig(achievement, buy 10, antimatter production) - all at around lvl 3000-3500. At the end of Challenge 10, it is possible to buy a third Galaxy at 270 Sixth Dimensions while you are close to, All of the following Autobuyers can be toggled. This was also the case in the last section, as pushing towards another galaxy became much more useful, and continues to as you can buy more tickspeed upgrades for galaxies to make better. Instead, set the autobuyers to the following: Let the run continue (doing dimensional sacrifices at appropriate moments). I required 3 investments. Coupled with TS 33 it makes you always keep 2 RGs on Infinity. When you complete it, you will now have the Dimensional Sacrifice autobuyer, which does a dimensional sacrifice at a specific threshold, and Dimensional Sacrifices are MUCH more powerful as well(about from 1e7x -> 1e90x). (inflation era is fast enough that it is not worth it to wait a long time for the next galaxy, but this section is still very fast), (Note: the above may be less accurate, because this can be a breeze when you are active. Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil, 10 - 1e130 AM: Introduction Era (8 hours to 2 days), 1e130 - 1e308 AM: Galaxy Era (4 hours to 2 days), 34 - 100 total IP: Challenge Era (3-7 days), 100 - 1e5 Total IP: Autobuyer Era (2-5 days), 1e5-1e7 IP: Breaking Infinity (4 hours-7 days), 1e7-1e8 IP: Challenges revisited (2-6 days), 1e8-1e9 IP: First Infinity Dimension (1-4 days), 1e9-1e10 IP: Second infinity dimension (1 day-2 days 5 hours), 1e10-5e11 IP: First infinity challenge (2-6 days), 5e11-1e50 IP: Inflation Era (2 hours-2 days if you follow the guide), 1e50-1e140 IP: Long Run Era (12 hours - 10 days), 1e140-1e308 IP: Replicanti Era (5-12 days with timewalls), 1e17-1e50 EP: Early Eternity Challenges (12-25 days), 1e50-1e400 EP: Mid Eternity Challenges (8-22 days), 1e400-1e1320 EP: Late Eternity Challenges (6-18 days), 1e1300-1e4000 EP: Time Dilation (8-25 days), 1e2350 EP and 1e15 DT: new time dimensions, Early Realities(Preparation to Reality - Reality 4),, Spend your EP on Time Theorems. You should aim for under 10 seconds. Divide the normal galaxy cost based on your Eternity Points. Manually perform dimensional sacrifice every time a boost/galaxy isn't immediately bought, and otherwise wait. and as you buy Infinity point upgrades. The chance seems to increase as you get more glyph levels(unconfirmed). After doing EC6, you should then be able to do EC4, completion 2, unlocking it in similar way to EC4 the first time. 1 without glyph level(should be higher rarity than most others and also used for RM build). You can reset choice on reality swap, works kinda like glyphs - click a button up top and it will reset next reality. There used to also be a dropdown 'Priority'. Keep crunching at higher and higher IP, and try runs between 1-10 minutes to see how much IP you get in those runs (even though you're continuing to increase in IP). Fragmentation > Recollection if price is same/close. Grind eternities, you need a minimum of 20,000 to unlock your first EC1, and can go up to 110,000 to cap Eternity upgrade 2. For now just consider yourself lucky if you got one, I will not account for them just yet. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [72,82,92,102], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,171, Eternity Challenge 2, at least 135 Time Theorems. Once you have completed the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge and all the others, By this point, you can unlock the following achievements: Nice job! First of all - rarity is increasingly important the higher it is. I managed to reach e50 blackhole upgrades before it slowed down for me. I lacked a good Effarig glyph(had a no AM exponent 3 effect only) but had everything else. ~1e38 time stored, there will be a time you will need it. This should put you into reality. After beating EC10 once, you get access to the 3rd 3 way split on the Time Study Tree, which leads to the endgame, and has more time Studies. Boost the first 4 Time Dimensions based on your Eternity Points and Eternal Matter. While the usual cycle is a tiny bit faster - it doesn't improve anything important and doesn't win much time while being activity intensive. If you want, you can skip this challenge until it's trivial. Eternity Challenge 3, at least 140 Time Theorems. 'Max All' prioritizes the next Tickspeed Upgrade over an equally expensive 10 of a Dimension. Set Automatic Dimboosts to 4 max dimboosts and 8 galaxies to always dimboost, Automatic Galaxies to 10 and disable Automatic Big Crunch. (or there are some errors). If you missed it at the first and second opportunities, this is the last chance you get for a long time. The only important toggleable is IMO on the line 41 - I have set EP to reset on each 1e50 but the stronger you are - the more you can put to need less eternities early on. Afterwards start doing regular Infinities (outside of C8), then go down the first column of infinity upgrades. Best semi lazy mode filtering method if you want to farm glyphs overnight(not too recommended, it's best to farm glyphs actively, BUT an idle option is an idle option). (The following section was figured out with help from /u/fsjd150 in this thread: ). This allows you to more or less safely change automator into a far superior and essentially 'final' build which should be used for nearly everything with small changes. Once you buy the 50% stronger galaxies upgrade, progression becomes very very fast. Smash the Break Infinity button, and the nature of the game will change - you can now continue PAST 1.8e308 antimatter, and many numbers can now be greater than 1.8e308. You need 308 for 1 EP, 349 for 2, 426 for 3, 481 for 4, 524 for 5 and so on. (TS171 is useful in this challenge, after e60 EP time dimensions path will become very powerful. During this section you should be able to get the following achievements: By this point, your fastest Infinity time should be around 10 minutes. Matter cannot surpass antimatter or you fail the challenge. This will get you over 1e100 (10 DTg) IP easily as a result, but you are not done with the infinity challenges yet. The basic goal is to reach Infinity and receive an Infinity point, which can be spent on various upgrades to increase your overall production. The glyph RM build remains the same FOR NOW otherwise - 1T/1P/2R/1E.. E must have time/RM at least. If anything changes about grinding eternities for EC1 or TS193 (relevant in 1e100 EP section), this will be changed accordingly. After this, you can try EC4x3 (with more grinding for infinities), and then EC3x4. 43 changes how your RM farm works. (Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) So you need to either copy builds OR figure out how it works. Note: In EC3, you will probably softlock the challenge because you just set 8th dimensions to highest priorities. These should take less than .5 seconds each and drop as you go along. Okay? You might want to push and get e2000AM to unlock Infinity Challenge 1. Doing Dimensional Sacrifices (S). This will allow further pushing of antimatter. You get this at 1.80e308 EP. Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges. Assuming you have 15 rows of achieves and glyphs I mentioned at their levels/rarity - you should have no problem reaching ~e57-58 RM upgrades. You can complete 2 layers for now but will instantly be able to complete layer 3 with new mechanic from next celestial. And with blackhole you can get glyphs strong enough to do c11 quite fast. If you can't, restart step 3. Now put that value in your crunch autobuyer. In Antimatter Dimensions, there are a list of Modifications made by several developers to change the game in ways unheard of. If you were not close - either your glyphs are very poor or you did something wrong. We will do so using our Dimension Autobuyers, Automatic DimBoosts (set to 7 max boosts or even lower later. Continue down the time study tree. Nothing will be filtered. By resetting the generated amounts of all non-Eighth Dimensions, you multiply your Eighth Dimension multiplier permanently depending on how many First Dimensions you previously had. At this point, your Dimension bulk purchases should be at minimum 128x. Edit: With the advent of the Reality update matching Web to match Mobile, IC5 got significantly changed. Ra consists of 25 memories of 4 previous Cel for a total of 100. Row/Column list of priorities for the infinity charging: RA's reality 11, 13, 23, 21, 22, 31, 32, 12, 42, 33, 41, 43, RM farming 43, 41, 11, 13, 23, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 12, 42, Glyph farming 41, 11, 13, 23, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 12, 42, 43. The cap for everything is not too high - you will only need ~1e4 to max everything out. Continue to decrease the intervals of the Automated Big Crunch and Automated Galaxies then grind for 1e4 IP, then buy one more IP doubler. From there choices will be up to you, one noteworthy mention is TGR > TP4 line so you can just let the dilation stuff be on autopurchase without a need to min max as much. Assuming your state is like the image on the right, you should keep getting repeatable upgrades, and after ~2 days you will finally reach e15 DT and e2350 EP. All achievements up to some or all of row 12, and possibly some row 13 achievements. Progression will speed up a little, especially if you do very long idle runs a lot. Under the 'Statistics' tab > 'Statistics' subtab, you can view your current record. You should try to get your best infinity time down. Note: Remember to increase your maximum automatic galaxy autobuyer. You should now have e15 EP and be close to the end of this section. Once you get glyph instability - you should be getting ~3.3-3.5k glyph levels with line 10 being 3s. ~4.4-4.5k glyph levels is now easily achievable with old set. Same goes for 11x5. If it's fun, why do you have to wait so long for it? To the left of TS192 is TS191, where 5% of Infinities on Eternity become Banked Infinities (and can help increase EC10's reward and other Infinity factors permanently), and to the right is TS193, Antimatter Dimension multiplier based on Eternities, with the maximum being 1e13000x multiplier (around 1,012,680 eternities). With this you will filter quite a lot and won't need to check often. Don't dimboost (as explained below). Unlock slow Meta Dimension autobuyers permanently, and start with 100 meta-antimatter. Get the most IP you possibly can, and buy only ID1 for the 46 purchases (ID5-8 is considered a purchase, only one for each of them, meaning you really only have 46/50 purchases) (I recommend buy all on ID1, because EC7 reward can make TD1 produce ID8). Antimatter Dimensions mobile - IC4 in under 2 minutes with e66 IP Jakub Kajfosz 251 subscribers Subscribe 7.7K views 1 year ago This is a video guide for getting fast Infinity Challenge 4 with. Finally, once you buy Infinity point generation (based on fastest Infinity) and have at least 10 unspent IP, spend some time to break your Infinity record. (You may need to activate the 'Automatically retry challenges' for better results. Note: You can get Antitables in early eternity, as you start over with no infinity upgrades/dimensions/etc, meaning you can get antitables by doing challenge 8 again (it might feel a little different though, so be aware of that.) (or you can just do a 13 RG run and wait for IP), EC8x5 (EP: 5.15e79, 676TT | Goal: 1e4900 IP) Past techniques for EC8 will not work here, so you need to do a new technique for the fifth completion. Getting Time Dilation is deemed necessary to continue progress, which without it will cause you to be stuck at around the 1e1300 EP mark. With every Infinity Upgrade achieved, you get the achievement 'No DLC Required' and can now buy levels of Multiply IP from all sources by 2. Set dim boost autobuyer interval to 0.01 second and disable the limit. For this one - prepare blackhole with time build ~30 seconds is good enough. Now you want to focus on upgrading the bulk purchase until 512x (max). Note: If you rather would not use a guide, you don't have to, unless you ever need help in the current state in the game. Also, you can complete EC6x5 before/after this point. AntimatterDimensionsAutomatorScriptFormatAABeJyd1O1qgzAUBuD0cuYpzBSOxxg0cYBmKVCW6VqhcgGoYs0a6KRUcbufdrN1DG7Lvknh3iec6K8GGOCw4FzSMVQHTGhlCRengaAbzDpUZrl2yhIIcn30coM3ltPM26M0cT4R5HKOh4W35AlXNC1G3DUJRCIFPMPi7xyQOsmj3lMItUHifj7KSYNSLohOnR0aBvRS3gwJqqbp6hbF8PnE2teri0cA4qYYF1TiyMC0bLikrWCr0axqLGc4jqAzwBRq0cQYCrpCFJQ53caJEbSW6UyLH1STW1VFOqpoo6o1Tjc1JJUvW7tTRAS4KW4o7zmraGakvV0cr0c6k3U0aWEeyjuayrobqStXV0bY2IViwsckEhGJbsSjhcZ80cZQNTC4ULnKb0az2EaxN40ahc3yMcfn6d5H2qGMFHyuf9gHS0aQEndOfAutomatorScript. When you have Infinite Replicanti you can reset them for a free Galaxy, and you can do this as many times as you've bought up to the third upgrade (maximum galaxies). The moment you complete last V challenge is the moment you unlock Ra Reality. (lilk0408) IP gain from gaining antimatter over infinity may be slow at first, but eventually with more upgrades, you will be able to speed up the process, and reach a period of inflation (the 5e11 IP galaxies are 50% stronger upgrade is very powerful and makes the game a lot faster). Required glyph set is 2 power/3 time. Which is not too strong and you are in for a slog to actually do anything in V. You should be able to buy one instantly and this should push you to ~e53 RM upgrades pretty fast. Separated from glyph instability. Out of row 3 - additional effect is the king and can be unlocked pretty early. (30-60 second on decent glyph is enough) If you do however get something with over 80% - make sure to spend a bit longer since it will take LOADS of levels to beat this value on lower rarity. Turn on tickspeed autobuyer and wait for antimatter to hit e11111" - Patashu's Guide IC6 - There's an exponentially rising matter that divides the multiplier on all of your dimensions. Make sure you set automator to use both idle and active galaxies via cosmic. You can get the 1e40 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by TT, and the 1e50 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by days played (could be powerful depending on the amount of time you spent on the game) later on. Your goal is to produce as much antimatter as possible by purchasing dimensions. Rechallenge Teresa now - I got to 4e20. Don't waste too much time min maxing. You can complete it's second run (Goal: 1e2000 IP) via TD/Idle around e69 EP (30-60 minutes), and the third run (Goal: 1e2250 IP) with TD/Active (2.51e78 EP, 669TT). It is worth getting this now, as it becomes nigh-on impossible to get later. By continuing to save up unspent IP and buying Autobuyer upgrades past this point, you will be able to push it below a second! If you put off doing this challenge until now, you now have the Tickspeed Autobuyer and can now automate infinities. Remember to reset your autobuyers to normal! The first field determines the maximum amount of the Eighth Dimension requirement for Dimension Boosts that is auto-bought per Galaxy - You can set this to 4 Boosts, 5 Boosts, 6 Boosts and so on. Here is when to use each path: Use the passive (middle) path when farming EP. This section may take around a few hours to a few days, depending on how you play the game. They are respec'd freely as other stuff. Once you get to this phase of the game, the IP and EP multipliers from these paths don't really matter because you're getting so many OoM so quickly, so therefore the big difference in the 2 paths is the replicanti production rate, as well as the greater replicanti multiplier due to the synergy between the Active and ID paths. ), Once you reach the maximum amount of Eternities required for the multiplier, you can finally stop grinding. You need to have a setup like this: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 (3912TT setup). I recommend selected filter - all glyphs want 90%+ rarity and 4 effects. Set this to 0.2. The fact that your Dimension multipliers are higher than they used to be means that you'll regain all of your previous Dimensions much quicker than you could before, so the time spent retaining production from well-timed Sacrifices is minimal. So "press 3" means buy one 3rd dimension, and "hold 8" means hold the "buy 8th dimension" button until you can't buy any more. Once you unlock V - you will notice how it's structured. Currently: x. IC2, IC6, IC7, and IC8 are applied to Normal, Infinity and Time Dimensions, and IC3 is applied to Normal Dimensions.
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